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Custom Fish Tutorial

elsiff edited this page Jan 25, 2019 · 15 revisions

You can add your own fish with only your creativity.

    display-name: "Display Name Here"
    length-min: 1
    length-max: 1000
      id: "minecraft:wooden_axe"
      amount: 1
      durability: 0
      - "&7first line"
      - "&8second line"
      - "minecraft:silk_touch|1"
    skip-item-format: false
    - "whisper @p hello world!"
    - "time|night"

rarity_name means the rarity of your fish.

display-name means the display name of your fish.

lore means the lore of your fish item. This value isn't always required.

length-min length-max and are the variables that determine the length of fish. You can set this value with real number.

icon means the icon of your fish item.
Only path is required, and the others are optional.


  • id - minecraft id
  • amount - item amount
  • durability - durability for tools
  • lore - lore
  • enchantments - item enchantments (format: "enchantment_id|level")
  • unbreakable - unbreakable option
  • skull-uuid - uuid of a player for player heads
  • skull-texture - Base64 code value for custom skull texture (e.g. eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNmY5OWI1ODBkNDVhNzg0ZTdhOTY0ZTdkM2IxZjk3Y2VjZTc0OTExMTczYmQyMWMxZDdjNTZhY2RjMzg1ZWQ1In19fQ==)
  • other placeholders from PlaceholderAPI plugin

commands is the list of commands which will be sent by server when the fish was caught. This value isn't always required.

catch-announce set the way to send catching messages. This property is optional.
'-1' means server broadcast, '0' is only for the catcher, and the positive number means the radius of announcing messages. When this number is set to '100', the players in 100 blocks will receive the message.

conditions is the list of condition that affects emergence of the fish. The format is "condition-name|values...". You can put same type conditions multiply, like for two specific enchantments.


  • raining - boolean whether it's raining (ex. "raining|false")
  • thundering - boolean whether it's thundering (ex. "thundering|true")
  • time - string [day, night] whether it's day or night (ex. "time|night")
  • biome - strings... [biome names] conditional biomes where the catcher should be in one of them (ex. "biome|jungle|jungle_edge|jungle_hills|modified_jungle|modified_jungle_edge")
  • enchantment - string [ench id] and integer [level] required enchantments that the catcher's fishing rod must have (ex. "enchantment|luck_of_the_sea|1")
  • level - integer required xp level of the catcher
  • contest - boolean whether fishing contest is ongoing (ex. "contest|true")
  • potion-effect - string [effect id] and integer [amplifier] required potion effect and amplifier (amplifier starts with 0) (ex. "potioneffect|minecraft:luck|0")
  • location-y - integer [min] and integer [max] required specific y-axis (ex. "location-y|0|65")
  • mcmmo-skill - string [skill type] and integer [level] required skill level of the catcher (ex. "mcmmo-skill|fishing|10")
  • worldguard-region - string whether the catcher is in specific region (ex. "worldguard-region|fishery")

skip-item-format makes your fish do not have the fish-item-format. (No display name, no lore.) Default value is from rarity.

no-display toggles showing the display name on fishing messages. Default value is from rarity.
When this value is true, %fish_with_rarity% variable will return only the fish's name with color, without the rarity. Refer to

firework launches blue firework on catcher. Default value is from rarity.

additional-price is bonus price to be used for Fish Shop.
(Price = (Length × Multiplier) + Additional Price From Rarity + Additional Price From Fish Type)

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