Welcome to the Droneflight Demo FUSEE App, which illustrates a method to calculate movement of objects and the camera in Space using Quaternions
, This method works for 1st and 3rd person views.
contains the source code for a working FUSEE application showing
a 3D drone model with 3 different camera types.
The drone model was created using Blender and imported as .fus
The Controls are mapped to
- Camera
Free Camera
1st person free flightWASD
move in spaceLMB + mouse move
rotate view
Drone Camera
3rd person follows drones FOV- Drone movement
fowards, backwardsAD
to the sidesRF
up, downLMB + Mouse move
rotates drone
- Drone movement
Follow Camera
3rd person rotates around drone- Camera movement
RMB + Mouse move
rotates camera around drone
- Camera movement
If you Just use normal rotations for moving around in 3D space you get the Problem that your rotatons will depend on each other so if you want to rotate an object like this
you will get a Rotation around the y-axis and then most likely your x-axis rotaton will rotate your drone in an unwanted direction if your Yaw angle is close to 90° it will even result in a roll instead of a pitch.
Local Yaw + Local Pitch = Global Roll
So to avoid this we will use Quaternions for our calculations
Quaternions are 4 dimensional numbers with 1 real part w
and three imaginary parts i, j and k
Fusee has an already implemented quaternion class with which you can create a quaternion from an angle input
public Quaternion Orientation(float Yaw, float Pitch) {
Orientation = Quaternion.FromAxisAngle(float3.UnitY, Yaw) *
Quaternion.FromAxisAngle(float3.UnitX, Pitch);
return Orientation;
after creating this quaternion we can use it to transfrom our direction vector
var forward = float3.Transform(float3.UnitZ, orientation(Yaw, Pitch));
With the direction correctly calculated we can now create for example our LookAt Matrix with it
RC.View = float4x4.LookAt(position, position + forward, float3.UnitY);
or change the position of an object
_drone.Translation.Z += float3.Transform(float3.UnitZ * a, orientation(Yaw, 0));