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Paco Zamora Martinez edited this page Jan 6, 2015 · 5 revisions


This package contains an implementation of ANNs by using a graph description. The graph allow to declare delayed connections, which can be used to develop recurrent neural networks as LSTMs or Elman.

Graph based ANNs

Graph ANNs are declared as instances of the class ann.graph. The ANN graph is a model where nodes are ANN componentes (any object of ann.components and objects defined in ann.graph and ann.graph.blocks). So, nodes have an input and an output tokens, in the same way as ANN componentes receive a token and produce as output another token. Nodes can receive any number of connections as input and its output can be connected to other multiple nodes. When multiple input connections are received, they are put together into a tokens.vector.bunch instance. The graph implements properly the propagation of gradients between the nodes, and uses the methods forward, backprop and compute_gradients of the components in every node.

The graph object is considered itself as an ANN component, allowing to declare graphs where nodes are other graphs. Every graph has two special nodes, 'input' and 'output', which are used to connect the visible parts of the ANN.

In ANN graphs loops are allowed, but they cannot be made of normal connections, and the concept of delayed connections is introduced (indeed, normal connections are whose with delay=0). An ANN graph with delayed connections is equivalent to the concept of Recurrent Neural Network (RNN in the following).

The training of RNNs is done following the Back-Propagation Trough Time (BPTT) algorithm. RNNs have an special behavior in forward method, the graph takes note of the state (input, output, gradient deltas, ...) for every node, allowing to take as input the activation in any past instant. The backprop method returns a tokens.null instance, that is, its output is none, this method just annotates the given input error deltas for a future use. Calling the method compute_gradients the error deltas given at backprop are propagated through all the space and time, and the weight gradients are computed.


g = ann.graph( [ name ] )

The constructor an optional name argument.


g:connect( source, dest1, ..., [ delay=0 ] )

This method connects a path of nodes in the graph. It receives as arguments:

  • source: The first node in the path (source). It can be an ANN component or the string 'input'.
  • dest1: The second node in the path (dest1). It can be an ANN component or the string 'output'.
  • ...: A variadic list of arguments with zero or more nodes which form the path. Every node in this list can be an ANN component or output.
  • delay=0: The last argument is optional and by default it is zero. This argument is needed to declare delayed connections. All the connections in the path would be declared with the delay given in this argument. Note that normally only the connection between two nodes need to be delayed, and for this purpose the method g:delayed(source,destination) has been declared.

For correction, a graph is valid only if the input node is a source and output node is a sink, and every node is reachable from the input.

The following example shows how to declare a Jordan network.

> g        = ann.graph()
> bind     = ann.graph.bind()
> out_actf = ann.components.logistic()
> g:connect('input', bind,
            ann.components.hyperplane{ input=2, output=4 },
            ann.components.hyperplane{ input=4, output=1 },
            out_actf, 'output')
> g:delayed(out_actf, bind) -- recurrent connection
> g:build()


g:delayed( source, destination )

This is equivalent to g:connect(source, destination, 1).



This method is used for debug purposes, and show all the nodes in the given graph. If the graph contains other graphs as nodes, their nodes would be shown recursively. The output indicates the level of recursion, the name of the component in the corresponding node, and the type of the object, as in the following example (extracted from a LSTM test):

# (level) name type
(0) a2                             ann.components.actf.log_logistic
(0) parity::output                 string
(0) LSTM                           ann.graph +
  (1) LSTM::f::layer                 ann.components.hyperplane
  (1) LSTM::input                    string
  (1) LSTM::o::actf                  ann.components.actf.logistic
  (1) LSTM::i::peephole              ann.graph.bind
  (1) LSTM::o::gate                  ann.graph.cmul
  (1) LSTM::o::layer                 ann.components.hyperplane
  (1) LSTM::f::gate                  ann.graph.cmul
  (1) LSTM::actf                     ann.components.actf.softsign
  (1) LSTM::memory                   ann.graph.add
  (1) LSTM::o::peephole              ann.graph.bind
  (1) LSTM::i::actf                  ann.components.actf.logistic
  (1) LSTM::cell_input               ann.components.hyperplane
  (1) LSTM::output                   string
  (1) LSTM::i::gate                  ann.graph.cmul
  (1) LSTM::f::actf                  ann.components.actf.logistic
  (1) LSTM::i::layer                 ann.components.hyperplane
  (1) LSTM::f::peephole              ann.graph.bind
(0) l2                             ann.components.hyperplane
(0) parity::input                  string



This method is for debug. It writes to the given filename a DOT graph which can be transformed in PDF using graphviz.


g,weights,components = g:build( [ table ] )

See ANN package doc.


output = g:forward( input, [ during_training=false ] )

See ANN package doc.


output = g:backprop( input )

See ANN package doc.

Note that this method changes its default behavior when the graph is a RNN. In this case, the output of this method is a tokens.null instance, so it can be ignored.


table = g:compute_gradients( [table] )

See ANN package doc.


table = g:bptt_backprop()

Forces the BPTT algorithm execution, and returns a table (Lua array) with the delta gradients at the ANN input for every time instant.


table = g:get_bptt_state()

Returns a table with the state of the whole ANN for every time instant.

table = g:get_bptt_state(time)

Returns a table with the state of the whole ANN for the given time instant.


g:reset( [ n ] )

See ANN package doc.

Additionally with the standard behavior, this method reinitializes the BPTT tables, and must be called before starting a new sequence.


boolean = g:get_is_recurrent()

Indicates if the caller graph is recurrent or not.


g:set_bptt_truncation( backstep )

Changes the BPTT algorithm behavior, truncating the gradient computation every backstep number of iterations. This value can be math.huge to indicate an infinite limit. Besides this value, another usual one is 1, which transforms allow to use the algorithm as a kind of on-line learning algorithm.

Graph junctions


ann.graph.bind{ [ name=string ], [ input=number ], [ output=number ], [ size=number ] }


ann.graph.add{ [ name=string ], [ input=number ], [ output=number ] }


ann.graph.cmul{ [ name=string ], [ input=number ], [ output=number ] }


ann.graph.index(n, { [ name=string ], [ input=number ], [ output=number ] })

Graph blocks constructors


ann.graph.blocks.elman{ [ name=string ], [ input=number ],
                        [ output=number ], [ actf=string ] })


ann.graph.blocks.lstm{ [ name=string ], [ input=number ],
                       [ output=number ], [ actf=string ],
                       [ peepholes=true ], [ input_gate=true ],
                       [ forget_gate=true], [ output_gate=true ] })
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