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ELK stack installation guide

Niray Mak edited this page Nov 16, 2020 · 2 revisions

ELK Stack

An ELK stack is a stack existing of 3 open source products: Elasticsearch, Logstash and Kibana. Elasticsearch is a full-text search and analysis engine and based on Apache Lucene. Logstash is used to collect data from various input sources and log it. Kibana is a tool used to visualize ElasticSearch.

Setup local ELK stack

For a Dockerized setup on Windows we used the repository underneath:


Docker Engine version 17.05 or newer Docker Compose version 1.20.0 or newer 1.5 GB of RAM

To setup a local ELK stack we followed the next steps:

Run git clone

Run cd docker-elk

Run docker-compose up -d

To check if Elastic is working use url: http://localhost:9200/ Use credentials:

Username: elastic

Password: changeme

To check if Kibana is working use url: http://localhost:5601/ The screen underneath should show up. Underneath credentials can be used for first login.

Username: elastic

Password: changeme

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