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Spell Configuration

JasperLorelai edited this page Jul 23, 2023 · 41 revisions

The section covers all base (general) spell options. For individual spell options visit the Spell List. Links to specific spell types:

Configuration files:

You can configure spells in spell configuration files. A spell file is any file in the MagicSpells plugin folder which has a name that starts with spell and ends with .yml (A YAML file, like spells-regular.yml). You can also put spell files in any folder in the MagicSpells folder which has a name that starts with spells (e.g. spellsFireMagic). Subfolders aren't supported.

You can also make something called "mini spell config", but it's highly restrictive. With this method, mini configs are loaded from any file in spellconfig and any folder within it. Mini config files are files where you can only store one spell per file. The file name dictates the spell name, but they have to end with .yml. Inside the mini config file, the spell configuration is not under a "spell name" configuration section, but top-level. Only spell configuration is loaded (no variable declaration, etc.).

General Spell Options:

Table of contents:

Common Options:

Option Description Variable Type Default Value
name String that gets displayed as spell name when scrolling through a spell list. We call it the external spell name because when listing a spell with this option as a subspell, you wouldn't use this name, but the internal spell name. It supports color codes, but when trying to cast the spell using the cast command, you have to specify the spell in quotations, without color codes. String null
helper-spell This option is documented here. Boolean false
always-granted If enabled, all players will be taught this spell. For more about permissions check this page of our wiki. Boolean false
permission-name It defaults to the internal spell name, but it can be changed to any string. Multiple spells can have the same permission-name. For more about permissions visit this page. String Internal spell name
incantations A list of strings that would cast the spell when sent in chat by a player. String list null
description A string that would be sent to chat when using the Help spell. String null
broadcast-range Distance that spell messages are broadcast from the casting player to other players nearby. This option overwrites the default range specified in your general.yml file. Integer Defined in general.yml
effects Configuration section for Spell Effects. Map
cost A string list of reagent costs required for the spell to cast. Follows format type data. The type list includes: health, mana, hunger, experience, levels, variable, durability, and money (if Vault plugin is present). data for all types should be the quantity required (double value), except for variable it should be the variable name before quantity. Instead of that format, you can also require items as cost. The format for that is item quantity. item should follow Cast Items format. quantity is 1 by default. String List null
cooldown Defines in seconds and it is applied post cast. It can be modified using the cooldown modifier action and the Modify Cooldown spell. general.yml includes an option that defines whether cooldown is reset on plugin reload. It can also be reset using the command /c resetcd Float 0
server-cooldown Same as above but the cooldown is applied to everyone on cast. Float 0
shared-cooldowns Applies cooldown to the spell and to all spells defined in this spell list. String List null
modifiers View further documentation on this page. String List null
target-modifiers Conditions for the target to consider for the target handler. View further documentation on this page. String List null
location-modifiers Conditions for the target location to consider for the target handler. View further documentation on this page. String List null
variable-mods-cast Variables are modified for the caster whether the spell failed to cast or not. Learn how to modify variables here. String List null
variable-mods-casted Variables are modified only if the spell is casted successfully. Learn how to modify variables here. String List null
variable-mods-target Can be used in targeted spells to change variable values of targets. Learn how to modify variables here. String List null
tags This is a list of strings which some spells support to refer to a group of spells that are tagged with a specific tag. This is most commonly used in a Spell Filter which some spells like the Silence spell or No Magic Zones use. All spells have two predefined tags - in this example, we'll use .instant.BeamSpell: spell-class:com.nisovin.magicspells.spells.instant.BeamSpell, spell-package:com.nisovin.magicspells.spells(extra). String List null

Less-Common Options:

Option Description Variable Type Default Value
debug Enables spell-specific debug mode. Boolean false
aliases A list of strings that can act as internal spell names. They cannot be used when specifying the spell as a subspell. String List null
experience Amount of experience given to the caster upon successful cast. Integer 0
spell-power-affects-range Defines if the range is affected by Spell Power. Boolean false
ignore-global-cooldown Ignores the cooldown set on server-cooldown. Boolean false
charges Defines how many times this spell can be casted before the cooldown is applied. Integer 0
recharge-sound Plays the sound by defined on charges decrement at a constant volume and pitch value of 1. String null
prerequisites A list of spells that the caster is required to already know in order to learn this spell. String List null
replaces Define a list of spells that this spell would replace upon when it gets learned by the caster. String List null
precludes A list of spells the player can no longer learn if they know this spell. String List null
restrict-to-worlds List of worlds this spell would be restricted to. It would not be castable in any other world. String List null
sound-on-cooldown Plays the sound by defined if the spell is currently on cooldown, at a constant volume and pitch value of 1. String Defined in general.yml
sound-missing-reagents Plays the sound by defined if the caster is missing the reagents required, at a constant volume and pitch value of 1. String Defined in general.yml

Targeting Options:

Option Description Variable Type Default Value
min-range Minimal range required for the targeting handler defined in block distance. Integer 0
range Same as above but it defines the maximal range. Integer 20
obey-los Defines whether the target handler should obey caster's line of sight. Boolean true
can-target Restrict the target handler with a valid target list either as a string list or a string with the items separated by a comma. Valid targets: self or caster, player or players, invisible or invisibles, nonplayer or nonplayers, monster or monsters, animal or animals, entity type (this link may include entities from versions above yours). String List or String null
target-players Defines if the target handler should target players. Boolean true
target-non-players Same as above for entities that aren't players. Boolean true
beneficial Defines if this spell is beneficial to the scoreboard team the caster is in. If this is true, then the caster won't be able to target team members. Boolean false
target-damage-cause Damage type string for fake damage cause that wouldn't actually be applied to the target. This option and the one below only exists to create a fake damage event for compatibility for other plugins. String null
target-damage-amount The amount of fake damage to apply. See option above for more info. Integer 0

Cast Item Options:

Option Description Variable Type Default Value
cast-item Item Type that would make the spell cast whenever it is left-clicked. This option accepts one item or multiple of them separated by commas. Learn more about cast items here. String null
cast-items Same as above, but each Item Type is defined as an element of the string list. String List null
right-click-cast-item Item Type that would make the spell cast whenever it is right-clicked. This option accepts one item or multiple of them separated by commas. String null
right-click-cast-items Same as above, but each Item Type is defined as an element of the string list. String List null
consume-cast-item Item Type that would make the spell cast whenever it is consumed. This option accepts one Item Type or multiple of them separated by commas. Examples of these items are potions, food, etc. String null
consume-cast-items Same as above, but defined as a list of strings. String List null
cast-with-left-click Defines whether the spell is castable on left click with the cast item thereof or on the bound item. Boolean Defined in general.yml
cast-with-right-click Defines whether the spell is castable on right-click with the cast item thereof. Boolean Defined in general.yml
dance-cast-sequence Series of characters that represent actions for the dance casting sequence. This isn't documented entirely because the feature is broken and unmaintained. String null
require-cast-item-on-command When true the player must be holding the cast item even when casting with the /cast command. Boolean false
bindable Defines whether this spell can be bound on an item. There is a difference between cast item methods and items spells have been bound on. Boolean true
bindable-items A list of items this spell can be bound to using the Bind Spell. Leaving this option undefined makes the spell bindable to all types of items. String List null
spell-icon An item that represents this spell for the Spell Icon feature. Format: `item:data\ name`. String

Cast Time Options:

Option Description Variable Type Default Value
cast-time Warm-up time defined in server ticks before the spell casts successfully. Effect position that can be used at the start of warm-up time is startcast. Leave at 0 for an instant cast. Integer 0
interrupt-on-move If cast-time is defined above 0, this interrupts the cast-time for the spell when the player moves. The spell then fails to cast. Boolean true
interrupt-on-teleport Same as above, but this listens for any kind of teleport event to cancel the warm-up. Boolean true
interrupt-on-damage Same as above, but this listens for when the caster receives damage to cancel the warm-up. Boolean false
interrupt-on-cast Same as above, but this listens for whenever a spell is casted to cancel warm-up. Boolean true
spell-on-interrupt Spell to cast if cast-time fails for the above mentioned reasons. String null

Message Options:

These messages can use of the MiniMessage format.

Option Description Default Value
str-cost String that gets displayed under Cost on the Help spell. String
str-cast-self String sent to the caster on the successful cast. String
str-cast-others String sent to the other players nearby. The range is defined by the broadcast-range option which, if not defined, will assume the value specified in general.yml instead. null
str-on-cooldown String sent to the caster if the spell is currently on cooldown. String
str-missing-reagents String sent to the caster if the caster does not have the reagents required for the spell to cast successfully. Defined in general.yml
str-cant-cast String sent to the caster if the spell cannot be casted (e.g. if no target is found, etc.) Defined in general.yml
str-cant-bind String sent to the caster if the spell is not bindable (e.g. if bindable is defined as false) null
str-wrong-world String sent to the caster if the world the caster is in is not defined in restrict-to-worlds. Defined in general.yml
str-wrong-cast-item String sent to the caster if require-cast-item-on-command is set to true and they are not holding the cast item. Value of str-cant-cast
str-cast-start String sent to the caster on the successful cast. null
str-interrupted String sent to the caster if cast-time has been interrupted. null
str-modifier-failed String sent to the caster when but a modifier that was specified failed. null
str-on-teach When a spell with this option set is taught with a TeachSpell, The str-on-teach is sent instead of the TeachSpell's str-cast-target. null
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