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Taiizor edited this page Mar 1, 2023 · 2 revisions



The StorageExtension class is part of the Skylark.Standard.Extension.Storage namespace and provides extension methods for converting between storage units. It contains methods for converting units synchronously and asynchronously, and for automatically detecting the input unit and converting to all other units.


  • Convert: A method that converts a value from one unit to another, given the input unit, output unit, and mode (decimal, binary, etc.).
  • ConvertAsync: An asynchronous version of the Convert method.
  • AutoConvert: A method that automatically detects the input unit and converts the value to all other units.
  • AutoConvertAsync: An asynchronous version of the AutoConvert method.


  • Skylark.Exception: Provides the E class, which represents an exception that is thrown by the Convert and AutoConvert methods.
  • Skylark.Enum.ClearNumericType: Provides the ECNT enum, which contains values for different types of numeric units.
  • Skylark.Enum.ModeStorageType: Provides the EMST enum, which contains values for different modes of storage conversion (decimal, binary, etc.).
  • Skylark.Enum.StorageType: Provides the EST enum, which contains values for different types of storage units.
  • Skylark.Helper.Converter: Provides the HC class, which contains methods for converting between different data types.
  • Skylark.Helper.Numeric: Provides the HN class, which contains methods for performing numeric operations.
  • Skylark.Standard.Helper.Storage.StorageHelper: Provides the HSSH class, which contains helper methods for storage conversion.
  • Skylark.Standard.Manage.Storage.StorageManage: Provides the MSSM class, which contains constants for default input, output, and mode values, as well as an error message.
  • Skylark.Struct.Storage.StorageStruct: Provides the SSSS struct, which represents a storage value in all units.


  • Convert
    • Description: Converts a value from one unit to another.
    • Parameters:
      • Value: The value to convert.
      • Input: The input unit.
      • Output: The output unit.
      • Mode: The mode of conversion (decimal
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