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Marten Hogeweg edited this page Dec 14, 2012 · 1 revision

The geoportal database scripts create a set of tables that define database users, permissions, indexes, tables, and initial values for the database. Read about each table's columns and the meaning of that column's information in the chart below.

Table Name Column Name Meaning
GPT_HARVESTING_HISTORY UUID Unique string associated with each harvesting history record
HARVEST_ID ID of the repository that was harvested
HARVEST_DATE Date of the harvest
HARVESTED_COUNT Number of documents harvested (duplicated from harvest_report column for better performance and sorting)
VALIDATED_COUNT Number of harvested documents that were valid (duplicated from harvest_report column for better performance and sorting)
PUBLISHED_COUNT Number of harvested documents that were published to the portal (duplicated from harvest_report column for better performance and sorting)
HARVEST_REPORT Information that will be displayed for the harvesting report text
GPT_HARVESTING_JOBS_COMPLETED UUID Unique string associated with each completed harvesting job
HARVEST_ID ID of the repository that was harvested in that job
INPUT_DATE Date and timestamp marking when the harvesting job was created. This is the same INPUT_DATE that is in the GPT_HARVESTING_JOBS_PENDING table
HARVEST_DATE Date and timestamp for when the harvesting job was completed. This is the same HARVEST_DATE that is in the GPT_HARVESTING_JOBS_PENDING table
JOB_TYPE Harvesting job type (e.g., "full"=Full Harvest or "now"= Harvest Records that have been updated since last harvest. Same JOB_TYPE that is in the GPT_HARVESTING_JOBS_PENDING table
SERVICE_ID The Harvesting Service ID of the Harvesting Service that took over the job. Its ID is defined through the Harvesting Service install wizard (e.g., GPT_Harvesting_Service)
GPT_HARVESTING_JOBS_PENDING UUID Unique string associated with each pending harvesting job
HARVEST_ID ID of the repository that will be harvested in this job
INPUT_DATE Date and timestamp marking when the harvesting job was created. This is the same INPUT_DATE that is in the GPT_HARVESTING_JOBS_COMPLETED table
HARVEST_DATE Date and timestamp for when the harvesting job was completed. This is the same HARVEST_DATE that is in the GPT_HARVESTING_JOBS_COMPLETED table
JOB_STATUS Status of the harvesting job (e.g., "submitted" or "running")
JOB_TYPE Harvesting job type (e.g., "full"=Full Harvest or "now"= Harvest Records that have been updated since last harvest. Same JOB_TYPE that is in the GPT_HARVESTING_JOBS_COMPLETED table
CRITERIA XML string that defines the saved search
SERVICE_ID The Harvesting Service ID of the Harvesting Service that will take over the job. Its ID is defined through the Harvesting Service install wizard (e.g., GPT_Harvesting_Service).
GPT_RESOURCE DOCUUID Unique string associated with each resource
TITLE Title of the resource
OWNER UserID of the user who has ownership of the document. Corresponds to USERID in the GPT_USER table
INPUTDATE Date resource was registered
UPDATEDATE Date resource was last updated
ID Number assigned to registered resources to provide backward compatibility with the Geoportal 9.3.x harvesting mechanisms Note: DOCUUID vs. ID: DOCUUID is used to uniquely identify resources. ID, being a numerical value, is also used because certain database operations are faster on numerical values. If you are migrating a Geoportal 9.3.x database to Geoportal Server, migration will extract the metadata xml out of the 9.3.x GPT_METADATA table to the Geoportal Server's GPT_RESOURCE_DATA table. Both GPT_RESOURCE and GPT_RESOURCE_DATA are linked together using the ID for performance on UPDATE requests. For searching, and reading/downloading raw metadata, the DOCUUID is better to use. Maintaining both the ID and the DOCUUID for resources is a balance that maintains backward compatibility, usability, and increases performance.
APPROVALSTATUS Indicates if resource is approved ("approved"=approved, "NULL"= not approved, record has any other status)
PUBMETHOD How the resource was published to the portal (e.g. "upload", "registration", "harvester" (synchronization), "batch", "editor")
SITEUUID If the resource is synchronized, this is the site identifier string of the registered resource from which it came.
SOURCEURI User id and originating filename/location of the resource
FILEIDENTIFIER Value that may be stored in the resource's metadata xml to distinguish it from other resources. Because not every record may have a FileIdentifier in its XML, the geoportal assigns the DOCUUID to uniquely identify each record
ACL Indicates the restriction policy (if any) on the record
HOST_URL If the resource is a registered network resource, this is its URL
PROTOCOL_TYPE If the resource is a registered network resource, this is the protocol it uses (e.g., "arcims", "res", "csw", "oai", "waf", "thredds")
PROTOCOL Xml encoding of the resource's parameters, as defined when the resource is registered. An example with WAF: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><protocol type="WAF"><username/><password/></protocol>
FREQUENCY How often the resource should be synchronized (e.g., "Monthly", "BiWeekly", "Weekly", "Daily", "Hourly", "Once", "Skip")
SEND_NOTIFICATION True/false: send user an email when resource is synchronized
FINDABLE String associated with each metadata record, indicating whether it can be found when searching for metadata. The value can either be null for metadata that is not describing a searchable endpoint or true or false for metadata records that are describing a searchable endpoint.
SEARCHABLE String associated with each metadata record indicating whether to include the resource in the distributed search list. The value can either be null for metadata that is not describing a searchable endpoint or true or false for metadata records that are describing a searchable endpoint.
SYNCHRONIZABLE String associated with each metadata record indicating whether the content can be synchronized. The value can either be null for metadata that is not describing a searchable endpoint or true or false for metadata records that are describing a searchable endpoint.
LASTSYNCDATE Date resource was last synchronized
GPT_RESOURCE_DATA DOCUUID Unique string associated with each metadata record, connecting this table to the GPT_RESOURCE table
ID Number assigned to registered resources to provide backward compatibility with the Geoportal 9.3.x harvesting mechanisms
XML complete xml of the metadata record
THUMBNAIL stored image associated with the thumbnail graphic for records containing binary image information in the metadata xml
GPT_SEARCH UUID Unique string associated with each saved search
NAME Name of the saved search
USERID UserID of the user who saved the search
CRITERIA XML string that defines the saved search
GPT_USER USERID Unique number assigned to each user
DN Full LDAP distinguished name (e.g., cn=gptadmin,ou=users,ou=system)
USERNAME Username (e.g., gptadmin)
GPT_COLLECTION∗ - (version 1.2 only) COLUUID Unique string associated with each collection
SHORTNAME Name of the collection
GPT_COLLECTION_MEMBER∗ - (version 1.2 only) DOCUUID Document UUID of the record in the collection
COLUUID Collection ID of the collection containing the document

∗ The GPT_COLLECTION and GPT_COLLECTION_MEMBER tables are unused unless your organization has collections enabled. See Collections for details.

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