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Releases: iqbal-lab-org/pandora

Version 0.12.0-alpha.0

14 Dec 15:39
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  • pandora mapping has been improved by doing a better detection of conflicting clusters and selection [#344];


  • Parameter --min-gene-coverage-proportion to pandora map, compare and discover subcommands [#351];
  • Parameter --no-gene-coverage-filtering to pandora map, compare and discover subcommands [#352];
  • Parameter --partial-matching-lower-bound to pandora map, compare and discover subcommands [#353];

Version 0.11.0-alpha.0

17 Aug 20:44
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This version is a major release that breaks backwards compatibility with previous versions of pandora.
It improves pandora runtime performance by 15x and RAM usage by 20x.


  • The pandora index changed from a set of files in a directory structure to a single, compressible and indexable zip
    file (pandora indexes now have the suffix This is now the single file that is produced by the
    pandora index command and is required as argument to all the other pandora commands. This index is self contained in
    the sense that it encodes all the information and metadata about it (e.g. which PRGs were used to create it, window and
    kmer size, etc). This new index provide the infrastructure for the next features and simplifies working with large
    reference pangenome collections, with a few million PRGs. This new index breaks backwards compatibility with previous
    pandora versions. The structure of this zip archive is as follows:
    • _prg_names: The names of the PRGs used as input to create this index;
    • _prg_max_path_lengths: the length of the longest path through each PRG;
    • _prg_lengths: the length of the string representation of each PRG;
    • _minhash: the minimizer hash data structure;
    • _metadata: metadata about the index;
    • *.gfa: the several GFA files describing the minimizing kmer graph for each PRG;
    • *.fa: the string representation of each PRG;
  • Minimum C++ standard upgraded from C++11 to C++14;
  • We now test whether the genotype confidence of a variant is greater than or equal to the threshold provided by
    --gt-conf. Previously we only tested if it was greater than;


  • Removed CLI parameters -w, -k and --clean from the following pandora subcommands: compare, discover, map,
  • Removed merge_index subcommand;
  • Removed gene-DBG and noise-filtering modules;


  • Fixed a major bug on finding the longest path through PRGs;
  • Several refactorings to the pandora index implementation;
  • Optimisation of the pandora index data structure;


  • A memory-efficient way to load PRGs when indexing and mapping, where we don't need to load all PRGs at once to process
    them, but just load on demand (also known as lazy loading). This is particularly useful when working with very large
  • Random multimapping of reads if they map equally well to several graphs, reducing mapping bias. Added parameter
    --rng-seed to pandora map/compare/discover commands to make multimapping deterministic, if required;
  • A new parameter to deal with auto-updating error rate and kmer model (see --dont-auto-update-params parameter in
    pandora map/compare/discover commands);
  • Three new parameters to control when a gene should be filtered out due to too low or too high coverage (see
    --min-abs-gene-coverage, --min-rel-gene-coverage and --max-rel-gene-coverage parameters in
    pandora map/compare/discover commands);

Version 0.10.0-alpha.0

05 Dec 11:04
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  • Denovo discovery is now done by repeatedly polishing the loci's maximum likelihood sequences using the regions of the
    reads that mapped to the loci through Racon;
  • Pandora discover CLI heavily changed: parameters -M,--mapped-reads, --clean-dbg, --discover-k, --max-ins,
    --covg-threshold, -l, -L, -d,--merge, -N, --min-dbg-dp removed;


  • Pandora map, compare and discover commands now produce SAM files;
  • Parameter -K/--debugging-files to pandora map, compare and discover commands to create extra
    debugging files, which are able to describe completely the mapping process of pandora.

Version 0.9.2

27 Sep 14:01
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  • The VCF INFO field SVTYPE has now been changed to VC [#249]


  • More robust TSV file parsing. Empty line no longer required at end [#213]
  • Handle ambiguous bases properly instead of skipping to next read once we reach one [#294]

Version 0.9.1

21 May 12:42
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  • pandora is now installable through conda;
  • A script to archive the pandora repository with git submodules;


  • Improved the sample example so now we can assert that the output produced is the expected one;
  • Changes to the build process that enables pandora to be compiled in the conda environment;

Version 0.9.0

11 May 13:57
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  • Version bump from 0.9.0-rc2 to 0.9.0.

Version 0.9.0-rc2

07 Apr 11:55
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Version 0.9.0-rc2 Pre-release

Note: this is a pre-release.



  • pandora discover now processes one sample at a time, but runs with several threads on the heavy tasks, i.e. when
    mapping reads, finding candidate regions, and finding denovo variants. The result is that it now takes a lot less RAM to
    run on multiple samples.

Version 0.9.0-rc1

02 Apr 12:58
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Version 0.9.0-rc1 Pre-release

Note: this is a pre-release.



  • pandora discover now receives read index files describing samples and reads, and discover denovo sequences in these samples. To improve performance on discovering denovo sequences on several samples, pandora discover is now multithreaded, but the performance is still the same as the previous version, i.e. each sample is processed in a single-threaded way;
  • pandora discover output changed to a proprietary format. See example for the new output;
  • pandora can now communicate with a make_prg prototype that is able to update PRGs without needing to realign and remake the PRG. This provides major performance upgrades to running the full pandora pipeline with denovo discovery enabled, and there is no need anymore to use a snakemake pipeline (see this example to how to run the full pipeline);
  • We now use musl libc instead of Holy Build Box to build a precompiled portable binary, removing the dependency on OpenMP 4.0+ or GCC 4.9+, and GLIBC;

Version 0.8.0

12 Mar 11:11
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  • We now provide a script to build a portable precompiled binary as another option to run pandora easily. The portable binary is now provided with the release;
  • pandora can now provide a meaningful stack trace in case of errors, to facilitate debugging (need to pass flag -DPRINT_STACKTRACE to CMake). Due to this, we now add debug symbols (-g flag) to every pandora build type, but this does not impact performance. The precompiled binary has this enabled.


  • We now use the Hunter package manager, removing the requirement of having ZLIB and Boost system-wide installations;
  • GATB is now a git submodule instead of an external project downloaded and compiled during compilation time. This means that when
    git cloning pandora, cgranges and GATB are also downloaded/cloned, and when preparing the build (running cmake), Hunter downloads and installs Boost, GTest and ZLIB. Thus we still need internet connection to prepare the build (running cmake)
    but not for compiling (running make).
  • We now use a GATB fork that accepts a ZLIB custom installation;
  • Refactored all thirdparty libraries (cgranges, GATB, backward, CLI11, inthash) into their own directory thirdparty.


  • Refactored asserts into exceptions, and now pandora can be compiled correctly in the Release mode. The build process is thus able to create a more optimized binary, resulting in improved performance.
  • Don't assume Nanopore reads are longer than loci [#265]

Version 0.8.0-alpha

04 Mar 17:50
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Version 0.8.0-alpha Pre-release

Pre-release for v0.8.0-alpha. This is an unstable version. The latest stable release is v0.7.0.



Improvements to the build process and performance.


  • We now provide a script to build a portable precompiled binary as another option to run pandora easily.
    The portable binary is now provided with the release;
  • pandora can now provide a meaningful stack trace in case of errors, to facilitate debugging
    (need to pass flag -DPRINT_STACKTRACE to CMake). Due to this, we now add debug symbols (-g flag)
    to every pandora build type, but this does not impact performance.
    The precompiled binary has this enabled.


  • We now use the Hunter package manager, removing the requirement of having ZLIB and
    Boost system-wide installations;
  • GATB is now a git submodule instead of an external project downloaded and compiled during compilation time.
    This means that when git cloning pandora, cgranges and GATB are also downloaded/cloned, and when preparing
    the build (running cmake), Hunter downloads and installs Boost, GTest and ZLIB.
    Thus we still need internet connection to prepare the build (running cmake) but not for compiling (running make).
  • We now use a GATB fork that accepts a ZLIB custom installation;
  • Refactored all thirdparty libraries (cgranges, GATB, backward, CLI11, inthash) into their own directory thirdparty.


  • Refactored asserts into exceptions, and now pandora can be compiled correctly in the Release mode.
    The build process is thus able to create a more optimized binary, resulting in improved performance.