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Naming, finding, and identifying projects and files

Dario Kampkaspar edited this page Oct 28, 2019 · 4 revisions


A project is any set of collections (i. e. editions) “held together“ by a shared project.xqm. In terms of database structure, all elements of this set MUST be subcollections of the collection holding the common project.xqm. This project.xqm is shared by all children (but may be overwritten); a project SHOULD have a wdbmeta.xml of it own.


A Collection (usually one edition or one phase phase of a longer project) is always identified by its wdbmeta.xml. A Collection always lives in an eXist-collection of its own. It may have children: these need to live in an eXist sub-collection and MUST have a wdbmeta.xml of their own. It is also possible to have further eXist sub-collections without wdbmeta.xml to bring order to the chaos of larger projects. These are not considered to be a Collection in their own right. Each Collection is identified by the value of projectMD/@xml:id in its wdbmeta.xml. Hence, this value MUST be globally unique. This is not enforced, though, as importing projects, e. g. via git, may introduce duplicates that are more easily identified and handled from within the DB.


While a resource can be anything that is stored in the DB, this term is narrowed down here. A Resource is anything that is identified by an ID in a wdbmeta.xml. This includes that file itself and usually every XML file that is intended to be displayed. In this case, the value of file/@xml:id in wdbmeta.xml MUST be equal to the value of @xml:id on the top level element of the XML file, e. g. doc('wdbmeta.xml')//file/@xml:id = doc('tei.xml')/TEI/@xml:id. Access to Resources is by their ID, be that for any retrieval via REST or for display via view.html. Hence, a file’s ID MUST be globally unique. Again, this is not enforced but an error will be generated if more than one resource is found with any given ID. When using the upload endpoints (e.g. through an admin form or a python script), IDs are managed by the framework and checks are performed to ensure IDs are unique. Also, IDs are generated for non-XML files; trying to upload a TEI file without and @xml:id will result in an error.