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JasperLorelai edited this page May 19, 2024 · 25 revisions

Source Code

spell-class: ".instant.BeamSpell"
Value Supported
entity true
location true
entity_from_location true
  • disabled - Plays the effect at the block the beam collided on.
  • delayed - Plays the effect at the block the beam collided on if it landed in a no-magic zone that fizzled the beam.
  • special - Plays the effect at the projectile's location as it flies per interval.


A ranged mechanic that shoots in a line that travels instantly to its end destination.


Since 4.0 Beta 13 some of these options support dynamic values through numeric or string expressions.

Option Description Type Default Supports expressions
relative-offset Modifies the start location of the beam by the defined vector. Vector 0,0.5,0 Depends on vector format.
target-relative-offset Modifies the entity target location of the beam by the defined vector. Vector 0,0.5,0 Depends on vector format.
hit-radius Radius around the beam that will be collided with. Double 2 true
max-distance Max distance it will travel before removal. Double 30 true
vertical-hit-radius Radius of the vertical collision. Double 2 true
vertical-rotation Since 4.0 Beta 13. Rotates the beam on the vertical axis constantly. Double 0 true
horizontal-rotation Since 4.0 Beta 13. Rotates the beam on the horizontal axis constantly. Double 0 true
y-offset Starting position of the beam according to the caster's location. (Overrides relative-offset) Double 0 true
gravity How fast the beam falls, roughly in blocks per travelled distance. Float 0 true
interval How often will it play the spell's listed effects in ticks? Float 1 true
rotation Rotation of the beam over time and distance to the degree given. Float 0 true
beam-vert-offset Starting position vertically. Float 0 true
beam-horiz-offset Starting position horizontally. Float 0 true
beam-spread Effectively the opposite of accuracy. A higher number means less accuracy. Float 0 true
beam-vertical-spread Effectively the opposite of vertical accuracy. A higher number means less accuracy. (overrides beam-spread) Float 0 true
beam-horizontal-spread Effectively the opposite of horizontal accuracy. A higher number means less accuracy. (overrides beam-spread) Float 0 true
change-pitch Whether to change the start location's pitch. Boolean true true
stop-on-hit-entity Should the beam stop itself when it hits an entity? Boolean false true
stop-on-hit-ground Should the beam stop itself when it hits the ground? Boolean false true
spell Sub-spell cast on hit. String float
spell-on-end Sub-spell cast on beam's end position. String float
spell-on-travel Sub-spell cast on each block along the beam's length String float
spell-on-hit-ground Sub-spell cast when the beam hits ground. String float
spell-on-entity-location Sub-spell to cast when the beam hits a target, firing at the location where the beam hits the entity. For example, if the beam hits the head of a zombie, the spell provided will be cast at the zombie's head. It must be a targeted spell that can hit the ground. String float


    spell-class: ".instant.BeamSpell"
    name: "&cFire &6Beam&e"
    spell: Fire_Beam_Burn
    y-offset: 0
    max-distance: 15
    interval: 0.5
            position: special
            effect: particles
            particle-name: redstone
            color: F0EA2D
            horiz-spread: 0.25
            vert-spread: 0.25           
            count: 20 
            position: special
            effect: particles
            particle-name: redstone
            color: F0B52D
            horiz-spread: 0.5
            vert-spread: 0.5
            count: 20 
            position: special
            effect: particles
            particle-name: redstone
            color: F0452D
            horiz-spread: 1
            vert-spread: 1
            count: 20 
            position: caster
            effect: sound
            sound: item.firecharge.use
            volume: 5
            pitch: 1.5
    spell-class: ".targeted.CombustSpell"
    fire-ticks: 100
    fire-tick-damage: 1
    prevent-immunity: true
    target-players: true
    check-plugins: true
            position: target
            effect: particles
            particle-name: SMOKE_LARGE
            height-offset: 1
            horiz-spread: 0.25
            vert-spread: 0.25          
            count: 20 
            speed: 0.1
            position: target
            effect: particles
            particle-name: FLAME
            height-offset: 1
            horiz-spread: 0.1
            vert-spread: 0.1          
            count: 20 
            speed: 0.1
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