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Detect Class - Skylark.Helper Namespace

The Detect class provides static methods and properties for detecting the decimal separator character in the current culture.


private static string Formula

Returns a string representation of a division formula, used to determine the separator character used in numerical values.

private static string Formula => $"{10 / 3f}";


  • Char: Gets the decimal separator character in the current culture.
  • CharCross: Gets the opposite decimal separator character in the current culture.
  • Enum: Gets the SEDT enumeration value that corresponds to the Char field.
  • EnumCross: Gets the SEDT enumeration value that corresponds to the CharCross field.
  • String: Gets the string representation of the Char field.
  • StringCross: Gets the string representation of the CharCross field.

DetectType Enumeration

The SEDT enumeration specifies the type of decimal separator character detected.

public enum DetectType



Returns the separator character used in numerical values. If the separator character is a dot ('.'), returns '.'; otherwise, returns ','.

public static char Char => Formula.Contains('.') ? '.' : ',';


Returns the opposite separator character of the one used in numerical values. If the separator character is a dot ('.'), returns ','; otherwise, returns '.'.

public static char CharCross => Char == '.' ? ',' : '.';


Returns the SEDT value that corresponds to the separator character used in numerical values. If the separator character is a dot ('.'), returns SEDT.Dot; if the separator character is a comma (','), returns SEDT.Comma; otherwise, returns SEDT.None.

public static SEDT Enum => Char switch
    '.' => SEDT.Dot,
    ',' => SEDT.Comma,
    _ => SEDT.None,


Returns the SEDT value that corresponds to the opposite separator character of the one used in numerical values. If the separator character is a dot ('.'), returns SEDT.Comma; if the separator character is a comma (','), returns SEDT.Dot; otherwise, returns SEDT.None.

public static SEDT EnumCross => CharCross switch
    '.' => SEDT.Dot,
    ',' => SEDT.Comma,
    _ => SEDT.None,


Returns a string representation of the separator character used in numerical values. If the separator character is a dot ('.'), returns "."; otherwise, returns ",".

public static string String => $"{Char}";


Returns a string representation of the opposite separator character of the one used in numerical values. If the separator character is a dot ('.'), returns ","; otherwise, returns ".".

public static string StringCross => $"{CharCross}";

Example Usage

The following example demonstrates how to use the Detect class to determine the decimal separator character and corresponding enumeration value in the current culture:

// Detect the decimal separator character
char decimalSeparator = Detect.Char;
Console.WriteLine($"Decimal separator: {decimalSeparator}");

// Detect the opposite decimal separator character char oppositeDecimalSeparator = Detect.CharCross; Console.WriteLine($"Opposite decimal separator: {oppositeDecimalSeparator}");

// Detect the decimal separator as an Enum value DetectType decimalSeparatorEnum = Detect.Enum; Console.WriteLine($"Decimal separator Enum: {decimalSeparatorEnum}");

// Detect the opposite decimal separator as an Enum value DetectType oppositeDecimalSeparatorEnum = Detect.EnumCross; Console.WriteLine($"Opposite decimal separator Enum: {oppositeDecimalSeparatorEnum}");

// Get the decimal separator as a string string decimalSeparatorString = Detect.String; Console.WriteLine($"Decimal separator string: {decimalSeparatorString}");

// Get the opposite decimal separator as a string string oppositeDecimalSeparatorString = Detect.StringCross; Console.WriteLine($"Opposite decimal separator string: {oppositeDecimalSeparatorString}");

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