Funnyplaces is a Clojure driver for Factual's API. It supports rich queries across Factual's datasets, including support for the Crosswalk, Crossref, and Resolve services.
Factual's web-based API offers:
- Rich queries across curated datasets U.S. points of interest, global points of interest, and U.S. restaurants with long tail attributes.
- Crosswalk: Translation between Factual IDs, third party IDs, and URLs that represent the same entity across the internet.
- Crossref: Lets you find URLs that contain entities in the Factual places database, or to find the Factual ID of a place mentioned on a URL.
- Resolve: An entity resolution API that makes partial records complete, matches one entity against another, and assists in de-duping and normalizing datasets.
Funnyplaces is hosted at Clojars. Just add this to your dependencies:
[funnyplaces "1.2.3"]
(ns yournamespace.core
(:use [funnyplaces.api :as fun]))
;; Fetch 3 random Places from Factual
(fun/fetch :places :limit 3)
fetch takes the table name as the first argument, followed by a list of option pairs. It returns a sequence of records, where each record is a hashmap representing a row of results. So our results from above will look like:
[{:status 1, :country US, :longitude -94.819339, :name Lorillard Tobacco Co., :postcode 66218, ... }
{:status 1, :country US, :longitude -118.300024, :name Imediahouse, :postcode 90005, ... }
{:status 1, :country US, :longitude -118.03132, :name El Monte Wholesale Meats, :postcode 91733, ... }]
This means it's easy to compose concise queries. For example:
;; Sample three business names from the Places dataset (U.S. points of interest):
> (map :name (fun/fetch :places :limit 3))
("Lorillard Tobacco Co." "Imediahouse" "El Monte Wholesale Meats")
;; Return rows with a name equal to "Stand" within 5000 meters of the specified lat/lng
(fun/fetch :places
:filters {:name "Stand"}
:geo {:$circle {:$center [34.06018, -118.41835] :$meters 5000}})
;; Find restaurants near a latitude, longitude that deliver dinner, sorted by distance:
(defn deliver-dinner [lat lon]
(fun/fetch :restaurants-us
:filters {:meal_dinner {:$eq true}
:meal_deliver {:$eq true}}
:geo {:$circle {:$center [lat lon]
:$meters 4500}}
:sort :$distance))
Fetch will work with any Factual dataset. E.g.:
(fun/fetch :places :limit 3)
(fun/fetch :restaurants-us :limit 3)
(fun/fetch :global :limit 3)
;; Return rows where region equals "CA"
(fun/fetch :places :filters {"region" "CA"})
;; Return rows where name begins with "Starbucks" and return both the data and a total count of the matched rows:
(fun/fetch :places :filters {:name {:$bw "Starbucks"}} :include_count true)
;; Do a full text search for rows that contain "Starbucks" or "Santa Monica"
(fun/fetch :places :q "Starbucks,Santa Monica")
;; Do a full text search for rows that contain "Starbucks" or "Santa Monica" and return rows 20-40
(fun/fetch :places :q "Starbucks,Santa Monica" :offset 20 :limit 20)
;; Count all businesses in Chiang Mai, Thailand that are operational and have a telephone number
(fun/fetch :global
:include_count true
:filters {:country {:$eq "TH"}
:region {:$eq "Chiang Mai"}
:status {:$eq 1}
:tel {:$blank false}}))
[:response :total_row_count])
Funnyplaces supports various row filter logic. Examples:
;;; Fetch places whose name field starts with "Starbucks"
(fun/fetch :places :filters {:name {:$bw "Starbucks"}})
;;; Fetch U.S. restaurants that have a blank telephone number
(fun/fetch :restaurants-us :filters {:tel {:$blank true}})
;;; Fetch U.S. restaurants from one of five states
(fun/fetch :restaurants-us :filters {:region {:$in ["MA", "VT", "NH", "RI", "CT"]}})
Predicate | Description | Example :filters |
$eq | equal to | {:region {:$eq "CA"}} |
$neq | not equal to | {:region {:$neq "CA"}} |
$search | full text search | {:name {:$search "fried chicken"}} |
$in | equals any of | {:region {:$in ["MA", "VT", "NH", "RI", "CT"]}} |
$nin | does not equal any of | {:region {:$nin ["MA", "VT", "NH", "RI", "CT"]}} |
$bw | begins with | {:name {:$bw "starbucks"}} |
$nbw | does not begin with | {:name {:$nbw "starbucks"}} |
$bwin | begins with any of | {:name {:$bwin ["starbucks" "tea" "coffee"]}} |
$nbwin | does not begin with any of | {:name {:$nbwin ["starbucks" "tea" "coffee"]}} |
$blank | whether is blank or null | {:name {:$blank true}} {:name {:$blank false}} |
$gt | greater than | {:rating {:$gt 3.0}} |
$gte | greater than or equal to | {:rating {:$gte 3.0}} |
$lt | less than | {:rating {:$lt 3.0}} |
$lte | less than or equal to | {:rating {:$lte 3.0}} |
;; Return all Crosswalk data for the place identified by the specified Factual ID
(fun/crosswalk :factual_id "97598010-433f-4946-8fd5-4a6dd1639d77")
;; Return Crosswalk data for the place identified by the specified Factual ID
(fun/crosswalk :factual_id "97598010-433f-4946-8fd5-4a6dd1639d77" :only "loopt")
;; Return all Crosswalk data for the place identified by the specified Foursquare ID
(fun/crosswalk :namespace "foursquare" :namespace_id "4ae4df6df964a520019f21e3")
;; Return the Crosswalk data for the place identified by a Foursquare ID:
(fun/crosswalk :namespace "foursquare" :namespace_id "4ae4df6df964a520019f21e3" :only "yelp")
The get-factid function takes a URL and returns the Factual ID for the place mentioned on the specified URL. For example:
> (fun/get-factid "")
[{:url "", :is_canonical true, :factual_id "97598010-433f-4946-8fd5-4a6dd1639d77"}]
The get-urls function takes a Factual ID and returns URLs that mention that place. For example:
;; Return all URLs where the place identified by the specified Factual ID is mentioned
(fun/get-urls "97598010-433f-4946-8fd5-4a6dd1639d77")
The resolve function takes a hash-map of values indicating what you know about a place. It returns the set of potential matches, including a similarity score.
> (fun/resolve {:name "ino", :latitude 40.73, :longitude -74.01}))
The resolved function takes a hash-map of values indicating what you know about a place. It returns either a certain match, or nil.
> (fun/resolved {:name "ino", :latitude 40.73, :longitude -74.01}))
Factual's API returns more than just results rows. It also returns various metadata about the results. You can access this metadata by using Clojure's meta function on your results. Examples:
> (meta (fun/fetch :places :filters {:name {:$bw "Starbucks"}} :include_count true))
{:total_row_count 8751, :included_rows 20, :version 3, :status "ok"}
> (meta (fun/crosswalk :factual_id "97598010-433f-4946-8fd5-4a6dd1639d77"))
{:total_row_count 13, :included_rows 13, :version 3, :status "ok"}
> (meta (fun/get-factid ""))
{:total_row_count 1, :included_rows 1, :version 3, :status "ok"}
> (meta (fun/get-urls "97598010-433f-4946-8fd5-4a6dd1639d77" :limit 12))
{:total_row_count 66, :included_rows 12, :version 3, :status "ok"}
You can get the schema for a specific table like this:
(schema :restaurants-us)
Funnyplaces uses Slingshot to indicate API errors. If Funnyplaces encounters an API error, a Slingshot stone called funnyplaces-error will be thrown.
The funnyplaces-error will contain information about the error, including the server response code and any options you used to create the query.
; (:import [funnyplaces.api funnyplaces-error])
(fun/fetch :places :filters {:factual_id "97598010-433f-4946-8fd5-4a6dd1639d77" :BAD :PARAM!})
(catch funnyplaces-error {code :code message :message opts :opts}
(println "Got bad resp code:" code)
(println "Message:" message)
(println "Opts:" opts)))
Let's create a simple function that finds Places close to a lat/lng, with "cafe" in their name:
(defn nearby-cafes
"Returns up to 12 cafes within 5000 meters of the specified location."
[lat lon]
(fun/fetch :places
:q "cafe"
:filters {:category {:$eq "Food & Beverage"}}
:geo {:$circle {:$center [lat lon]
:$meters 5000}}
:include_count true
:limit 12))
Using our function to get some cafes:
> (def cafes (nearby-cafes 34.06018 -118.41835))
Let's peek at the metadata:
> (meta cafes)
{:total_row_count 26, :included_rows 12, :version 3, :status "ok"}
Ok, we got back a full 12 results, and there's actually a total of 26 cafes near us. Let's take a look at a few of the cafes we got back:
> (map :name (take 3 cafes))
("Aroma Cafe" "Cafe Connection" "Panini Cafe")
That first one, "Aroma Cafe", sounds interesting. Let's see the details:
> (clojure.contrib.pprint/pprint (first cafes))
{:status "1",
:country "US",
:longitude -118.423421,
:factual_id "eb67e10b-b103-41be-8bb5-e077855b7ae7",
:name "Aroma Cafe",
:postcode "90064",
:locality "Los Angeles",
:latitude 34.039792,
:region "CA",
:address "2530 Overland Ave",
:website "",
:tel "(310) 836-2919",
:category "Food & Beverage"}
So I wonder what Yelp has to say about this place. Let's use Crosswalk to find out. Note that we use Aroma Cafe's :factual_id from the above results...
> (fun/crosswalk :factual_id "eb67e10b-b103-41be-8bb5-e077855b7ae7" :only "yelp")
({:factual_id "eb67e10b-b103-41be-8bb5-e077855b7ae7",
:namespace :yelp,
:namespace_id "AmtMwS2wCbr3l-_S0d9AoQ",
:url ""})
That gives me the yelp URL for the Aroma Cafe, so I can read up on it on
Of course, Factual supports other Crosswalked sources besides Yelp. If you look at each row returned by the crosswalk function, you'll see there's a :namespace in each one. Let's find out what namespaces are available for the Aroma Cafe:
> (map :namespace (fun/crosswalk :factual_id "eb67e10b-b103-41be-8bb5-e077855b7ae7"))
(:merchantcircle :urbanspoon :yahoolocal :foursquare :yelp ... )
Let's create a function that takes a :factual_id and returns a hashmap of each valid namespace associated with its Crosswalk URL:
(defn namespaces->urls [factid]
(into {} (map #(do {(:namespace %) (:url %)})
(fun/crosswalk :factual_id factid))))
Now we can do this:
> (namespaces->urls "eb67e10b-b103-41be-8bb5-e077855b7ae7")
{:merchantcircle "",
:urbanspoon "",
:yahoolocal "",
:foursquare "",
:yelp "",
... }
The use and distribution terms for this software are covered by the Eclipse Public License 1.0 ( which can be found in the file LICENSE.html at the root of this distribution. By using this software in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound by the terms of this license. You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software.