This repository contains an example of the code to generate a MAPK Experimental Signature from the PlateSeq data deposited at GSE252002. Briefly, the above cited data, is a PlateSeq drug screening performed on two different PDA cell lines (ASPC1 and PANC1, two plates per line) using 14 different RAF/MEK/ERK Inhibitors.
The aim of the R script, called MAPK_Exp_Signature_Generation.R, is to generate a consensus MAPK gene expression signature combining the mechanisms of action of all the tested drugs.
The input files necessary to run the code are:
- the logTPM normalized counts (ASPC1_logTPM_Expression_Final.rds and PANC1_logTPM_Expression_Final.rds)
- and the metadata associated to each one of the 4 plates (ULA-APSC1/PANC1-PS-A/B-_Final.rds)