Funnyplaces is a Clojure client for Factual's API. It supports rich queries across Factual's U.S. Places, Crosswalk, and Crossref, and Resolve services.
Factual's web-based API offers:
- Places API: Rich queries across a high quality dataset of U.S. Points of Interest and business entities.
- Crosswalk: Translation between Factual IDs, third party IDs, and URLs that represent the same entity across the internet.
- Crossref: Lets you find URLs that contain entities in the Factual places database, or to find the Factual ID of a place mentioned on a URL.
- Resolve: An entity resolution API that makes partial records complete, matches one entity against another, and assists in de-duping and normalizing datasets.
Funnyplaces is hosted at Clojars. Just add this to your dependencies:
[funnyplaces "1.1-beta"]
(ns yournamespace.core
(:use [funnyplaces.api :as fun]))
;; Fetch 3 random Places from Factual
(fun/fetch :places :limit 3)
fetch takes the table name as the first argument, followed by a list of option pairs. It returns a sequence of records, where each record is a hashmap representing a row of results. So our results from above will look like:
[{:status 1, :country US, :longitude -94.819339, :name Lorillard Tobacco Co., :postcode 66218, ... }
{:status 1, :country US, :longitude -118.300024, :name Imediahouse, :postcode 90005, ... }
{:status 1, :country US, :longitude -118.03132, :name El Monte Wholesale Meats, :postcode 91733, ... }]
This means it's easy to compose concise queries. For example:
;; Get the names of 3 Places from Factual
> (map :name (fun/fetch :places :limit 3))
("Lorillard Tobacco Co." "Imediahouse" "El Monte Wholesale Meats")
;; Return rows where region equals "CA"
(fun/fetch :places :filters {"region" "CA"})
;; Return rows where name begins with "Starbucks" and return both the data and a total count of the matched rows:
(fun/fetch :places :filters {:name {:$bw "Starbucks"}} :include_count true)
;; Do a full text search for rows that contain "Starbucks" or "Santa Monica"
(fun/fetch :places :q "Starbucks,Santa Monica")
;; Do a full text search for rows that contain "Starbucks" or "Santa Monica" and return rows 20-40
(fun/fetch :places :q "Starbucks,Santa Monica" :offset 20 :limit 20)
;; Return rows with a name equal to "Stand" within 5000 meters of the specified lat/lng
(fun/fetch :places
:filters {:name "Stand"}
:geo {:$circle {:$center [34.06018, -118.41835] :$meters 5000}})
;; Return all Crosswalk data for the place identified by the specified Factual ID
(fun/crosswalk :factual_id "97598010-433f-4946-8fd5-4a6dd1639d77")
;; Return Crosswalk data for the place identified by the specified Factual ID
(fun/crosswalk :factual_id "97598010-433f-4946-8fd5-4a6dd1639d77" :only "loopt")
;; Return all Crosswalk data for the place identified by the specified Foursquare ID
(fun/crosswalk :namespace "foursquare" :namespace_id "4ae4df6df964a520019f21e3")
;; Return the Crosswalk data for the place identified by a Foursquare ID:
(fun/crosswalk :namespace "foursquare" :namespace_id "4ae4df6df964a520019f21e3" :only "yelp")
The get-factid function takes a URL and returns the Factual ID for the place mentioned on the specified URL. For example:
> (fun/get-factid "")
[{:url "", :is_canonical true, :factual_id "97598010-433f-4946-8fd5-4a6dd1639d77"}]
The get-urls function takes a Factual ID and returns URLs that mention that place. For example:
;; Return all URLs where the place identified by the specified Factual ID is mentioned
(fun/get-urls "97598010-433f-4946-8fd5-4a6dd1639d77")
The resolve function takes a hash-map of values indicating what you know about a place. It returns the set of potential matches, including a similarity score.
> (fun/resolve {"name" "ino", "latitude" 40.73, "longitude" -74.01}))
The resolved function takes a hash-map of values indicating what you know about a place. It returns either a certain match, or nil.
> (fun/resolved {"name" "ino", "latitude" 40.73, "longitude" -74.01}))
Factual's API returns more than just results rows. It also returns various metadata about the results. You can access this metadata by using Clojure's meta function on your results. Examples:
> (meta (fun/fetch :places :filters {:name {:$bw "Starbucks"}} :include_count true))
{:total_row_count 8751, :included_rows 20, :version 3, :status "ok"}
> (meta (fun/crosswalk :factual_id "97598010-433f-4946-8fd5-4a6dd1639d77"))
{:total_row_count 13, :included_rows 13, :version 3, :status "ok"}
> (meta (fun/get-factid ""))
{:total_row_count 1, :included_rows 1, :version 3, :status "ok"}
> (meta (fun/get-urls "97598010-433f-4946-8fd5-4a6dd1639d77" :limit 12))
{:total_row_count 66, :included_rows 12, :version 3, :status "ok"}
Funnyplaces uses the Slingshot library to indicate API errors. If Funnyplaces encounters an API error, a Slingshot stone called funnyplaces-error will be thrown.
The funnyplaces-error will contain information about the error, including the server response code and any options you used to create the query.
; (:import [funnyplaces.api funnyplaces-error])
(fun/fetch :places :filters {:factual_id "97598010-433f-4946-8fd5-4a6dd1639d77" :BAD :PARAM!})
(catch funnyplaces-error {code :code message :message opts :opts}
(println "Got bad resp code:" code)
(println "Message:" message)
(println "Opts:" opts)))
Let's create a simple function that finds Places close to a lat/lng, with "cafe" in their name:
(defn nearby-cafes
"Returns up to 12 cafes within 5000 meters of the specified location."
[lat lon]
(fun/fetch :places
:q "cafe"
:filters {:category {:$eq "Food & Beverage"}}
:geo {:$circle {:$center [lat lon]
:$meters 5000}}
:include_count true
:limit 12))
Using our function to get some cafes:
> (def cafes (nearby-cafes 34.06018 -118.41835))
Let's peek at the metadata:
> (meta cafes)
{:total_row_count 26, :included_rows 12, :version 3, :status "ok"}
Ok, we got back a full 12 results, and there's actually a total of 26 cafes near us. Let's take a look at a few of the cafes we got back:
> (map :name (take 3 cafes))
("Aroma Cafe" "Cafe Connection" "Panini Cafe")
That first one, "Aroma Cafe", sounds interesting. Let's see the details:
> (clojure.contrib.pprint/pprint (first cafes))
{:status "1",
:country "US",
:longitude -118.423421,
:factual_id "eb67e10b-b103-41be-8bb5-e077855b7ae7",
:name "Aroma Cafe",
:postcode "90064",
:locality "Los Angeles",
:latitude 34.039792,
:region "CA",
:address "2530 Overland Ave",
:website "",
:tel "(310) 836-2919",
:category "Food & Beverage"}
So I wonder what Yelp has to say about this place. Let's use Crosswalk to find out. Note that we use Aroma Cafe's :factual_id from the above results...
> (fun/crosswalk :factual_id "eb67e10b-b103-41be-8bb5-e077855b7ae7" :only "yelp")
({:factual_id "eb67e10b-b103-41be-8bb5-e077855b7ae7",
:namespace :yelp,
:namespace_id "AmtMwS2wCbr3l-_S0d9AoQ",
:url ""})
That gives me the yelp URL for the Aroma Cafe, so I can read up on it on
Of course, Factual supports other Crosswalked sources besides Yelp. If you look at each row returned by the crosswalk function, you'll see there's a :namespace in each one. Let's find out what namespaces are available for the Aroma Cafe:
> (map :namespace (fun/crosswalk :factual_id "eb67e10b-b103-41be-8bb5-e077855b7ae7"))
(:merchantcircle :urbanspoon :yahoolocal :foursquare :yelp ... )
Let's create a function that takes a :factual_id and returns a hashmap of each valid namespace associated with its Crosswalk URL:
(defn namespaces->urls [factid]
(into {} (map #(do {(:namespace %) (:url %)})
(fun/crosswalk :factual_id factid))))
Now we can do this:
> (namespaces->urls "eb67e10b-b103-41be-8bb5-e077855b7ae7")
{:merchantcircle "",
:urbanspoon "",
:yahoolocal "",
:foursquare "",
:yelp "",
... }