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User Management Interface

Marten Hogeweg edited this page Dec 14, 2012 · 1 revision

The User Management Interface is a feature available as of Geoportal Server version 1.2.2. When enabled, it allows users who are in the Geoportal Administrators group to add users from the directory structure to other groups, including the administrators, publishers, or registered users group.

How to Enable the User Management Interface

The User Management Interface is only available when your organization has connected their geoportal to an LDAP structure, and configured in the gpt.xml file that the User Management Interface should appear.

To configure the User Management Interface in the geoportal:

  • First open the \\geoportal\WEB-INF\classes\gpt\config\gpt.xml file.
  • Find the section that begins with the comment, "This parameter is used to enable managing user role in ldap identity store."
  • Update the three parameters here as desired:
    • ldap.identity.manage.userRoleEnabled: Set to "true" if you want to enable managing your LDAP user roles using the User Management Interface.
    • ldap.identity.restrictToConfiguredRoles: Set to "true" if you only want to enable managing roles configured in the <ldapadapter></ldapadapter><groups></groups> settings in gpt.xml. If "false", Administrator users can manage other LDAP roles as well, beyond the ones listed in the gpt.xml file.
    • Restricts the number of matches for a group when the geoportal queries an LDAP structure for users. This is important if there are groups in your implementation that have more than 1,000 users.
  • After changing these settings, save the gpt.xml file and restart your geoportal web application to see the changes take effect.

How to Manage Users through the Interface

To manage users through the geoportal interface, the User Management Interface must be enabled. Also, your geoportal must leverage the LDAP Authentication model for managing users as opposed to the simple one-user test model. Finally, you must be logged-in as an Administrator user of the geoportal to use the functionality.

Once logged in as an Administrator, you can access the interface by clicking the Administration tab and selecting the User link at the top. You will be directed to the Manage User Roles page. Here there will be a search box to the left and a large box beneath it. Begin typing the name of the user you want to find in your directory structure in the search box. The list of available users shows in the large box beneath the search box as you type, and filters to narrow down to the user you are looking for. Select that user when their name appears in the box, and their entry opens up to the right.

The groups to which they belong show to the right.You now have the option of changing that user's group access. Check or uncheck the box or boxes designating to which group they should or should not belong. Upon checking or unchecking the box, you will be prompted on if you truly want to proceed. Either proceed or click Cancel. After you've designated the groups for that user, you can use the search box on the left again to filter the list and manage another user.

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