Releases: aardvark-platform/aardvark.rendering
Releases · aardvark-platform/aardvark.rendering
- [Vulkan] Implemented host-side texture compression
- Added RenderTo overloads with adaptive clear values
- Added checks for maximum multisamples when creating framebuffer signatures and textures
- Implemented PickObjects for RenderCommand
- [GLFW] Fixed issue with non-positive window size
- [GL] Fixed streaming texture issues
- [GL] Use RGB internal format for BGR texture formats
- [GLFW] Add hideCocoaMenuBar parameter
- [ManagedPool] Fixed memory leak
- Improved block compression decoding and copying
- [GL] Implemented host-side texture compression
- [GL] relaxed framebuffer signature compability requirements
- [Vulkan] using any compatible QueueFamily for CopyEngine
- implemented ARM64 assembler
- fixed issue with Retina displays
- [Vulkan] fixed issue with platforms not supporting queries
- [Vulkan] fixed issue with platforms not supporting geometry or tessellation shaders
- improved C# interop for ClearValues
- added setter for Call of ManagedDrawCall
- made texture clear API consistent with framebuffer clearing
- [ManagedPool] no removal of empty PoolNodes from set of RenderObjects: dependency on IndirectBuffer input was causing performance issues when marking/re-evaluating complete set of RenderObjects