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Meeting Notes (2020 09 15)

Alex McLain edited this page Sep 20, 2020 · 2 revisions
  • Soldering stations

  • Dev boards are shipping

    • Things not included in the bulk parts order that you'll need to source yourself
      • MX keys + key caps + stabilizers
      • BeagleBone Black [Wireless]
      • Jumper wires from BBB to keyboard
    • The MX switches don't have the right LED cutout
    • The Kailh switches should have the correct LED cutout
    • Stabilizers are something you order separately
      • There are two types of PCB mounted stabilizers. We can use either; screw-in would be better for a dev kit.
      • The screw-in stabilizers have bushings so that they fit correctly
    • The Band-Aid method
      • People cut up Band-Aids and put them between the plate and PCB so the stabilizer doesn't slam into the PCB.
      • There are purpose-made foam stickers for this
  • BlueHeron, the Nerves Bluetooth library, is in the works

  • Open PRs

    • There's a chance when unregistering a paintable that more messages are received in the mailbox
    • Got rid of all the process monitoring and engine crashing tests ("let it crash")
  • We should do an interest check to see why people are interested in the Nerves keyboard and what they want from it
