This is a Github repo for optional accessories available for ToqueCANs. Check the readme file for each project for more details about them.
I am a YouTube content creator. If you want content about these projects & more, please consider subscribing to my YouTube channel.
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- Markdown files in this repository may contain Amazon Associate, Aliexpress affiliate, PCBWay affiliate, Jawstec affiliate, Polymaker affiliate links. I make a comission on qualifying purchases.
- This project does not come with any warranty, if you choose to build/use a PCB manufactured using published files in this repository, you are doing this at your own risk!
- If you want to sell PCBs manufactured using published files in this repository, you are allowed to, and you will not owe me any royalties. You cannot claim that I endorse the sale. You can check the license file for more information. However, if you wish to give me a share you can sponsor me on GitHub, subscribe on Patreon or YouTube.