feat: allow proposal creation only on premium networks #1120
Ready Check Failed
Something went wrong during the ready check.
2025-02-03T21:55:55.899Z | yarn install v1.22.22
2025-02-03T21:55:56.002Z | [1/5] Validating package.json...
2025-02-03T21:55:56.008Z | [2/5] Resolving packages...
2025-02-03T21:55:56.499Z | [3/5] Fetching packages...
2025-02-03T21:56:24.883Z | [4/5] Linking dependencies...
2025-02-03T21:56:24.888Z | warning "workspace-aggregator-fcc2d6db-09ef-4b02-a958-4465165b04a4 > api > @snapshot-labs/checkpoint > [email protected]" has incorrect peer dependency "graphql@^14.7.0 || ^15.3.0".
2025-02-03T21:56:24.889Z | warning "workspace-aggregator-fcc2d6db-09ef-4b02-a958-4465165b04a4 > ui > starknetkit > [email protected]" has incorrect peer dependency "starknet@^5.18.0".
2025-02-03T21:56:24.892Z | warning "workspace-aggregator-fcc2d6db-09ef-4b02-a958-4465165b04a4 > ui > @walletconnect/modal > @walletconnect/modal-core > valtio > [email protected]" has unmet peer dependency "react@^16.8.0 || ^17.0.0 || ^18.0.0".
2025-02-03T21:56:24.965Z | warning Workspaces can only be enabled in private projects.
2025-02-03T21:56:55.256Z | [5/5] Building fresh packages...
2025-02-03T21:57:02.845Z | Done in 66.95s.
2025-02-03T21:57:03.042Z | yarn run v1.22.22
2025-02-03T21:57:03.080Z | $ turbo run build --filter=ui
2025-02-03T21:57:03.124Z | Attention:
2025-02-03T21:57:03.124Z | Turborepo now collects completely anonymous telemetry regarding usage.
2025-02-03T21:57:03.124Z | This information is used to shape the Turborepo roadmap and prioritize features.
2025-02-03T21:57:03.124Z | You can learn more, including how to opt-out if you'd not like to participate in this anonymous program, by visiting the following URL:
2025-02-03T21:57:03.124Z | https://turbo.build/repo/docs/telemetry
2025-02-03T21:57:03.204Z | • Packages in scope: ui
2025-02-03T21:57:03.204Z | • Running build in 1 packages
2025-02-03T21:57:03.204Z | • Remote caching disabled
2025-02-03T21:57:03.532Z | @snapshot-labs/sx:build: cache miss, executing 0bfda5706182372f
2025-02-03T21:57:03.737Z | @snapshot-labs/sx:build: $ tsc && tsc -p tsconfig.cjs.json
2025-02-03T21:57:09.143Z | ui:build: cache miss, executing 3d95b46eb77dcede
2025-02-03T21:57:09.346Z | ui:build: $ vite build
2025-02-03T21:57:09.593Z | ui:build: �[33mThe CJS build of Vite's Node API is deprecated. See https://vitejs.dev/guide/troubleshooting.html#vite-cjs-node-api-deprecated for more details.�[39m
2025-02-03T21:57:09.834Z | ui:build: vite v5.0.12 building for production...
2025-02-03T21:57:09.872Z | ui:build: (node:228) [DEP0180] DeprecationWarning: fs.Stats constructor is deprecated.
2025-02-03T21:57:09.872Z | ui:build: (Use node --trace-deprecation ...
to show where the warning was created)
2025-02-03T21:57:09.935Z | ui:build: Duplicated imports "useFavicon", the one from "@vueuse/core" has been ignored and "/workspace/apps/ui/src/composables/useFavicon.ts" is used
2025-02-03T21:57:09.935Z | ui:build: Duplicated imports "useTitle", the one from "@vueuse/core" has been ignored and "/workspace/apps/ui/src/composables/useTitle.ts" is used
2025-02-03T21:57:09.966Z | ui:build: transforming...
2025-02-03T21:57:11.155Z | ui:build: Browserslist: caniuse-lite is outdated. Please run:
2025-02-03T21:57:11.155Z | ui:build: npx update-browserslist-db@latest
2025-02-03T21:57:11.155Z | ui:build: Why you should do it regularly: https://github.com/browserslist/update-db#readme
2025-02-03T21:57:15.158Z | ui:build: ../../node_modules/@scure/base/lib/esm/index.js (349:33) A comment
2025-02-03T21:57:15.158Z | ui:build:
2025-02-03T21:57:15.158Z | ui:build: "/* @PURE */"
2025-02-03T21:57:15.158Z | ui:build:
2025-02-03T21:57:15.158Z | ui:build: in "../../node_modules/@scure/base/lib/esm/index.js" contains an annotation that Rollup cannot interpret due to the position of the comment. The comment will be removed to avoid issues.
2025-02-03T21:57:20.323Z | ui:build: [plugin:vite:resolve] Module "crypto" has been externalized for browser compatibility, imported by "/workspace/node_modules/@shutter-network/shutter-crypto/dist/shutter-crypto.js". See https://vitejs.dev/guide/troubleshooting.html#module-externalized-for-browser-compatibility for more details.
2025-02-03T21:57:20.323Z | ui:build: [plugin:vite:resolve] Module "fs" has been externalized for browser compatibility, imported by "/workspace/node_modules/@shutter-network/shutter-crypto/dist/shutter-crypto.js". See https://vitejs.dev/guide/troubleshooting.html#module-externalized-for-browser-compatibility for more details.
2025-02-03T21:57:20.324Z | ui:build: [plugin:vite:resolve] Module "path" has been externalized for browser compatibility, imported by "/workspace/node_modules/@shutter-network/shutter-crypto/dist/shutter-crypto.js". See https://vitejs.dev/guide/troubleshooting.html#module-externalized-for-browser-compatibility for more details.
2025-02-03T21:57:24.665Z | ui:build: ../../node_modules/@protobufjs/inquire/index.js (12:18) Use of eval in "../../node_modules/@protobufjs/inquire/index.js" is strongly discouraged as it poses security risks and may cause issues with minification.
2025-02-03T21:57:24.835Z | ui:build: ../../node_modules/@headlessui/vue/dist/hooks/use-id.js (1:78) "useId" is not exported by "../../node_modules/vue/dist/vue.runtime.esm-bundler.js", imported by "../../node_modules/@headlessui/vue/dist/hooks/use-id.js".
2025-02-03T21:57:36.080Z | ui:build: ✓ 4064 modules transformed.
2025-02-03T21:57:37.229Z | ui:build: rendering chunks...
2025-02-03T21:57:37.284Z | ui:build: warnings when minifying css:
2025-02-03T21:57:37.285Z | ui:build: ▲ [WARNING] Expected identifier but found "#" [css-syntax-error]
2025-02-03T21:57:37.285Z | ui:build:
2025-02-03T21:57:37.285Z | ui:build: :1113:11649:
2025-02-03T21:57:37.285Z | ui:build: 1113 │ ...navWidth}]{--tw-translate-x:#{$navWidth};transform:translat...
2025-02-03T21:57:37.285Z | ui:build: ╵ ^
2025-02-03T21:57:37.285Z | ui:build:
2025-02-03T21:57:37.285Z | ui:build:
2025-02-03T21:57:37.285Z | ui:build: ▲ [WARNING] Expected identifier but found "$" [css-syntax-error]
2025-02-03T21:57:37.285Z | ui:build:
2025-02-03T21:57:37.285Z | ui:build: :1113:11651:
2025-02-03T21:57:37.285Z | ui:build: 1113 │ ...vWidth}]{--tw-translate-x:#{$navWidth};transform:translate(...
2025-02-03T21:57:37.285Z | ui:build: ╵ ^
2025-02-03T21:57:37.285Z | ui:build:
2025-02-03T21:57:37.285Z | ui:build:
2025-02-03T21:57:37.285Z | ui:build: ▲ [WARNING] Expected identifier but found "#" [css-syntax-error]
2025-02-03T21:57:37.285Z | ui:build:
2025-02-03T21:57:37.285Z | ui:build: :1113:11908:
2025-02-03T21:57:37.285Z | ui:build: 1113 │ ...barWidth}]{--tw-translate-x:#{$sidebarWidth};transform:tran...
2025-02-03T21:57:37.285Z | ui:build: ╵ ^
2025-02-03T21:57:37.285Z | ui:build:
2025-02-03T21:57:37.285Z | ui:build:
2025-02-03T21:57:37.285Z | ui:build: ▲ [WARNING] Expected identifier but found "$" [css-syntax-error]
2025-02-03T21:57:37.285Z | ui:build:
2025-02-03T21:57:37.285Z | ui:build: :1113:11910:
2025-02-03T21:57:37.285Z | ui:build: 1113 │ ...rWidth}]{--tw-translate-x:#{$sidebarWidth};transform:transl...
2025-02-03T21:57:37.285Z | ui:build: ╵ ^
2025-02-03T21:57:37.285Z | ui:build:
2025-02-03T21:57:37.285Z | ui:build:
2025-02-03T21:57:43.649Z | ui:build: computing gzip size...
2025-02-03T21:57:43.777Z | ui:build: dist/index.html 0.57 kB │ gzip: 0.33 kB
2025-02-03T21:57:43.777Z | ui:build: dist/assets/blocks-light-1q-A8EAD.svg 4.30 kB │ gzip: 0.65 kB
2025-02-03T21:57:43.777Z | ui:build: dist/assets/blocks-dark-7k-t0GfN.svg 4.30 kB │ gzip: 0.65 kB
2025-02-03T21:57:43.777Z | ui:build: dist/assets/flow-4-light-7XVWWwKR.png 15.62 kB
2025-02-03T21:57:43.777Z | ui:build: dist/assets/flow-4-dark-J9o7ZbVi.png 16.36 kB
2025-02-03T21:57:43.777Z | ui:build: dist/assets/Calibre-Medium-Custom-cW8h6eG5.woff2 17.33 kB
2025-02-03T21:57:43.777Z | ui:build: dist/assets/StolzlDisplay-Medium-o1Ke2xWe.woff2 17.87 kB
2025-02-03T21:57:43.777Z | ui:build: dist/assets/Stolzl-Medium-3CnKPIH6.woff2 17.97 kB
2025-02-03T21:57:43.777Z | ui:build: dist/assets/Calibre-Semibold-Custom-EOtVJVRn.woff2 19.26 kB
2025-02-03T21:57:43.777Z | ui:build: dist/assets/flow-3-light-r33zoGJc.png 24.15 kB
2025-02-03T21:57:43.777Z | ui:build: dist/assets/flow-3-dark-jTpx2a4a.png 25.59 kB
2025-02-03T21:57:43.777Z | ui:build: dist/assets/flow-1-light-3JeO6zDr.png 38.98 kB
2025-02-03T21:57:43.777Z | ui:build: dist/assets/flow-1-dark-z0tVTBWW.png 39.57 kB
2025-02-03T21:57:43.777Z | ui:build: dist/assets/flow-2-dark-spNI-DSn.png 65.29 kB
2025-02-03T21:57:43.777Z | ui:build: dist/assets/flow-2-light-0oqxQzdJ.png 68.16 kB
2025-02-03T21:57:43.777Z | ui:build: dist/assets/integrations-Jh5998Gn.png 178.94 kB
2025-02-03T21:57:43.777Z | ui:build: dist/assets/shutter-crypto-gOccyHDH.wasm 330.40 kB
2025-02-03T21:57:43.778Z | ui:build: dist/assets/index-IGBYg-az.css 79.51 kB │ gzip: 15.43 kB
2025-02-03T21:57:43.778Z | ui:build: dist/assets/shutter-crypto-coNz2zZJ.js 0.07 kB │ gzip: 0.09 kB
2025-02-03T21:57:43.778Z | ui:build: dist/assets/index-qivHw-SV.js 4.19 kB │ gzip: 1.52 kB
2025-02-03T21:57:43.778Z | ui:build: dist/assets/index-GxuglsHM.js 14.02 kB │ gzip: 5.46 kB
2025-02-03T21:57:43.778Z | ui:build: dist/assets/index-vhZiCnKf.js 138.63 kB │ gzip: 44.02 kB
2025-02-03T21:57:43.778Z | ui:build: dist/assets/starknetkit-4JNnve33.js 171.50 kB │ gzip: 52.00 kB
2025-02-03T21:57:43.778Z | ui:build: dist/assets/index-PFDMsxpW.js 178.53 kB │ gzip: 55.69 kB
2025-02-03T21:57:43.778Z | ui:build: dist/assets/index.es-gGOfwn_R.js 239.26 kB │ gzip: 68.62 kB
2025-02-03T21:57:43.778Z | ui:build: dist/assets/index-00451f1a-4OCjprbS.js 354.22 kB │ gzip: 100.29 kB
2025-02-03T21:57:43.778Z | ui:build: dist/assets/index-zVRcyLYC.js 392.18 kB │ gzip: 102.00 kB
2025-02-03T21:57:43.778Z | ui:build: dist/assets/index-Z51UOCCY.js 4,410.79 kB │ gzip: 1,279.93 kB
2025-02-03T21:57:43.778Z | ui:build:
2025-02-03T21:57:43.778Z | ui:build: (!) Some chunks are larger than 500 kB after minification. Consider:
2025-02-03T21:57:43.778Z | ui:build: - Using dynamic import() to code-split the application
2025-02-03T21:57:43.778Z | ui:build: - Use build.rollupOptions.output.manualChunks to improve chunking: https://rollupjs.org/configuration-options/#output-manualchunks
2025-02-03T21:57:43.778Z | ui:build: - Adjust chunk size limit for this warning via build.chunkSizeWarningLimit.
2025-02-03T21:57:43.778Z | ui:build: ✓ built in 33.94s
2025-02-03T21:57:43.934Z | Tasks: 2 successful, 2 total
2025-02-03T21:57:43.934Z | Cached: 0 cached, 2 total
2025-02-03T21:57:43.934Z | Time: 40.808s
2025-02-03T21:57:44.220Z | Done in 41.18s.