Video tutorials can be seen at the following link:
- Using Autodock Vina: Part 1: and Part 2:
- Using AutoDock-GPU
- Vina.exe (Version 1.2.3) download here, vina_1.2.3_windows_x86_64.exe change the name to vina.exe or
- ADFR Tools (Version 1.2)
- Mgl Tools (Version 1.5.7)
- Vina_Split
- Windows terminal
- Avogadro (Version 1.2)
- Discovery Studio (Version 2022)
- Marvin Sketch or website how to install Marvin Sketch (Version 2022) how to install marvin sketch
- Open the path, in the search field type path
- Click Environmental Variables
- Click Path Edit
- Click New, enter the location of the file or folder in the path
- Click Ok until all windows are closed (3 times click ok)
- There are 4 things that must be entered in the path, namely:
- C:\Program Files (x86)\MGLTools-1.5.7,
- C:\Program Files (x86)\ADFRsuite-1.0\bin and the location folder
- vina. exe
- vina_split.exe
- Read the protein article
- Using the Uniprot website
- Using the Discovery Studio application,
- Using online server applications such as: ICM-PocketFinder, CASTp, Chimera, Qsite, Scfbio online server
- Separate the Protein, remove the water and the ligand
- Separate ligands, remove protein, water
- Separate water and ligands first using Biovia Discovery Studio
- Click File Read Molecules look for protein.pdb
- Added Hydrogen with Edit-Add Hydrogen-All
- Edit add gasteiger charge
- Edit-Hydrogen Merge Non Polar
- Grid-Macromolecules-Choose
- save protein.pdbqt
- Select File Read Molecules, look for ligand.pdb
- Added Hydrogen with Edit-Add Hydrogen-All
- Edit add gasteiger charge
- Edit-Hydrogen Merge Non Polar
- Ligand-Input-choose
- Select ligand.pdb
- ligand-Toorsion tree-detect root
- Click Ligand-Torsion Tree-Choose Torsions, Select Done
- Select Ligand-Torsion Tree-Set Number of Torsions select fewest atom, and Dismiss
- Select Ligand-output-save as ligand.pdbqt
- python.exe -l 4ieh_ligand.pdbqt -r 4ieh_protein.pdbqt -y
- autogrid4 -p 4ieh_protein.gpf -l 4ieh_protein.glg
- Open the file with 4ieh_protein.gpf
- Record npts 50 40 40 as size x, y, z
- Record gridcenter -0.004 -0.187 0.078 as center x, y, z
- Create a grid.txt file in it that says: center_x = -0.004 center_y = -0.187 center_z = 0.078 size_x = 50 size_y = 40 size_z = 40
- An example of a grid.txt file can be seen here
- vina --receptor 4ieh_protein.pdbqt --ligand 4ieh_ligand.pdbqt --config grid.txt --exhaustiveness=8 --out 4ieh_ligand_vina_out.pdbqt > results.txt
- vina_split --input 4ieh_ligand_vina_out.pdbqt
- Video tutorial is here:
- Upload all the prepared files
- Run and open the following script file on google colab:
- Download the .dlg format file and open it using Notepad++, find minimal energy with the command run =
- Open the file 4ieh_ligand.pdbqt
- Drag the file 4ieh_ligand_vina_out_ligand_1.pdbqt
- Click File 4ieh_ligand.pdbqt,
- Click Structure-RMSD-Set Reference
- Click File 4ieh_ligand_vina_out_ligand_1.pdbqt
- Click Structure-RMSD-Heavy Atoms
- At the bottom you will see the RMSD value, the recommended RMSD value is <2
- Prepare protein: prepare_receptor -r rec.pdb -o rec.pdbqt
- Prepare ligand: prepare_ligand -l lig.pdb -o hasil.pdbqt -U nphs_lps
Video Tutorial dapat dilihat di link berikut:
- Part 1: dan Part 2:
- Penggunaan AutoDock-GPU
- Vina.exe (Version 1.2.3) download disini, vina_1.2.3_windows_x86_64.exe ubah namanya menjadi vina.exe atau download dari link berikut:
- ADFR Tools (Version 1.2)
- Mgl Tools (Version 1.5.7)
- Vina_Split
- Windows terminal
- Avogadro (Version 1.2)
- Discovery Studio (Version 2022)
- Marvin Sketch
- Buka path, pada kolom search ketik path
- Klik Enviromental Variabel
- Klik Path Edit
- Klik New, masukkan lokasi file atau folder pada path
- Klik Ok sampai semua jendela tertutup (3 kali klik ok)
- Yang harus dimasukaan dalam path ada 4 yaitu:
- C:\Program Files (x86)\MGLTools-1.5.7,
- C:\Program Files (x86)\ADFRsuite-1.0\bin and the location folder
- vina. exe
- vina_split.exe
- Baca artikel proteinnya
- Menggunakan web Uniprot
- Menggunakan aplikasi Discovery Studio,
- Menggunakan aplikasi server online seperti: ICM-PocketFinder, CASTp, Chimera, Qsite, Scfbio online server
- Pisahkan reseptor, buang air dan ligannya
- Pisahkan ligand, buang protein, air
- Dipisahkan air dan ligannya terlebih dahulu menggunakan Biovia Discovery Studio
- Klik File Read Molecules cari protein dengan format .pdb
- Dilakukan penambahan Hidrogen dengan Edit-Add Hidrogen-All
- Edit tambahkan muatan gasteiger
- Edit-Hidrogen Merge Non Polar
- Grid-Macromolecules-Choose
- save protein dengan nama 4ieh_protein.pdbqt
- Klik File Read Molecules cari ligand dengan format .pdb
- Dilakukan penambahan Hidrogen dengan Edit-Add Hidrogen-All
- Edit tambahkan muatan gasteiger
- Edit-Hidrogen Merge Non Polar
- Ligand-Input-choose
- Pilih ligand.pdb
- ligand-Toorsion tree-detect root
- Klik Ligand-Torsion Tree-Choose Torsions, Klik Done
- Klik Ligand-Torsion Tree-Set Number of Torsions Pilih fewest atom, selanjutnya klik Dismiss
- Klik ligand-output-save as dengan nama 4ieh_ligand.pdbqt
- Pastikan file sudah ada difolder kerja, file ini bisa didownload menggunakan dengan cara copy alamat ini ke website tersebut, lalu klik download
- python.exe -l 4ieh_ligand.pdbqt -r 4ieh_protein.pdbqt -y
- autogrid4 -p 4ieh_protein.gpf -l 4ieh_protein.glg
- Buka file dengan 4ieh_protein.gpf
- Catat npts 50 40 40 sebagai size x, y, z
- Catat gridcenter -0.004 -0.187 0.078 sebagai center x, y, z
- Buat file grid.txt didalamnya tertulis: center_x = -0.004 center_y = -0.187 center_z = 0.078 size_x = 50 size_y = 40 size_z = 40
- Contoh file grid.txt dapat dilihat disini
- vina --receptor 4ieh_protein.pdbqt --ligand 4ieh_ligand.pdbqt --config grid.txt --exhaustiveness=8 --out 4ieh_ligand_vina_out.pdbqt > results.txt
- vina_split --input 4ieh_ligand_vina_out.pdbqt
- Video tutorial ada disini:
- Upload semua file hasil preparasi
- Jalankan dan buka file script berikut di google colab:
- Download file format .dlg dan buka menggunakan Notepad++, cari energi minimal dengan perintah run =
- Buka file 4ieh_ligand.pdbqt
- Drag file 4ieh_ligand_vina_out_ligand_1.pdbqt
- Klik File 4ieh_ligand.pdbqt,
- Klik Structure-RMSD-Set Reference
- Klik File 4ieh_ligand_vina_out_ligand_1.pdbqt
- Klik Structure-RMSD-Heavy Atoms
- Dibagian bawah nanti kelihatan nilai RMSDnya, nilai RMSD yang disarankan adalah <2
- Ketik diterminal : conda activate
- Jalankan perintah diterminal: obrms -f 4ieh_ligand.pdbqt 4ieh_ligand_vina_out.pdbqt
- Ubah file pdbqt menjadi pdb: obabel 4ieh_vina_out_ligand_1.pdbqt -O ligand1.pdb
- Buka Avogadro
- Klik File-open-ligand/obat dengan format .mol2
- Klik Extension-Molecular Mecahanics-Setup Force Field
- Pilih setup Force-Field pilih MMFF94
- Klik Extension-Pilih-Optimize Geometry
- clik Save as, save format .mol2 file