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Leah Prescott edited this page May 18, 2016 · 4 revisions

METS Editorial Board Teleconference Minutes

February 25, 2016
Attending: Karin Bredenberg, Bertrand Caron, Jukka Kervinen, Andreas Nef, Betsy Post, Leah Prescott (recording), Tobias Steinke, Brian Tingle, Robin Wendler
Absent: Terry Catapano, Richard Gartner, Tom Habing, Merrilee Proffitt, Nate Trail

Minutes from the previous minutes were approved.

Revision of PREMIS in METS document - PREMIS Editorial Committee Bertand, Karin , and Evelyn revised based on PREMIS v. 3 - mostly small edits, no problems

Discussion about Intellectual Entity description - where should it be put within PREMIS elements

  • One thought is to put it in the DMDSec - Dependency with environment representation
  • Another viewpoint is that PREMIS is about preservation, not descriptive metadata and this belongs in techMD and digiprovMD
  • METS Manifest
  • Preservation and descriptive metadata are not necessarily different
  • Basis of the problem is finding a structure that can be described in both PREMIS and METS

Tools for PREMIS and METS - testing the constraints

  • Makes sense to support evolution of old rules
  • Intent is to update the document on the METS webpage, but the Intellectual Entity question needs to be resolved - it is a new feature
  • Karin sent the link for the existing page (
  • The next PREMIS Editorial Board meeting is April 20th, and it was decided that they should meet first and then provide the METS Board with what they need, as there might be additional questions beyond this one. This will be an agenda item for the next METS Editorial Board meeting.

Governance of Portland Common Data Model - Brian reported on a meeting of the PCDM developers

  • Most of the PCDM committers were there
  • How should they organize?
  • Should they become a corporation?
  • Join Duraspace? (Lyrasis and Duraspace are merging) Brian brought up METS
  • Not duplicate efforts
  • No clear next step
  • They would like to work with the METS Board but still want to create their own scheme
  • Tom Cramer is the de facto head of the Hydra community - we should see if he would be interested in joining the METS Board - we should at least make the PCDM list aware of our openings.
  • We should definitely work together
  • Where is the handoff between PCDM and Hydra?
  • Hydra-in-a-box - there should be something to show June 1st - simple IR content - ability to ingest and display images (assume individual images rather than complex objects). Looking at designing it so it can be a Lyrasis/Duraspace hosted product. Christine Mayo is working on converting METS object to PCDM - Bertrand will have a discussion with her about mapping.
  • PCDM lacking one feature - a way to create a second structural map - can only have one structure
  • John Struper/Strooper (?) is a committer to PCDM - he has been on metadata standards boards - he might also be someone we want to ask about being on METS Board.
  • Brian - METS XML consists of buckets - PCDM doesn't need buckets because it is linked data
  • Bertrand - METS can have metadata about metadata - in RDF world would have to create this - provenance of metadata issue
  • Betsy - sustainability - create metadata that can migrate forward
  • Luxembourg - looking to migrate to a preservation system that does does with multiple structMaps

Google Sheet (

  • The group decided it is still best to do it all at one
  • We will go over it at the next meeting
  • Karin will send reminder now and 2 weeks before the next meeting

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