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CSS files and classes

Dario Kampkaspar edited this page Jun 6, 2019 · 12 revisions

global CSS files

All these files define global CSS rules. While it is possible to change them directly, the preferred way to go is via project specific files as these global files may be replaced during an update or upgrade.

file rules
resources/css/wdb.css basic layout of any page – this one is loaded first by all pages in the templating system
resources/css/function.css basic layout for function pages (small aside left, wide main right)
resources/css/view.css main layout file for header, nav, main and aside in of view.html
resources/css/search.css additional layout for search page and results
resources/css/start.css additional layout for start.html
resources/css/footnotes.css additional layout for footnotes

overview of classes


class / rule / id intended for
header the horizontal header at the top
main main text area to the left
nav (global) navigation
#wdbRight the right hand side
#fac container for facsimile (on the right)
#facsimile iframe to load facsimiles
#wdbShowHide central vertical bar to adjust size
#wdbContent container for text in main
footer the footer below a text (container)
span.dispOpts options in the header (usually to the right)
#marginalia_container container for marginalia


class / rule / id intended for
div.footnotes container for all footnotes
#kritApp, #FußnotenApparat, #critApp, #apparatus one group of notes
hr.fnRule footnote rule (above)
a.fn_number footnotes's identifier in the main text
.fn_number_app footnotes's identifier within the footnote
span.footnoteText footnote's text (usually after the identifier)


class / rule / id intended for
#toc_title title for the table of contents
div.startImage an image to be displayed on the right