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2018‐09 User Manual

Andres Leon Rangel edited this page May 12, 2024 · 2 revisions

5.User Manual

This section describes the methodical steps to be taken by the user to access the functionality of the service. Screen shots are provided to support the narrative.

1. The Lecturer logs into the Attendance Webapp system from the web browser. This will generate a one-time authentication code.

2. The students access the Attendance Webapp using their mobile phones or any device. This allows them to enter the onetime authentication code which allows them to login their attendance.

3. The lecturer can access Attendance of students, Add paper, Add Room and Add users.

4.5.1 Login for the Attendance Web application

J2EE userID Login

Figure 40: Login Screen for attendance Web Application for the Student and the lecturer

4.5.2 The Login Module for Lecturer

lectures Login

Figure 41: Generate Attendance code screen for the lecturer The Generate Attendance Code Screen

Random Code Generation

Figure 42: Generated Attendance code screen for the lecturer

4.5.3 Attendance System for the Student

student menu

Figure 43: Login to the Attendance screen for the student The Logging of attendance by the student

web student attendance

Figure 44: Logging of Attendance by the student Confirmation of Registration

success Login

Figure 45: Confirmation of attendance registration

4.5.4 Prompting for failure

Login Failure

Figure 46: Failure of attendance registration

4.6 Mulesoft Orchestration

Mulesoft ESB simply orchestrates some functionalities from AWS, Google cloud and random web service providers. It uses the activities to transform output result from one data type JSON to an object and then to text.

MuleSoft ESB

Figure 46: MuleSoft orchestration ESB services