This tool converts a sequential C code in input, to a parallel C code as output.
It achieves Task parallelism (only).
- "seq.c" is the sequential code to convert and needs to be written in a specefic format (See "Preparation" section below)
- This convertor uses @iamsubhranil 's C ThreadPool, thus it is mandatory for the functionnality of this convertor.
- gcc was used as compiler
- gprof is used to proritize some tasks before others depending on their execution time. Shorter ones are being prioritized when first put in the pool.
- Start by cloning this repository :
git clone
- Clone @iamsubhranil 's C ThreadPool :
git clone
- Install gprof
As stated above, this converter achieves Task parallelism, and your code needs to be written in a specefic format, which is the following :
int function1(int a)
//operations that function1 performs
return x;
void function2(float *c, int *n)
//operations that function2 performs
Other functions/methods ...
int main()
//Calling the functions and putting a specefic comment before their call
int a = 5
int x;
//#function1 a x
x = function1(a)
float b = 4
//#function2 b,c /
This converter parallelizes Tasks executions depending on their input/output.
A dependency tree is built in the back-end and used to write the parallel version.
The comment used before the functions' call in the main needs to be of the following format :
//#function_name inputs outputs
Multiple inputs and outputs needs to be seperated by a comma (',') like shown in the format above.
Empty inputs or outputs have to be stated in the special comment with a "/".
Exemple :
//#print_values a,b /
In this exemple, the function print_values takes a and b as inputs, and has no output.
- Rename your sequential program to "seq.c" and put it with this converter's files
- Open terminal in the repository folder, and execute this command :
chmod +x
- Execute the following command in the terminal :
The parallel version of your program should appear named, "para.c" within the folder you are working on.
- Feel free to raise an issue.
- Contact the contributors