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Artem Babaian edited this page Aug 4, 2023 · 8 revisions

Finding novel viruses

We are often asked, "How do I find novel RNA viruses related to X?". These tutorial outlines multiple lines of attack for this question, in increasing difficulty and rigour.

Provide a viral RNA-dependent RNA Polymerase sequence as input and the palmID web-application will perform an RdRP-palmprint lookup against the Serratus databases as described in Tutorial B below.

The easiest way to navigate to a novel virus is to use the graphical web interface. "Click to discover".

Sequence-based search with high specificity for novel viruses based on PalmDB sequences. "Script to discover".

Sequence-based search with high sensitivity for novel viruses based on micro-assembled sequences. "Script to discover".

Searching against BLAST nr non-redudant protein database with DIAMOND on AWS EC2.

Query the entire Serratus data using a third variable (host-genome or metadata term) search.

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