You must be signed in to change notification settings - Fork 58
locale: 'en'
Locale of the files. Loads 'lang_.yml' for language file.
Supported languages: en, kr
check-update: true
Toggles the new version notice.
auto-start: false
Toggles starting the fishing contest when the plugin was enabled.
You can use the contest as contents of your server by using this function.
use-boss-bar: true
Enable the boss bar feature for showing left time of contest. Only works with 1.9+.
only-for-contest: false
If true, don't change the vanilla fishing unless the contest has started.
no-fishing-unless-contest: false
When it's true, people can't fish unless the contest is ongoing.
contest-disabled-worlds: []
The list of worlds where players can't participate the contest.
Example for using this:
- 'world_nether'
- 'world_the_end'
replace-only-fish: false
Keeps appearance of junk and treasure vanilla items on fishing.
save-records: false
Keeps fish records on stop of contest or server shutdown.
You must type '/mf clear' to clear records.
Configures prizes which will be given to rank owners when fishing contest ends.
The type of this property is similar to a map. Keys infer range of rank numbers, and Values are lists of commands to be sent for prizing.
- "say @p is 1st"
- "say @p is 2nd~3rd"
- "say @p is 4th~"
enable: false
Toggles auto-running feature. Using it, fishing contest starts periodically with predetermined timer.
required-players: 5
The minimum amount of players required to start contest.
timer: 300
Seconds for the time limit of contest.
The list of time when contest will start automatically.
period: 3600
Seconds for the period between each starts of contest.
enable: true
Enables the Fish Shop feature.
multiplier: 0.1
The multiplier to be used for calculating prices of fish.
(Price = (Length × Multiplier) + Additional Price From Rarity)
round-decimal-points: true
Round down the price. (e.g. $99.9 -> $99.0)
Title of sign indicating that it is a sign for fish shop.
Title of sign being used for creating a fish shop sign.
When a permitted player edits a sign with this title, the sign will be transferred to a fish shop sign.
announce-catch: -1
announce-new-1st: -1
The default way to send the messages.
'-1' means server broadcast, '0' is only for the catcher, and the positive number means the radius of announcing messages.
When this number is set to '100', the players in 100 blocks will receive the message.
This value may be ignored if caught fish has own way to announce.
only-announce-fishing-rod: false
If true, the fishing message will be announced only to players who are holding a fishing rod on their main hand.
broadcast-start: true
broadcast-stop: true
Announces the starting/stopping of fishing contest.
show-top-when-stopping: true
Set whether the final ranking would be displayed when the contest ended.
contest-bar-color: 'blue'
The color of boss bar for contest.
For color list, visit https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/boss/BarColor.html
top-number: 3
The number of top records that would be displayed in the ranking.
When it's set to '5', '/morefish top' command will show the ranking by 5th record.
display-name: "%rarity_color%%fish%"
The display name of fish item.
- "&7%length%cm"
- "&7Caught by %player%"
The lore of fish item.
Variables for both properties:
- %player% - The ordinal of player's rank (e.g. 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th)
- %rarity% - The rarity of fish (upper case)
- %rarity_color% - The color of rarity
- %length% - The length of fish
- %fish% - The name of fish
- other placeholders from PlaceholderAPI plugin
The list of custom fish. You can edit it to taste.
For details, see Custom Fish Tutorial.
You may edit the all in-game messages through your 'lang_xx.yml' file, including the prefix of messages.
Placeholders from PlaceholderAPI are also supported. But some messages may not support placeholders using a player. (e.g. ranking information messages don't support %player_level% as the record owner can be offline)