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Importing into TexTools

d87 edited this page Sep 15, 2024 · 2 revisions

10. Importing into TexTools

Now would be a good time to setup penumbra integration in textools.

Select the race/gender for the model you want to replace, press LOAD and select your exported FBX.
You'll see this dialog

You normally should leave all the default checkboxes here, and then press OPEN EDITOR.
That's where you go through dropdowns and select materials for your mesh groups and attributes for parts.


So let's say for skin group you select Bibo.
TexTools provides a selection shortcut for Bibo, but if the material you need isn't on the list you need to select Custom and write it yourselft, e.g. /mt_c0201b0001_bibopube.mtrl for Bibo pubes material.

Why we're always selecting midlander material (c0201 or c0101)? Because when the model is used on other races the game understands that it needs to use appropriate race's body material. In short, don't worry about it, just put in midlander materials.
Where your body materials are located >>>

For other mesh groups you select the gear materials from the dropdown.
For vanilla gear it's typically MaterialA Female, or male if it's the only one on the list.
Some items use shared material for both, so they only have male materials.
Gear mods that add their own material usually create a new _b material on the item.

Again on the material naming with examples:

  • /mt_c0201e0161_dwn_a.mtrl - Female Midlander (c0201) item id 161 (e0161) pants (dwn) _a suffix material
  • /mt_c0101e0161_top_b.mtrl - Male Midlander (c0101) item id 231 (e0231) chest (top) _b suffix material
  • /mt_c0401b0001_bibo.mtrl - Female Highlander (c0401) body id 1 (b0001) _bibo suffix material
  • /mt_c1601b0001_b.mtrl - Female Hrothgar (c1601) body id 1 (b0001) _b suffix material (Gen3)


As was explained in the splitting chapter the game sometimes needs to hide elbows/wrists/knees/shins.
So how does it know which part is what? With attributes.
You need to go through the list and make sure every part has corresponding attributes.
Absence of any attributes means the part is always visible, which is a good place to start.

Advanced Topics


All items have some settings associated with them and they're stored in metadata, which you can access by pressing VIEW/EDIT METADATA button.


And the most interesting thing there is visibility settings that determine how item interacts with others.
For example, if a necklace should be hidden when this chest item is worn, or if boots are long and should hide the knees and shins parts.


You could think of variants as this particular recolor/version on an item

Variant Attributes

And there's also a bunch of checkboxes at the bottom.

During attribute selection in the shortcut list you'll find Variant A/B/C attributes, which are like custom attributes and correspond to these checkboxes.

As you can see they actually go all the up to J, you just need to put them in by hand instead of selecting from the list.
And they allow to make some parts toggleable from the modpack settings. This is only supported by PMP modpacks, but you can setup an IMC Options Group which will control which parts are visible or not.