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JasperLorelai edited this page Jan 11, 2024 · 10 revisions

Mutual Configuration:

Option Description Type Default
ignored-attributes As defined here. List
blacklisted-attributes As defined here. List
strict-enchants Since Beta 13. When false, enchantments other than those specified on the magic item no longer cause the match to fail. Boolean true
strict-enchant-level Since Beta 13. With false, items being matched require at least the level of enchantments specified on the magic item, rather than the exact level. Boolean true
strict-durability Since Beta 13. When false, the magic item requires at least the specified durability, instead of exactly the same amount. Boolean true
strict-block-data Since Beta 13. When false, the magic item uses BlockData#matches instead of strict equality. Boolean true
    # This is where the options go.
    name: ". . ."
        - line 1
        - line 2
        - . . .
    # . . .

Further options depend on the format used:

Vanilla Format:


Since Beta 14.

To use this format, set type to external::vanilla.

Option Description Type
data Data like it is passed to the /give command. String
amount Integer

Spigot's ItemStack Serialization Format:

This is the format Bukkit/Spigot uses to store item data in a configuration format. More info about this can be found here. You can generate Magic Items in this format from handheld items using the Item Serialize Spell. This is useful in case you don't feel like configuring a matching configuration for an existing item (e.g. from another plugin) or if a specific item configuration is missing in other formats.

    <internal name>:
        type: "external::spigot"
            # This is where the options go.

MagicSpells Format:

When options specify a format, arguments indicated with angle brackets (<>) are required. Optional arguments are indicated with square brackets ([]); when specifying an optional argument, all arguments prior to it must be specified.

Option Description Type Default
type Material name, as listed here. As mentioned above, type can also be the the name of a different item-reading format. String
name Formatted Text
amount The amount of the item. Integer 1
lore Formatted Text List
enchants A list of strings representing enchantments. Format: <enchantment name> <level>. String List
custom-model-data The item's custom model data. Integer 0
hide-tooltip Defines whether all the item's flags should be hidden. Boolean false
fake-glint Applies a fake enchantment glint to the item if it has no enchantments. Boolean false
repair-cost The item's repair cost. Integer 0
unbreakable Whether the item is unbreakable. Boolean false
attributes A list of strings representing attribute modification. List
block-data Block States key-value pairs, stored in square brackets list. String

Items with Durability:

Option Description
durability The item's durability damage; items with full durability have a damage of 0.
        type: "stone_sword"
        name: "&8Dull Blade"
        durability: 20


Option Description Type
potion-effects A string list of status effects from. Format: <potion effect type> [level] [duration] [ambient] [particles] [icon]. Duration is in ticks (600 by default). A list of potion effect types can be found here. List
potion-color Color (hex code) of the potion. String
potion-data Base potion data of the potion. Format: <potion type> [extended/upgraded]. A list of potion types can be found here. String
        type: "splash_potion"
        name: "&#66ff00Healing Potion"
        potion-color: "66ff00"
            - "regeneration 1 100 false"
            - "instant_health 1 0"

Suspicious Stew:

Option Description Type
potion-effects Potion effects of the stew. Format: <potion effect> [duration]. Duration is in ticks (600 by default). A list of effects can be found here. List
        type: "suspicious_stew"
        name: "&aHealing Stew"
            - "regeneration 100"

Firework Stars:

Option Description Type Default
firework-type Type of the firework, as defined here. String
trail Should the firework have a trail? Boolean false
flicker Should the firework flicker? Boolean false
colors Colors (hex codes) of the firework, separated by a comma. String
fade-colors Fade colors (hex codes) of the firework, separated by a comma. String
        type: "firework_star"
        name: "&eSun Firework Star"
        trail: true
        flicker: false
        colors: "FFE484, FFCC33, FC9601"
        fade-colors: "B72C3C, D14009"


Option Description Type Default
firework-effects Firework effects of the rocket. Format: <type> <trail> <flicker> <colors> [fade-colors]. List
power Power of the firework rocket (0 - 128). Integer 0
        type: "firework_rocket"
        name: "&rFirework - &ESun"
        power: 2
            - "ball_large true false FFE484,FFCC33,FC9601 B72C3C,D14009"
            - "ball false false B72C3C,D14009"

Leather Armor:

Option Description Type
color Color (hex code) of the leather armor. String
        type: "leather_chestplate"
        name: "&#8A0303Bloodied Vest"
        color: "8A0303"


You can use this website to find these values from a username:

Option Description
skull-owner The name of the skull's owner. Must be defined if uuid is not defined for texture to apply.
uuid The UUID of the skull owner. Must be defined if skull-owner is not defined for texture to apply.
texture The skull's texture.
signature The signature for the skull's texture.
        type: "player_head"
        skull-owner: "jeb_"
        uuid: "853c80ef-3c37-49fd-aa49-938b674adae6"
        signature: "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"

Written Books:

Option Description Type
title Book title. Before Beta 14: String
Since Beta 14: Formatted Text
author Book author. Before Beta 14: String
Since Beta 14: Formatted Text
pages A list of strings representing the pages of the book. Line breaks can be represented with \n, <br>, or <newline>. Supports multi-line strings, a built-in feature of YAML, as mentioned here). Formatted Text List
        type: "written_book"
        title: "&4Rule Book"
        author: "&cAdmin"
          - "Read the rules, they are important."
          - "This is page two. It has more rules on it."
          - |
            This is page three.
            It has multiple lines.

            Here's another line.


Option Description
patterns A list of strings representing banner patterns. Format: <banner pattern> <dye color>. Click here for valid banner patterns, and here for valid dye colors. Shorthand banner pattern identifiers are also supported, as listed here, under the section "Code".
        type: "white_banner"
            - "rhombus_middle cyan"
            - "stripe_bottom light_gray"
            - "stripe_center gray"
            - "stripe_middle black"
            - "half_horizontal light_gray"
            - "circle_middle light_gray"
            - "border black"
        type: "white_banner"
            - "mr cyan"
            - "bs light_gray"
            - "cs gray"
            - "ms black"
            - "hh light_gray"
            - "mc light_gray"
            - "bo black"
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