Follow wiki for user documentation.
Tutorials are available at april-ann-tutorials repository.
Contributions are wellcome. Only pull requests to devel
branch will be
accepted, so avoid to create pull requests to master
. A Travis CI instance
will check that your request passes all tests. For Lua unit testing use the
package basics/utest
, and for C++ unit testing the package basics/gtest
At the end of this document there are information about Doxygen documentation
which can be useful for C/C++ developing. For Lua developing use the wiki.
It is possible to make a pull request directly to master
branch for bug or
memory leak solving.
Clone the repository and enter to it:
$ git clone
$ cd april-ann
The first time you want to run APRIL-ANN, you need to install dependencies in Linux (via apt-get) and in MacOS X (via MacPorts/Homebrew). There is an automatic shellscript which covers majorly Ubuntu (other Debian based distributions can be supported) and MacOS X systems. You just need to run:
$ ./
Requires the following libraries. Versions are only orientative, it could work with older and newer versions whenver the API was compatible.
- GNU C++ compiler (g++): v 4.7.2
- Only in Linux systems: Lua 5.2 headers to tell APRIL-ANN the default system
path for Lua modules (
header). - BLAS implementation: ATLAS (v. 3), Intel MKL (v. 10.3.6), MacOS Accelerate Framework
- Threads posix (pthread)
- Readline (libreadline)
- OpenMP
- LAPACK library, offered by liblapack_atlas, mkl_lapack, or MacOS Accelerate Framework
- LAPACKE library when compiling with ATLAS
The following libreries are recommended, but optional, you will need to remove
its package from the path profile_build_scripts/package_list.lua
- [OPTIONAL] libpng: if you want to open PNG images, package
. - [OPTIONAL] libtiff: if you want to open TIFF images, package
. - [OPTIONAL] libz: support for open of GZIPPED files, package
. - [OPTIONAL] libzip: support for open ZIP packages, package
For perform computation on GPU, this optional library, which has an specific make target:
- [OPTIONAL] CUDA and CUBLAS: release 4.2.6.
First, it is mandatory to configure the repo PATH and other stuff. This step is needed every time you start a session, and before compilation:
$ .
Second, you can compile the APRIL-ANN version which you need. We have developed compiling files for using different libraries. The most simple compilation way is
$ make
and it would detect automatically your platform (Darwin or Linux) and your target SUFIX (mkl, atlas, macports or homebrew). The automatic targets are:
- release automatic platform and sufix detection target (the same as
without any argument). - debug automatic platform and sufix detection target for debug version.
- test automatic platform and sufix detection target for test-debug version.
There are available more targets, just depending in your particular system
installation you can execute them by using $ make TARGET
- release-mkl needs of MKL library installed at
as prefix. - release-atlas needs of OMP and ATLAS library.
- release-no-omp needs ATLAS library.
- release-cuda-mkl needs CUDA and MKL installed at
as prefix. - release-macports needs Mac OS X with MacPorts and Accelerate Framework.
- release-homebrew needs Mac OS X with Homebrew and Accelerate Framework.
Besides this targets, it is possible to compile for debug replacing release string with debug string, and for testing replacing release by test-debug.
The makefile has the following variables which can be forced by the user:
- PREFIX indicates the prefix for libraries and binaries. In Linux it is
, in Darwin it depends on MacPorts (/opt/local
) or Homebrew (/usr/local
). - LIB indicates shared library install directory, by default it is
- INCLUDE indicates header sources install directory, by default it is
- LUALIB indicates where Lua library modules are installed, by default it is
- LUAMOD indicates where Lua code modules are installed, by default it is
and there will be createdapril_tools
folder with a copy of the content of repository'stools
folder. - BIN indicates where you want to install binary files, by default it is
Each of this targets will need a little configuration depending on your library
installation. For example, in order to compile with MKL, the file
contains the following sections
(among others):
global_flags = {
use_lstrip = "no",
optimization = "yes",
platform = "unix",
-- For Intel MKL :)
-- For Intel MKL :)
You need to especify the -I
option to the compiler, and all the extra_libs
stuff related with MKL. Exists one build file for each possible target:
, build_debug.lua
, build_mkl_release.lua
, ... and so on.
The binary will be generated at bin/april-ann
, which incorporates the Lua 5.2
interpreter and works without any dependency in Lua. Besides, a shared library
and a Lua module will be generated at lib/
, so it is possible to use require
from Lua to load APRIL-ANN
in a standard Lua 5.2 interpreter. In order to require aprilann
module it is
required the installation of both libraries in their corresponding place in your
system. Normally this can be done executing $ sudo make install
NOTE that loading april-ann
as a Lua 5.2 module, you need to have the
library in the package.cpath
or LUA_CPATH. It is possible to install it
in your system defaults following next section.
The installation is done executing:
$ sudo make install
This procedure copies the binary to system location in /usr
(or in
for Mac OS X via MacPorts). The shared library is copied
to Lua default directory, in order to load it by using require
If you are using a non default installation (a custom one), please
copy the .so
files manually to your package.cpath
- You can execute the standalone binary:
$ april-ann
APRIL-ANN v0.2.1-beta COMMIT 920 Copyright (C) 2012-2013 DSIC-UPV, CEU-UCH
This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details see LICENSE.txt.
This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
under certain conditions; see LICENSE.txt for details.
Lua 5.2.2 Copyright (C) 1994-2013, PUC-Rio
> print "Hello World!"
Hello World!
- It is possible to use APRIL-ANN as a Lua module, loading only the packages
which you need (i.e.
), or loading the full library (require("aprilann")
). Be careful, the APRIL-ANN modules doesn't follow Lua guidelines and have lateral effects because of the declaration of tables, functions, and other values at the GLOBALs Lua table. Before using APRIL-ANN as a Lua module you need to install it into your system (currently only available for Linux systems) by executing$ sudo make install
$ lua
Lua 5.2.2 Copyright (C) 1994-2013, PUC-Rio
> require "aprilann.matrix"
> require "aprilann"
APRIL-ANN v0.2.1-beta COMMIT 920 Copyright (C) 2012-2013 DSIC-UPV, CEU-UCH
This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details see LICENSE.txt.
This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
under certain conditions; see LICENSE.txt for details.
> print "Hello World!"
Hello World!
If you are interested in use this software, please cite correctly the source. In academic publications you can use this bibitem:
Author = {Francisco Zamora-Mart\'inez and Salvador Espa{\~n}a-Boquera and
Jorge Gorbe-Moya and Joan Pastor-Pellicer and Adri\'an Palacios-Corella},
Note = {{}},
Title = {{APRIL-ANN toolkit, A Pattern Recognizer In Lua with Artificial Neural Networks}},
Year = {2013}}
List of research papers which uses this tool:
Joan Pastor-Pellicer, Salvador España-Boquera, Francisco Zamora-Martínez, M. Zeshan Afzal, M.J. Castro-Bleda. Insights on the Use of Convolutional Neural Networks for Document Image Binarization, IWANN, Advances in Computational Intelligence, pages 115-126, 2015.
Joan Pastor-Pellicer, Salvador España-Boquera, Francisco Zamora-Martínez, María José Castro-Bleda. Handwriting Normalization by Zone Estimation using HMM/ANNs, ICFHR, pages 633-638, 2014.
Francisco Zamora-Martínez, Pablo Romeu, Paloma Botella-Rocamora, and Juan Pardo. On-line learning of indoor temperature forecasting models towards energy efficiency, Energy and Buildings, 83:162-172, 2014.
Francisco Zamora-Martínez, Pablo Romeu, Paloma Botella-Rocamora, and Juan Pardo. Towards Energy Efficiency: Forecasting Indoor Temperature via Multivariate Analysis. Energies, 6(9):4639-4659, 2013.
Pablo Romeu, Francisco Zamora-Martinez, Paloma Botella, and Juan Pardo. Time-Series Forecasting of Indoor Temperature Using Pre-trained Deep Neural Networks. In ICANN, pages 451-458. 2013.
Joan Pastor-Pellicer, Francisco Zamora-Martinez, Salvador España-Boquera, and M.J. Castro-Bleda. F-Measure as the error function to train Neural Networks. In Advances in Computational Intelligence, IWANN, part I, LNCS, pages 376-384. Springer, 2013.
F. Zamora-Martínez, Pablo Romeu, Juan Pardo, and Daniel Tormo. Some empirical evaluations of a temperature forecasting module based on Artificial Neural Networks for a domotic home environment. In IC3K - KDIR, pages 206-211, 2012.
Our ancient ANN implementation in the former APRIL tookit was published here:
- S. España-Boquera, F. Zamora-Martinez, M.J. Castro-Bleda, J. Gorbe-Moya. Efficient BP algorithms for general feedforward neural networks. In IWINAC, pages 327-336, 2007.
Competition participations and other projects where APRIL-ANN has been used:
- Kaggle American Epilepsy Society Seizure Prediction Challenge, system ESAI-CEU-UCH positioned as 4th in the leaderboard. Download from GitHub the code to run this system.
APRIL-ANN is compiled following a package system. In the directory packages you could find a tree of directory entries. Leaves in the tree are directories which contain file "package.lua". The "package.lua" defines requirements, dependencies, libraries, and other stuff needed by the corresponding package.
Each package could contain this directories:
- c_src: source files (.h, .cc, .c, .cpp, .cu, and others).
- binding: binding files (, a kind of templatized file which generates the glue code between C/C++ and Lua.
- lua_src: lua source files which define functions, tables, and pseudo-classes in Lua.
- doc: doxygen documentation additional files.
- test: examples and files for testing.
At root directory exists a file named "package_list.lua". It is a Lua table with the name of packages that you want to compile. If you don't want or don't have libpng, or libtiff, or other library, you could erase the package name from this list to avoid its compilation.
- Lua virtual machine 5.2.2:
- Luiz's lstrip for Lua 5.1, adapted to compile with Lua 5.2.2:
- MersenneTwister:
- Median filter from Simon Perreault:
- RuningStat class for efficient and stable computation of mean and variance:
- Mike Pall's advanced readline patch for Lua:
- Google C++ Testing Framework:
- (Included, but not used) Lua autocompletion rlcompleter release 2, by rthomas:
- Lua base64 encoding developed by Ernie Ewert.
The documentation of the devel branch will be mantained as updated as possible in the following links:
However, you can produce the Doxygen documentation of the branch where
you are working by using the makefile's document
target. Please, note that
you need to have installed Doxygen and
$ make document
$ open doxygen_doc/developer/html/index.html
The last command can be substituted by you opening the indicated location in your prefered web browser ;)
Execute: $ ./
If your distribution is not supported (currently only Ubuntu has support), then install g++, libatlas-dev, libreadline-dev, libpng-dev, libtiff-dev, libz-dev, libopenmp-dev, libzip-dev, liblua5.2-dev.
Via MacPorts:
- Install MacPorts
- Execute
$ ./
Or via HomeBrew:
- Install Homebrew
- Execute
$ ./
Find the code base necessary for compilation of new modules at APRIL-ANN module example.
Currently this option has been tested for Linux systems, despite it can be done in MacOS X. So, for Linux systems, you need to install APRIL-ANN using the following commands (after you have downloaded or cloned the main repository):
$ ./
$ make
$ sudo make install
After that, you need to link your software using pkg-config
to configure your
$ g++ -fPIC -shared -o *.o $(pkg-config --cflags --libs april-ann)
Don't forget to require APRIL-ANN in your C++ code using the following instruction:
luaL_requiref(L, "aprilann", luaopen_aprilann, 1);
Once you have done this steps, you can load your module into APRIL-ANN using Lua interpreter:
$ lua
Lua 5.2.2 Copyright (C) 1994-2013, PUC-Rio
> your_module = require "YOUR_MODULE_NAME"
APRIL-ANN v0.4.0 Copyright (C) 2012-2015 DSIC-UPV, CEU-UCH
Compiled at Sat Jul 18 13:45:52 2015, timestamp 1437219952
This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details see LICENSE.txt.
This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
under certain conditions; see LICENSE.txt for details.
The next C++ code is an example of file which can be loaded as external module for APRIL-ANN:
// includes all APRIL-ANN dependencies and declares luaopen_aprilann header
#include "april-ann.h"
using AprilMath::MatrixExt::Initializers::matFill;
using AprilUtils::LuaTable;
using AprilUtils::SharedPtr;
using Basics::MatrixFloat;
// exported function example
int get(lua_State *L) {
SharedPtr<MatrixFloat> m = new MatrixFloat(2, 10, 20);
matFill(m.get(), 20.0f);
// using LuaTable you can push APRIL-ANN objects in Lua stack (be careful,
// not all objects can be pushed)
LuaTable::pushInto(L, m.get());
return 1;
// declaration of module opening function
extern "C" {
int luaopen_example(lua_State *L) {
static const luaL_Reg funcs[] = {
{"get", get},
luaL_requiref(L, "aprilann", luaopen_aprilann, 1);
lua_pop(L, 1);
luaL_newlib(L, funcs);
return 1;
The module can be loaded using a Lua 5.2 interpreter (for instance, the one
deployed with APRIL-ANN, but not the april-ann
executable command), as
indicated above.