Sprint Completed by Wed. Oct 19th
- We feel like we need to be more productive given the time that we have. In sprint 2 we need to have more specific tasks and be motivated to be working a lot on them.
- As stated before, we need to simply be doing more. We also need to meet up in our teams more if we are working in small groups.
- We have good meeting pracitces (we meet every MWF) so we should continue that. We also have good communication over social media, email, and Git.
- Work Completed
- Basic Homepage
- Basic Database
- Facebook Integration
- Google Integration
- Work Not Completed
- GPS Integration
- Search Bar
Stories Completed
As an online buyer/seller, I appreciate not having to make new accounts.
Time Stats
56 Hours
14 Days
0.5 Story/Week
Approx. 4 Hours/Day