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LotATC Support - Beta

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@ciribob ciribob released this 17 Nov 19:36
· 838 commits to master since this release

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To install or update, extract ALL the files from the "" (link below) zip into a temporary folder and just run the installer which'll replace any previous version installed automatically. The auto updater will not install BETA versions.

Windows N users will need to enable the Media Pack or they will get the audio initialisation error - Details on Discord -


Thanks to you all for the support - SRS Team (MorpheusXAUT and Ciribob)

DCS / VR Overlay & Overlay Configuration

The overlay has 4 states, hidden, small, small+volume & full that you can see by pressing Left Control + Left Shift + Escape by default.

The Full state has a title bar that you can click and drag the window around with. The window position will be saved for when DCS is next opened.

The radio status is removed after 5 seconds if SRS is closed or loses server connection

To configure the overlay hotkey, run DCS once to create a config file in Saved Games\DCS\Config which will look something like so and quit DCS:

config = 
    ["mode"] = "minimum",
    ["hotkey"] = "Ctrl+Shift+escape",
    ["windowPosition"] = 
        ["y"] = 342,
        ["x"] = 981,
    }, -- end of ["windowPosition"]
} -- end of config

Edit the "Hotkey" section and add the characters from the keyboard you'd like to use instead. i.e

config = 
    ["mode"] = "minimum",
    ["hotkey"] = "Ctrl+Shift+1", -- now uses the combination of ctrl shift and 1 together to toggle
    ["windowPosition"] = 
        ["y"] = 342,
        ["x"] = 981,
    }, -- end of ["windowPosition"]
} -- end of config

Fixed Channels

Fixed channels can be created for all FC3 aircraft and all expansion radios for Non FC3.

Channel presets are created per Radio - full list of names & frequencies here )

Preset files are named after the radio (no special characters needed & case is ignored) and are text files with a single frequency on each line.

For example, to create a fixed channel list for the first UHF radio in the F15C:

Create a file called ANARC-164 UHF1.txt or anarc164 UHF1.txt where you installed SimpleRadio Standalone (where the client exe is), add frequencies and save. Example also attached

The file will be automatically loaded when that radio appears on an aircraft. The frequency list can also be manually reloaded with the reload button

See for more info on Radio Encryption

The Wiki has even more information:

Troubleshooting - or ask me on Discord

Server Details

For the server you need to open TCP AND UDP PORTS 5002 unless you've changed the server port using the server config file.

Banned IPs are added to a file created where ever the server is run called banned.txt. To unban, just delete the IP from the file and restart the server.

The server will always open ONE PORT in two Protocols TCP and UDP - you can control this with the Config file. If you cant press PTT but everything else looks fine - this is why and indicated with the VoIP Green Plug 👍

KNOWN BUG: If you get lag while using the radio, press L Ctrl + L Shift + L to fix. This is a DCS bug i'm trying to work around and triggered by pressing L Ctrl + L. It doesn't matter if that key is bound or not, it'll still cause lag when you press it

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