A CMPS 115 Fall 2016 project at UC Santa Cruz.
Check us out at PythonAnywhere.
- Harjyot Bal
- Tommaso Bonato
- Ion Fong "Rory" Chan
- Brian Lederman
- August Valera
- Presentation: Google Slides/PPTX
- Release plan: Web/PDF
- Sprint 1
- Sprint 2
- Sprint 3
- Scrum board: Waffle.IO
- System and Unit Test Report: Web/PDF
(Homepage): Web/PDF/product/*
(Product pages and Adding a new product): Web/PDF/search/*
(Search bar and results): Web/PDF/store/*
(Store listing and Store profiles): Web/PDF/user/*
(Login and Editing profile): Web/PDF- Contacting seller: Web/PDF
- Location display and updating: Web/PDF
- Review display and posting: Web/PDF
- Known Problems Report: Web/PDF
Install Python and the web2py framework server application on the deployment service. For reference, we used the hosting service PythonAnywhere which automates the web2py installation process, and has a free plan for developers with minimal bandwidth/performance.
Clone the project into the web2py/applications
directory with
git clone http://github.com/Fence-UCSC/Storefront web2py/applications/Storefront
Then start the web2py server with the following
python web2py/web2py.py
Note that by default, the site comes with DEVELOPMENT_MENU = True
in models/list.py
. This exposes a dropdown menu in the top bar with links to useful tools such as an online view of the database, and the capability to edit the site remotely. This is not particularly harmful, as the dev tools are protected with the account you use to start web2py, but may confuse users. It is recommended that you turn this setting off before deploying the site for public use.