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Marten Hogeweg edited this page Dec 14, 2012 · 1 revision

The list below includes enhancements and bug fixes. The ID for each item represents its tracking number in the Geoportal Server software development system. Note, these release notes reflect the enhancements and fixes completed for Geoportal extension version 10, as Geoportal Server version 0.9 is a functionally identical offering.

Table of Contents


These are items that have been identified as enhancements to the Geoportal Server.

Platform support, Installation and Configuration

  • Support for ArcGIS Server JavaScript API 2.0.
  • Support for PostgreSQL 8.4 database.
  • Support for Windows 7 operating system.
  • 43279 Support Chrome and Safari web browsers.
  • 56371 Provide Data migration servlet to migrate data from 9.3.1 database tables to 10 tables.
  • 56372 Includes database schema update scripts to migrate from 9.3.1 schema to 10 schema.
  • 57970 Removed metadata server references (SDE user and table) from database scripts.
  • 60182 OntologyService lucene url now includes a threshold value of 0.25.
  • 60714 Moved database jars from geoportal\WEB-INF\lib folder to Database Scripts\libfolder.
  • 60845 Geoportal distribution installer requests authorization code.


  • 43280 Geoportal Interface should support linking multiple records.
  • 45871 WMC Client re-written in C#.
  • 48851 Geoportal web application supports Web Mercator in a search map.
  • 53621 Geoportal fully supports Inspire discovery service.
  • 53690 Browse tab enables a user to browse the content of metadata catalog.
  • 53691 A logged in user can review and rate resources.
  • 53930 Data Download customization leverages download tool provided in ArcGIS 10.
  • 54026, 54027, 54548, & 54549 CSW Client for ArcMap, CSW Client for ArcGIS Explorer, Publish Client, and WMC Client use resource files to support localization.
  • 54034 Flex Viewer widget support 'Add to Map' functionality.
  • 54059 A user can search multiple external sites with a distributed search.
  • 54409 Geoportal support searching an ArcGIS Server search service as a repository for distrubuted search.
  • 57924 Support CSW ISO AP with brief and summary output format.
  • 58763 Indexes harvesting site IDs to provide a browse capability to remote sites' metadata.


  • 55194 Publish Client should support publishing to the Geoportal REST endpoint, and the Geoportal CS-W endpoint.
  • 55228 Merged user interface for the network path upload and the register repositories page.
  • 55245 CSW Clients for ArcMap and ArcGIS Explorer needs to be updated with the new GOS CS-W endpoint.
  • 55497 Implemented Web-based Harvesting/Synchronization processes, and deprecated the Desktop Harvesting tool.
  • 56004 A user can add Publish Client for use in ArcMap's Catalog window.
  • 56169 Provide CSW Client .NET API documentation.
  • 56370 Merge user interface of Administration tab and register repositories tab.
  • 58047 Publish Client can single .LYR file.
  • 59767 The Geoportal supports publishing the ArcGIS Metadata format.
  • 59962 Reorganize metadata folder and reference queriables files for Dublin Core, FGDC, ISO and ISO profiles.
  • 60199 Put list of CSW profiles on CSW registration page in alphabetical order.
  • 60210 Add a CSW profile for Esri geoportal ISO catalogs.

Defect Fixes

These are items that were identified as deffects and have been fixed in this release.

Platform support, Installation and Configuration

  • 53800 Geoportal LDAP integration causes an issue with distinguished names that contain commas.
  • 60311 SQLServer database installation does not provide unicode-supported database script.


  • 48626 On48626 OntologyService generated query string includes 'index.jsp' (WebLogic or ServletExec).
  • 48649 Preview metadata information from AGS Online will not display properly in inline preview.
  • 53670 Flex Widget adding WMS service throws error because of excess comma's in the 'layers=' section.
  • 53712 GeoNetwork CSW 2.0.1 OGCCORE references csw:IsoRecord.
  • 54107 WMS preview fails with NASA WMS 1.3.
  • 55790 A search map on search tab and a footprint map on details page are mislocated in IE 8.
  • 56126 My saved searches only displays the first page of results.
  • 56343 kml and kmz file having html code in CDATA section as a description does not get rendered properly and show html string.
  • 60867 In GlassFish environment, 'view report' on synchronization history page throws 500 error.


  • 54512 Can't register a network path and upload metadata with a SOAP endpoint when the "ArcGIS" in a URL path is lower case.
  • 54892 CSWClient does not challenge for credentials when search attempted on secure csw endpoint.
  • 60006 When a geodata service is published, child feature class metadata is not published even when expandDescendants is set to true.
  • 60053 iso19139-coregeog-definition.xml profile should include hierarchy metadata element.
  • 60180 In Inspire Dataset online form, 'distance' and 'equivalentScale' coexist and invalidate XML.
  • 60895 INSPIRE and ISO definition files use the wrong encoding of cadastral topic; should be planningCadastre.

Known Issues

User Management

  • 57363 Geoportal does not support registering new users through Register page or changing a password through the My Profile page if configured with Active Directory.


  • 42319 When the thumbnail in metadata is not found, an empty image displays in the search result/details page.
  • 47306 Searching through federated search allows users to choose Live Data and extent for a search criteria, but these are not supported by
  • 56343 kml and kmz file having html code in CDATA section as a description does not get rendered properly and show html string.
  • 59799 When a document title is long with no spaces, HTML rendering does not wrap the title in search results.
  • 60175 When OntologyService.war is deployed in weblogic without unzipping the .war file, the Ontology service does not return related terms.
  • 60956 If a bounding box is a point, foot print on a search map for the metadata is not correct and shows a random bounding box.


  • 45409 Geoportal calendar does not work properly if a server is set with different locale in JVM such as Buddhist calendar.
  • 60957 When metadata status gets updated with the checkbox "Apply action to the entire result set", the status change gets updated in search and lucene index files when the next synchronization (to sync between lucene index and database) process run and finish.


  • 60958 For CSW protocol, incremental Synchronization will not reharvest metadata that have been deleted from admin interface.
  • 60959 If a repository doesnt support last updated date info, Incremental sync will act like full sync.
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