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Taiizor edited this page Mar 1, 2023 · 6 revisions

Format Class - Skylark.Helper Namespace

The Format class that provides various formatting methods.


Method Description Parameters Returns
Formatter(object Format, bool Case, bool Invariant = true) Returns the formatted string with specified case. Format (object): The input string to be formatted. Case (bool): If true, the output string will be uppercase. If false, the output string will be lowercase. Invariant (bool): If true, the formatting operation will use the invariant culture. The default value is true. string: The formatted string.
FormatterAsync(object Format, bool Case, bool Invariant = true) Returns a task that asynchronously performs the Formatter method with specified case. Format (object): The input string to be formatted. Case (bool): If true, the output string will be uppercase. If false, the output string will be lowercase. Invariant (bool): If true, the formatting operation will use the invariant culture. The default value is true. Task<string>: A task that represents the asynchronous operation. The task result contains the formatted string.
Formatter(string Format, bool Case, bool Invariant = true) Returns the formatted string with specified case. Format (string): The input string to be formatted. Case (bool): If true, the output string will be uppercase. If false, the output string will be lowercase. Invariant (bool): If true, the formatting operation will use the invariant culture. The default value is true. string: The formatted string.
FormatterAsync(string Format, bool Case, bool Invariant = true) Returns a task that asynchronously performs the Formatter method with specified case. Format (string): The input string to be formatted. Case (bool): If true, the output string will be uppercase. If false, the output string will be lowercase. Invariant (bool): If true, the formatting operation will use the invariant culture. The default value is true. Task<string>: A task that represents the asynchronous operation. The task result contains the formatted string.
Formatter(object Format, params object[] Args) Returns the formatted string with specified arguments. Format (object): The input string to be formatted. Args (params object[]): An array of arguments to be used in the formatting operation. string: The formatted string.
FormatterAsync(object Format, params object[] Args) Returns a task that asynchronously performs the Formatter method with specified arguments. Format (object): The input string to be formatted. Args (params object[]): An array of arguments to be used in the formatting operation. Task<string>: A task that represents the asynchronous operation. The task result contains the formatted string.
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