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Instructions for create anaconda installer

agiovann edited this page Jan 10, 2016 · 2 revisions

edit the files meta.yaml and to eventually change the version tags after cloning the repo, go one folder up (cd ..)

temporarily remove the folder movie from the folder mv Constrained_NMF/movies .

run conda build Constrained_NMF/

move back the movies folder

mv movies Constrained_NMF/

zip demoCNMF.ipynb movies/demoMovie.tif and attach the created zip file to the release

create a test environment

conda create -n test python source activate test

test the installation

conda install Constrained_NMF --use-local ipython import ca_source_extraction

upload repository to server

exit the environment source deactivate

login to anaconda anaconda login

anaconda upload filename --force the file name is in the output of conda build Constrained_NMF

test the new installer in a new environment (you can repeat step above after typing conda env remove -n test)

conda install -c constrained_nmf