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JasperLorelai edited this page Jul 29, 2024 · 57 revisions


Modifiers allow an action to take place when a condition is met upon a spell being cast. For example, spells can require a condition to pass to be cast successfully.

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There are two types of modifier configurations:

  • Single - Action done based on one condition.
  • Modifier collections - Action to do based on multiple conditions. A pass condition can be specified where you can decide if the collection passes when ALL conditions pass or if ANY of the listed conditions passing is enough for the whole collection to pass. XOR defines that the collection can pass only if one of the listed conditions passes.

You can take a closer look at modifier collections on this guide, but on this page, we will only cover modifiers that are paired with a condition and an action for the condition.

Modifiers are a general spell option that contains a list of strings. Each of these strings contains a modifier, a pair with one condition and one action. The format for a modifier can be seen below. What's specified in round brackets is always required, what's specified in square brackets is only required if the condition or action expects a var value - more about these variables will be covered on the Modifier Conditions and Modifier Actions pages.

(condition) [condition var] (action) [action var]

You can specify a string to be sent to the caster of the spell if all modifiers fail to cast using the option str-modifier-failed. You can also send a string if a specific modifier fails by separating the message from the modifier with $$. Here's an example:

    - onground require$$You must be on the ground to cast this spell!
    # Color code supported
    - day required$$&4It must be &6day &4for this spell to cast successfully.

If you prepend the character ! (and surround the modifier string in quotes because YAML will screech at you), the condition outcome would be inverted. Say your modifier is day require. An inverted version, a condition that would only pass if it's nighttime, could be day deny and night require, but it can also be "!day require".

You might ask what the point of this is. There is a modifier action castinstead (spell) that will cast a different specified spell if the condition passes. So you could have something like day castinstead setNight.

Some conditions do not have a dualistic sibling (e.g. night and day), an inverted version of the condition. Say you configured the modifier facing to cast a spell if you're facing west - you would use facing west castinstead (spell). Now, if you want this other spell to only be cast if the caster is not facing west but some other direction, you can use "!facing west castinstead (spell)".


Some conditions don't require a condition variable. If they do it will be specified throughout this documentation as "ConditionVar".

Condition Description ConditionVar Has Entity Target Has Location Target
absorption [operator][number] true false
advancement Passes if the entity has the advancement defined in ConditionVar. Remember that Minecraft advancements must start with the minecraft: namespace key. In Description true false
age baby or adult true false
alive Player's time since last death, specified in ticks. [operator][number] true false
always Passes always, just like chance 100, but without any extra processing and math. These mechanics are useful when you don't care about the condition but want to perform a modifier action directly. true true
angle Passes if the location angle is equal/less/more than the defined value to the other location (does not support caster-checked modifiers). [operator][number] true true
attributebase Since 4.0 Beta 14. Compares the base value of the specified attribute. [attribute name][operator][number] true false
attribute Since 4.0 Beta 14. Compares the current value of the specified attribute. [attribute name][operator][number] true false
attributedefault Since 4.0 Beta 14. Compares the default value of the specified attribute. [attribute name][operator][number] true false
biome Passes if the entity is in the biome. biome_1,biome_2,... (biome list) true true
beneficial Passes if the spell was marked as a beneficial spell. true true
blocking Passes if the player is blocking with a shield. true false
blocktag Since 4.0 Beta 14. Passes if the checked block has at least one block tag. Block tags separated by ,. false true
buffactive Passes if an entity has an active buff spell. Internal name of a buff spell. true false
buildable Since 4.0 Beta 14. Passes if this block is solid. Determined by Minecraft, typically a block a player can use to place a new block to build things. An example of a non buildable block would be: liquids, flowers, or fire. false true
burnable Since 4.0 Beta 14. Passes if this block is a block that fire can destroy. false true
canpickupitems If the target can pick up items. true false
cast Since 4.0 Beta 14. Passes if the specified sub-spell successfully casts. Sub-spell true true
chance This generates a random number below 100. If the ConditionVar is lower than this number, the condition passes. This condition is in that way random. In Description false (not needed) false (not needed)
chestcontains Passes if the chest at the defined location contains the defined magic item. world,x,y,z,item. item should be written using the Magic Item String format. false (not needed) false (not needed)
clientname Since 4.0 Beta 14. If the client didn't send this information, the brand name will be null. For the Notchian client this name defaults to vanilla. Some modified clients report other names such as forge & fabric. Value to compare to. true true (caster)
climbing Since 4.0 Beta 14. Passes if the checked entity is climbing. true false
collection modifier collection name
collidable Since 4.0 Beta 14. Passes if this block is collidable. false true
customname Passes if the entity's custom name is equal to the ConditionVar. This does not work with players. Spaces must be replaced by "__" or you can check it matches the value of an ms string variable value with %var:stringVar%. In Description true false
customnamevisible Passes if the entity's custom name is visible. true false
data Checks if the specified data element in ConditionVar is lesser than, greater than or equal to the value supplied. __ can be used to substitute for spaces in the value. Supports variable replacement, including targeted variable replacement using %castervar and %targetvar. In Description true true (checks caster's modifiers)
day Passes if time is greater than 0 and less than 13000. true false
displayname Passes if the target's display name is equal to ConditionVar - case insensitive and it supports color codes. In Description true false
distance Calculates the block distance between the entity and the targeted entity/location. [operator][number] true false
durability Valid slots: helm, helmet, chestplate, leggings, boots, offhand, hand, mainhand. [slot][operator][number],[slot][operator][number]... true false
elevation The entity's Y level. [operator][number] true true
entitytype If the entity's type matches ConditionVar (or if it's a list then at least one element in the list). player, monster, animal, or an entity type. true false
entitytypetag Since 4.0 Beta 14. Passes if the checked entity has at least one entity type tag. Entity type tags separated by ,. true false
facing If the entity is facing one of the valid directions specified. south, west, north, or east. true true
falling If the entity is falling. true false
fixedpose Since 4.0 Beta 14. Passes if the target has a fixed pose. true false
fixedtime Since 4.0 Beta 16. Passes if the world has fixed time. true true
flying If the player is flying. true false
food [operator][number] true false
gamemode Game Mode true false
gliding If the entity is gliding (elytra flight can be enabled without them being equipped). true false
griefpreventionisowner If the claim the player is in recognises them as its owner. true true
hasitemamount Checks the entity's item quantity of an item using the Magic Item String format specified in ConditionVar. [operator][number];[magicItem] true true (for inventory blocks)
hasitem Passes if the entity is holding the item specified in ConditionVar. material:durability|customName.
material refers to Material
durability can be omitted or you can put *.
If customName has spaces, replace them with __.
true true (for inventory blocks)
hasitemprecise If the entity has the item specified in their inventory. Magic Item true true (for inventory blocks)
hasmark If the player has a mark set specified. Mark spell internal name true false
hasscoreboardtag Passes if the entity has the scoreboard tag specified in ConditionVar. Supports variable replacement. In Description true false
hasspell Passes if the player has the spell defined. Spell's internal name true false
hastarget Passes if the entity has a target. true false
health Checks the entity's health. [operator][number](%) true false
holding Passes if the entity is holding the items specified. itemFormat,itemFormat,...
itemFormat follows format: material:durability|customName
material refers to Material,
durability can be omitted or you can put *.
If customName has spaces, replace them with __.
true false
holdingprecise Passes if the entity is holding the item specified. Magic Item true false
hoveringwith Passes if the entity is hovering with an item specified in an open inventory. Magic Item true false
inblock If the entity is inside the block or blocks specified in ConditionVar. This can be one or multiple blocks, separated by a comma, with no space after. In Description true true
incuboid Passes if the entity is inside the cuboid location specified. A cuboid region is a region between two opposite corner locations. world,x1,y1,z1,x2,y2,z2 true true
innomagiczone Passes if the entity is inside the No Magic Zones specified in ConditionVar. In Description true true
inregion Passes if the entity is inside the WorldGuard region specified. world:regionName true true
isnpc Passes if the target is an NPC. true false
lastdamagetype Passes if the entity's last Damage Type matches the one specified in ConditionVar. true false
lastlife Checks the lifetime of the previous life, which is specified in ticks. [operator][number] true false
leaping Passes if the entity is in the air because its velocity was changed by the Leap spell specified. Leap spell's internal name true false
leashed Since 4.0 Beta 14. Passes if the checked entity is leashed. true false
level Checks the user's level. [operator][number] true false
lightlevel Checks the entity's light level. lightType[operator][number]
lightType may only be used since 4.0 Beta 13, and its valid values are: block, sky, or any (default if omitted).
true true
los Since 4.0 Beta 13. Checks if the caster has a line of sight towards the target. true true
lookingatblock If the entity is looking at the block specified in ConditionVar. This can be one block or multiple separated by a comma, with no space after. true false
loopactive Checks if the target currently has a loop active in the spell specified. Before 4.0 Beta 14: loopSpellName
Since 4.0 Beta 14: loopSpellName[operator][number]
true false
mana Checks the player's mana. [operator][number](%) true false
maxmana Checks the player's max mana. [operator][number](%) true false
money Checks the player's money. [operator][number] true false
moonphase Passes if the entity's location present moon phase matches the one specified. Since 4.0 Beta 14: MoonPhase
Before 4.0 Beta 14: full, new, waning, waxing, waning_gibbous, last_quarter, waning_crescent, waxing_crescent, first_quarter, or waxing_gibbous
true true
name Passes if the player's username or display name is equal to the ConditionVar. This does work with other entities and it does not support the space character - use the customname condition instead. In Description true false
namepattern Passes if the entity's name, or the player's username or display name matches the regex pattern specified in the ConditionVar. In Description true false
night Passes if time is greater than 13000 and less than 23000. true true
offhand Passes if the entity is holding, in the offhand slot, the item specified. type:durability|name - __ can be used to replace spaces. Multiple items like these can be specified, separated by a comma. true false
offhandprecise Passes if the entity is holding, in the offhand slot, the item specified in ConditionVar using the Magic Item String format. This can be one item or multiple separated by a comma, with no space after. In Description true false
onblock Passes if the entity is standing on the block or blocks specified in ConditionVar. This can be one item or multiple separated by a comma, with no space after. In Description true true
oncooldown Passes if the player has the spell specified is currently on cooldown. Spell internal name true false
onfire Passes if the entity is presently on fire. true true
onground Passes if the entity is on the ground. true false
onleash Passes if the entity is leashed. true false
onsameteam Passes if the player is in the same scoreboard team as the targeted player. true false
onteam Passes if the player is in the scoreboard team. Team name true false
openslots Check the player's empty inventory slots. [operator][number] true false
outside Passes if the entity or location has no blocks above it. true true
overblock Passes if the entity or location has blocks specified. block;height
block refers to block data, and it can be multiple block types separated by a comma, with no space after.
true true
overground Since 4.0 Beta 13. Passes if the entity is over a solid block within the specified depth. Depth (Integer) true true
ownedbuffactive Passes if the entity has a buff spell active cast by the caster of this modifier. Buff spell internal name true false
ownedloopactive Checks if the target currently has a loop active that was cast by the caster. Before 4.0 Beta 14: loopSpellName
Since 4.0 Beta 14: loopSpellName[operator][number]
true false
oxygen Checks the entity's oxygen level. [operator][number] true false
passable Since 4.0 Beta 14. Passes for blocks if it has no colliding parts that would prevent players from moving through it. false true
permission Passes if the player has the permission specified. This passes anyway if they have the wildcard permission. Permission true false
pitch Checks the entity's pitch. [operator][number] true false
playercount Checks the server's player count. [operator][number] false (not needed) false (not needed)
playeronline Passes if an online player's username matches the ConditionVar. In Description false (not needed) false (not needed)
pluginenabled Passes if a presently enabled plugin's name matches ConditionVar. In Description false (not needed) false (not needed)
potioneffect Passes if the entity has an active potion effect that matches. effectType or effectType:potency
Since 4.0 Beta 13 potion type and potency can be separated by an operator for comparison.
true false
power Checks the spell's power. [operator][number] true true
pulseractive Since 4.0 Beta 14. Checks how many pulsers the target has. Operator and value are optional. pulserName[operator][amount] true false
raining Passes if it's raining at the entity's location or targeted location. true true
receivingredstone Checks the targeted location's redstone signal of power. [operator][number] true true
replaceable Since 4.0 Beta 14. Passes if this block is replaceable. Determined by Minecraft, representing a block that is not AIR that you can still place a new block at, such as flowers. false true
richerthan Passes if the player is richer than the targeted player. true false
riding Passes if the entity is riding the entity type specified. Entity Type true false
riptiding Passes if the entity is in the Riptide animation. true false
roof Passes if the entity has a block, that isn't air, above them. You can specify a height to check for in ConditionVar, the default is 10. In Description true true
rotation Check's player's yaw (but supports negative degrees). [operator][number] true true
saturation Checks the player's saturation level. [operator][number] true false
signtext Passes if the sign at the defined location contains the defined text. Before 4.0 Beta 14: world,x,y,z,line__1\nline__2
Since 4.0 Beta 14: side;world,x,y,z,line__1,line__2 (side; is optional and can be front; or back;, world,x,y,z is also optional)
Example: world,0,1,0,<gold>Hello__there
false (not needed) false (not needed)
silent Since 4.0 Beta 14. Checks if the target is silent (as in, cannot make noises due to the silent tag being applied). true true
sleeping Since 4.0 Beta 14. Passes if the checked entity is sleeping. true false
slotselected [operator][number] true false
sneaking Passes if the player is sneaking. true false
solid Since 4.0 Beta 14. Check if this block is solid. Determined by Minecraft, typically a block a player can stand on and can't be passed through. false true
spellcaststate Passes if this spell's cast state matches the one specified. normal, on_cooldown, missing_reagents, cant_cast, no_magic_zone, or wrong_world false false
spellselected Passes if the currently selected spell of the player's cast/bound item passes the filter. Spell Filter true true (checks caster's modifiers)
spelltag Passes if this spell's tag matches ConditionVar. Tag name false false
sprinting Passes if the player is sprinting. true false
storm Passes if there's a storm at the entity's location or the targeted location. true true
swimming Passes if the player is swimming. true false
targeting Passes if the spell is targeting an entity type that matches at least one element of ConditionVar. caster or an entity type. One type or multiple separated by a comma, with no space after. If nothing is specified it will assume that all types are allowed. true false
targetmaxhealth Checks the targeted entity's max health. [operator][number] true false
testforblock Passes if the location specified has the specified block. world,x,y,z=block
block supports block data
false (not needed) false (not needed)
thundering Passes if the weather is currently "thunder" at the entity's location or the targeted location. true true
time Passes if time at the entity's location or the targeted location is within the range specified. startTime-endTime true true
totemactive Since 4.0 Beta 14. Checks how many totems the target has. Operator and value are optional. totemName[operator][amount] true false
underblock Passes if the entity or location is under a block. block;height
block refers to block data, and it can be multiple blocks separated by a comma, with no space after.
true true
underwater Since 4.0 Beta 14. Passes if the checked entity is underwater. true false
uptime Passes if the time in seconds since the server started is greater than the amount specified in ConditionVar. In Description false (not needed) false (not needed)
variable Checks the player's variable. [varName][operator][number/variableName] true true (checks caster's modifiers)
variablematches Passes if the player's value of the variable matches the value of the target's variable. Variable name true true (checks caster's modifiers)
variablestringequals Passes if the player's string variable value matches the one specified. varName:value
The value must be a string, with no space character. Value can be "null" to check for empty values.
Since 4.0 Beta 13 it may also be a variable: varName1:varName2.
Since 4.0 Beta 14 you may separate variables with = instead.
true true (checks caster's modifiers)
velocityactive Since 4.0 Beta 13. Passes if the entity is in the air because its velocity was changed by the Velocity spell specified. Velocity spell internal name true false
wearing Passes if the player has any of the items specified in any wearable slots. itemFormat,itemFormat,...
itemFormat follows format: material:durability|customName
material refers to Material
durability can be omitted or you can put *
If customName has spaces, replace them with __.
true false
wearinginslot Passes if the player has the item specified in the specific wearable slot. Before 4.0 Beta 16:
Format: slot=itemType
Valid slot types: helm (hat, head), chest (tunic), leg (pant), boot (shoe, feet).
itemType refers to material.

Since 4.0 Beta 16:
Format: slotGroups=items
slotGroups can be a list of slot groups (old ones still work) separated by , and optionally negated by the ! prefix
items may be a list of Magic Items separated by |.
true false
wearingprecise Passes if the player is wearing the item specified in any of their wearable slots. Magic Item true false
world Passes if the entity or targeted location is in the world specified. World name true true
worldguardbooleanflag Passes if the top-level region the player is standing in has the boolean flag specified set to TRUE. Flag name true true
worldguardmembership Passes if the player has membership status in the top-level region the player is standing in. Type of membership: owner, member, or member_only true true
worldguardstateflag Passes, if the top-level region the player is standing in, has the state flag specified set to ALLOW. Flag name true true
yaw Checks the entity's yaw value. [operator][number] true true


When [operator] is mentioned in the ConditionVar, the following operators have to be specified:

  • Equals: = or :
  • Less than: <
  • Greater than: >


Since 4.0 Beta 13 some of these actions support dynamic values through numeric or string expressions.

Action Description Value Value supports expressions
required or require If the condition fails to pass, the spell will fail.
denied or deny If the condition passes, the spell will fail.
power or empower or multiply If the condition passes, the Spell Power will be multiplied by the amount specified in Value. Spell Power (Float) true
addpower or add If the condition passes, the amount specified in Value will be added to the current Spell Power. Spell Power (Float) true
cooldown If the condition passes, the spell's cooldown will be set to the amount specified in Value. Cooldown Seconds (Float) true
reagents If the condition passes, the spell's reagent cost quantity will be multiplied by the amount specified in Value. Multiplier (Float) true
casttime If the condition passes, the spell's cast-time will be set to the amount specified in Value. Cast Time seconds (Float) true
stop If the condition passes, no other modifiers for the spell will be processed.
continue If the condition fails to pass, no other modifiers for the spell will be processed.
cast If the condition passes, the spell specified in Value will be cast. Internal Spell Name false
castinstead If the condition passes, the spell specified in Value will be cast instead of this spell. Internal Spell Name false
variable If the condition passes, the variable modification specified in Value will be done. VarMod true
string If the condition passes, the string variable specified in Value will be set to the new value. Format: stringVar newValue. Since 4.0 Beta 14
message Since 4.0 Beta 16. If the condition passes, this sends a message to the caster. Rich Text true

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