Sprint Completed by Thurs. Nov 4th
Clean up design, clean up login integrations, finish up database, implement GPS.
- As an online purchaser. I want to easily find and buy products from people nearby. (Highest priority for Sprint 1). Solution would be to make a website based on the “free for sale” page
- Update homepage.
- Account/profile creatation page
- Creating a more advanced page for adding products
- Webpage filtered by category
- As a web user, I appreciate a good UI (lowest priority for Sprint 1, but might get bumped down into Sprint 2 if not implemented in Sprint 1)
- Top menu
- Reviewing (QA) the UI
- Search Bar
- As an online purchaser, I want to find a store on a map
- Edit page allowing users to input location using a map
- User profile page displaying map of current location
- Filter based on location
- As a administrator, I need moderation and reviewing tools so I can handle suspicious/spam postings. (lowest priority)
- Being able to delete users and posts as a website admin
- Harjyot Bal: Developer {Designer}
- Tommaso Bonato: Developer {Designer}
- Ion Fong Chan: Product Owner {Developer, Designer}
- Brian Lederman: Developer {Designer}
- August Valera: Scrum Master {Developer}
- Harjyot
- User profile page displaying map of current location
- Tommaso
- Creating a more advanced page for adding products
- Reviewing (QA) the UI
- Rory
- Search bar
- Being able to delete users and posts as a website admin
- Brian
- Edit page allowing users to input location using a map
- August
- Update homepage.
- UI/ pages
Burnup chart on Google Sheets
Scrum board on Waffle.IO
MWF 11:00 AM @ E1 Rm 302 (Lab)