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Niray Mak edited this page Oct 26, 2020 · 12 revisions


Role Description
Administrator Administrator of the dex platform
Pr User Public relation user. e.g. someone who takes care of the communication for Fontys, these people need to be able to highlight projects and create embeds
Registered User A normal user
Guest Someone who is not logged in


Permission Roles
Administrator PrUser (public relations) RegisteredUser Guest
EmbedRead x x x x
EmbedWrite x x x
HighlightRead x x x x
HighlightWrite x
ProjectWrite x x x
UserWrite x x x x
UserRead x x x x
RoleRead x
RoleWrite x
HighlightRead x x x x
HighlightWrite x
EmbedRead x x x x
EmbedWrite x
FileWrite x

Permissions per endpoint

Endpoint Required scope Particulatirity
GetAllEmbeddedProjects The user needs scope: EmbedRead to reach the endpoint.
CreateEmbeddedProject The user should be at least registered to reach the endpoint (Role: RegisteredUser)
DeleteEmbeddedProject The user should be at least registered to reach the endpoint (Role: RegisteredUser) The endpoint checks if the user is the owner of the embedded project or has Scope: EmbedWrite.
GetFilesAsync The user should be at least registered to reach the endpoint (Role: RegisteredUser)
UploadSingleFile The user should be at least registered to reach the endpoint (Role: RegisteredUser)
DeleteSingleFile The user should be at least registered to reach the endpoint (Role: RegisteredUser) The endpoint checks if the user is the owner of the file or has scope: FileWrite
GetHighlightsByProjectId The user needs scope: HighlightRead to reach the endpoint.
CreateHighlight The user needs scope: HighlightWrite to reach the endpoint.
UpdateHighlight The user needs scope: HighlightWrite to reach the endpoint.
DeleteHighlight The user needs scope: HighlightWrite to reach the endpoint.
CreateProjectAsync The user should be at least registered to reach the endpoint (Role: RegisteredUser)
UpdateProject The user should be at least registered to reach the endpoint (Role: RegisteredUser) The endpoint checks if the user is the owner of the project and/or the user has scope: ProjectWrite
DeleteProject The user should be at least registered to reach the endpoint (Role: RegisteredUser) The endpoint checks if the user is the owner of the project and/or the user has scope: ProjectWrite
GetAllRoles The user needs scope: RoleRead to reach the endpoint.
GetAllPossibleScopes The user needs scope: RoleRead to reach the endpoint.
GetRole The user needs scope: RoleRead to reach the endpoint.
CreateRoleAsync The user needs scope: RoleWrite to reach the endpoint.
UpdateRole The user needs scope: RoleWrite to reach the endpoint.
DeleteRole The user needs scope: RoleWrite to reach the endpoint. If the user has role: Adminsitrator or RegisteredUser he/she is not authorized.
DeleteRole The user needs scope: RoleWrite to reach the endpoint. Scopes within Role.RegisteredUser or Role.Administrator can not be deleted.
SetRole The user needs scope: RoleWrite to reach the endpoint. Scopes within Role.RegisteredUser or Role.Administrator can not be deleted.
GetCurrentUser The user should be at least registered to reach the endpoint (Role: RegisteredUser)
GetUser The user should be at least registered to reach the endpoint (Role: RegisteredUser)
CreateAccountAsync The user should have scope UserWrite to reach the endpoint
UpdateAccount The user should be at least registered to reach the endpoint (Role: RegisteredUser) The user should be owner of the account and/or have scope: UserWrite
DeleteAccount The user should be at least registered to reach the endpoint (Role: RegisteredUser) The user should be owner of the account and/or have scope: UserWrite