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Slurm and Moab

Author: Blaise Barney, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory


Table of Contents

  1. Abstract
  2. What is a Workload Manager?
  3. Workload Managers at LC
  4. Basic Concepts
    1. Jobs
    2. Queues and Queue Limits
    3. Banks
    4. Fair Share Job Scheduling
  5. Basic Functions
    1. Building a Job Script
    2. Submitting Jobs
    3. Monitoring Jobs
    4. Job States and Status Codes
    5. Exercise 1
    6. Holding/Releasing Jobs
    7. Canceling Jobs
    8. Changing Job Parameters
    9. Setting Up Dependent Jobs
    10. Banks and Usage Information
    11. Output Files
    12. Determining When Your Job's Time is About to Expire
    13. Running in Standby Mode
  6. Displaying Configuration and Accounting Information
  7. Parallel Jobs and the srun Command
  8. Running on Serial Clusters
  9. Batch Commands Summary
  10. Exercise 2
  11. References and More Information

Slurm and Moab are two workload manager systems used to schedule and manage user jobs run on Livermore Computing (LC) clusters. This tutorial presents the essentials for using Slurm and Moab on LC platforms. It begins with an overview of workload managers, followed by a discussion on some basic concepts for workload managers, such as the definition of a job, queues and queue limits, banks and fair-share job scheduling. Basic workload manager functions are covered next, including how to build batch scripts, submit, monitor, change, hold/release, and cancel jobs. Dependent jobs, bank usage information, output files, determining when a job will expire, and running in standby round out the basic workload manager functions. Other topics covered include displaying configuration and accounting information, a discussion on parallel jobs and the srun command, and running on serial clusers. This tutorial includes both C and Fortran example codes and lab exercises.

Level/Prerequisites: The material covered in EC3501: Livermore Computing Resources and Environment would be helpful.

What is a Workload Manager?
  • The typical LC cluster is a finite resource that is shared by many users.

  • In the process of getting work done, users compete for a cluster's nodes, cores, memory, network, etc.

  • In order to fairly and efficiently utilize a cluster, a special software system is employed to manage how work is accomplished.

  • Commonly called a Workload Manager. May also be referred to (sometimes loosely) as:

    • Batch system
    • Batch scheduler
    • Workload scheduler
    • Job scheduler
    • Resource manager (usually considered a component of a Workload Manager)
  • Tasks commonly performed by a Workload Manager:

    • Provide a means for users to specify and submit work as "jobs"
    • Evaluate, prioritize, schedule and run jobs
    • Provide a means for users to monitor, modify and interact with jobs
    • Manage, allocate and provide access to available machine resources
    • Manage pending work in job queues
    • Monitor and troubleshoot jobs and machine resources
    • Provide accounting and reporting facilities for jobs and machine resources
    • Efficiently balance work over machine resources; minimize wasted resources
  • Generalized architecture and workflow of a Workload Manager:

    • Logs into cluster
    • Creates job script and submits it to workload manager
    • Monitors and interacts with job via workload manager
    • Queries workload manager for job and cluster information
    Workload Manager
    • Typically runs on a separate server as multiple processes
    • Receives job submissions, commands, queries from user
    • Matches job requirements to available machine resources
    • Evaluates, prioritizes and queues jobs
    • Schedules jobs for execution on cluster
    • Tracks job and cluster information
    • Sends jobs to compute node daemons for actual execution
    • Workload Manager daemons run on compute nodes
    • Daemons manage compute resources and job execution
    • Daemons communicate with Workload Manager server processes
  • Some popular Workload Managers include:

    • Slurm from SchedMD
    • Spectrum LSF from IBM
    • Tivoli Workload Scheduler (LoadLeveler) from IBM
    • PBS from Altair Engineering
    • TORQUE, Maui, Moab from Adaptive Computing
    • Univa Grid Engine
    • OpenLava
  • For a brief overview on batch system concepts, see LC's "Batch System Primer" located at:

Workload Managers at LC


  • Slurm is an open-source cluster management and job scheduling system for Linux clusters.
  • Slurm is LC's primary Workload Manager. It runs on all of LC's clusters except for the CORAL Early Access (EA) systems.
  • Used on many of the world's TOP500 supercomputers.
  • SchedMD is the primary source for Slurm downloads and documentation. SchedMD also offers development and support services for Slurm.
  • Some history:
    • Slurm began development as a collaborative effort primarily by Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL), Linux NetworX, Hewlett-Packard and Groupe Bull as a free software resource manager in 2001.
    • In 2010 LLNL employees Morris (Moe) Jette and Danny Auble incorporated SchedMD LLC, to develop and market Slurm.
    • Acronym originally stood for Simple Linux Utility for Resource Management. Not used any longer.
    • The Slurm acronym also alludes to the drink Slurm featured in "Fry and the Slurm Factory" from the Futurama TV series:
  • Documentation:

Spectrum LSF


  • Moab is a Workload Manager product from Adaptive Computing, Inc. (
  • Moab was selected via a Tri-lab committee to be the common workload manager for LANL, LLNL and Sandia in August, 2006.
  • Moab is scheduled for decommission at all three labs. As of June 2017:
    • LC's decommission target date is Oct 2017.
    • TOSS 3 and BG/Q clusters do not use Moab - only Slurm. They do support most Moab commands via wrapper scripts however.
    • Most TOSS 2 clusters are still using Moab and Slurm together.
    • LC will continue to make most Moab commands available on clusters that run Slurm, via wrapper scripts.
  • Documentation:


  • LC's "home-grown" scheduler prior to Moab was the Livermore Computing Resource Manager (LCRM).
  • LCRM was decommissioned eons ago, but wrapper scripts for legacy LCRM commands still remain on LC's older TOSS 2 and BG/Q systems.
  • Newer TOSS 3 and future systems do not / will not provide these wrappers.
  • Unless you are an old-time LCRM user, or inherited some old LCRM scripts, you can just ignore anything that has to do with LCRM.


  • Given the heterogenous environment it's easy to be!

  • The table below shows the LC Workload Manager situation as of June, 2017

    Cluster Type Workload Manager(s) OCF Machines SCF Machines
    TOSS 2 Slurm with true Moab and LCRM wrappers ** cab, herd, oslic, surface, syrah, rzmerl, rzslic, rzzeus cslic, zin
    TOSS 2 Slurm stand-alone with Moab wrappers and LCRM wrappers catalyst, rzalastor, rzhasgpu max
    TOSS 3 Slurm stand-alone with Moab wrappers borax, quartz, rzgenie, rztopaz, rztrona agate, jade, jadeita, jdev, mica
    BG/Q Slurm stand-alone with Moab wrappers and LCRM wrappers rzuseq, vulcan seq
    CORAL EA Spectrum LSF with no wrappers ray, rzmanta shark

    ** True Moab will be replaced with Moab wrappers @ Oct 2017

Basic Concepts


Simple Definition:

  • To a user, a job can be simply described as a request for compute resources needed to perform computational work.
  • Jobs typically specify what resources are needed, such as type of machine, number of machines, job duration, amount of memory required, account to charge, etc.
  • Jobs are submitted to the Workload Manager by means of a job script. Job scripts are discussed in the Building a Job Script section of this tutorial.

Slightly More Complex Definition

  • A job contains the following components. Some are assigned by Moab and some are inherited from the native resource manager:

    • Consumable resources
    • Resource and job constraints
    • Execution environment
    • Credentials
  • Consumable resources: Any object which can be utilized ( i.e., consumed and thus made unavailable to another job) by, or dedicated to a job is considered to be a resource. Common examples of resources are a node's physical memory, cpus or local disk. Network adapters, if dedicated, may also be considered a consumable resource.

  • Resource and job constraints: A set of conditions which must be fulfilled in order for the job to start. For example:

    • Type of node/machine
    • Number of processors
    • Speed of processor
    • Partition
    • Features, such as disk, memory, adapter, etc.
    • When the job may run
    • Starting job relative to a particular event (i.e., start after job X successfully completes)
  • Execution environment: A description of the environment in which the executable is launched. This environment may include attributes such as the following:

    • An executable
    • Command line args
    • Input file
    • Output file
    • Local user id
    • Local group id
    • Process resource limits
  • Credentials: With workload managers, credential based policies and limits are often established. At submit time, jobs are associated with a number of credentials which subject the job to various polices and grant it various types of access. For example, querying a job shows that it possesses the following credentials:

    Creds:  user:jsmith  group:jsmith  account:cs  class:pdebug  qos:normal
    • user: automatically assigned as your login userid.
    • group: automatically assigned as your login group.
    • account: automatically assigned as your default bank.
    • class (queue): such as "pdebug" or "pbatch"
    • qos: "Quality of Service". Provides for assigning special services. The default QoS of "normal" is assigned. Other options include "expedite" and "standby".
Basic Concepts

Queues and Queue Limits

Queues (also called Pools and/or Partitions):

  • The majority of nodes on LC's production systems are designated as compute nodes.
  • Compute nodes are typically divided into queues / pools / partitions based upon how they should be used.
  • Batch queue:
    • Typically comprises most of the compute nodes on a system
    • Named pbatch
    • Intended for production work
    • Configured on all but a few LC systems
  • Interactive/debug queue:
    • Typically comprises a small number of the compute nodes on a system
    • Named pdebug
    • Intended for small, short-running interactive and debugging work (not production)
    • Configured on most LC systems
  • There may be other queues on some machines, such as the viz, pviz, pgpu, etc.
  • There are defined limits for each queue, the most important being:
    • Max/min number of nodes permitted for a job
    • Max wall-clock time - how long a job is permitted to run
    • Max number of simultaneous running jobs or max number of nodes permitted across all running jobs.
  • No two LC systems have the same queue limits.
  • Queue limits can and do change!
  • Notes:
    • To run jobs that exceed queue limits, users can request Dedicated Application Time (DAT).
    • Login nodes are a shared, limited resource not intended for production work. They are not associated with any queue.

How Do I Find Out What the Queue Limits Are?

  • The easiest way to determine the queue configuration and limits for a particular machine is to login to that machine and use the command:

    news job.lim.machinename
  • This command is actually just an LC text file displayed with the news utility.

  • Example:

    % news job.lim.quartz

    ================================ job.lim.quartz ================================


    There are 2604 compute nodes, with 36 cores and 128 GiB of memory on each node.

    Jobs are scheduled per node. Quartz has 2 scheduling pools (or partitions) : pdebug 16 pbatch - 2588 nodes (46872 cores), batch use only.

    Pools Max nodes/job Max runtime

    pdebug 8(*) 30 minutes pbatch 1200 24 hours

    (*) Please limit the use of pdebug to 8 nodes on a PER USER basis, not a PER JOB basis, to allow other users access. Using more than the posted limit PER USER can result in job removal without notice. Please be a good neighbor, and be considerate of others utilizing the pdebug partition. Pdebug is scheduled using FIFO (first in, first out).

    Pdebug is intended for debugging, visualization, and other inherently interactive work. It is NOT intended for production work. Do not use pdebug to run batch jobs. Do not chain jobs to run one after the other. Individuals who misuse the pdebug queue in this or any similar manner will be denied access to running jobs in the pdebug queue.

    HARDWARE: Each node has 2 18-core Intel Xeon E5-2695 processors (2.1 GHz) and 128 GiB of memory. login: quartz[188,380,386,764,770,962] pbatch: quartz[1-186,193-378,391-762,775-960,967-1338]

    Quartz uses an Intel Omni-Path Interconnect.

    Key Documentation in Confluence (on the unclassified side) Using TOSS 3 TCE Home

    Please call or send email to the LC Hotline if you have questions. LC Hotline phone: 925-422-4531 email: [email protected] ================================ job.lim.quartz ================================

  • This is the same information available in the LC "Machine Status" web pages: (LC internal). Click on the machine name of interest and then look for the "Job Limits" link.

  • For convenience, the queue limits for all of LC's production clusters are summarized below, as of June 2017. All information is subject to change.

Basic Concepts


Bank Hierarchy:

  • In order to run on a cluster, you need to have two things:

    • Login account: your username appears in /etc/passwd
    • LC bank: your username is associated with a valid LC bank
  • A bank is part of a hierarchical tree that allocates "shares" of a machine across all users in the cluster (partition).

  • Banks in the hierarchy have parent/child relationships with other banks. For example:

  • You may have access to more than one bank.

  • The bank hierarchy can differ across clusters, and is also subject to change.

Bank Shares:

  • Every bank has a specified number of "shares" allocated to it.

  • Every user has a share in at least one bank.

  • Your normalized shares represent your percentage of the entire partition.

  • The bank hierarchy strongly influences batch job scheduling because shares are assigned and their effects enforced in layers.

    • Banks with large allocations can use more cluster resources than banks with smaller allocations
    • Banks that use more resources than they are allocated will receive less service.
    • Whatever applies to the banks above your bank affects you
  • If you have access to multiple banks, you may find one bank gives better service due to the hierarchy and share assignments.

Basic Concepts

Fair Share Job Scheduling

Why in the World Won't My Job Run?
  • Undoubtedly, this is the most commonly asked batch system question.
  • Classic scenario: a user submits a job requesting 16 nodes when 50 nodes are shown as available/idle. However, the job sits in the queue and doesn't run. Why?
  • Aside from any "user error" related reasons, there are several other, sometimes complicated, reasons.
  • Probably the most important reason is the underlying mechanism used by the batch system to determine when/if a job should run.
  • At LC, the Workload Manager has been programmed to use a "Fair Share with Half-Life Decay of Usage" algorithm for determining a job's eligibility to run.
Fair Share with Half-Life Decay of Usage:
  • This is the primary mechanism used to determine job scheduling. It is based upon a dynamically calculated priority for your job that reflects your share allocation within a bank versus your actual usage.
    • Use more than your share, your priority/service degrades
    • Use less than your share, your priority/service improves
    • Your priority can become very low, but you never "run out of time" at LC.
  • Jobs with higher priorities often need to acquire their full set of nodes over time. While their nodes are being reserved, the nodes will appear to be idle.
  • Half-Life Decay: Without new usage, your current usage value decays to half its value in two weeks.
  • Resources are not wasted:
    • Even though your allocation and/or job priority may be small your job will run if machine resources are sitting idle.
    • Backfill scheduling - allows waiting jobs to use the reserved job slots of higher priority jobs, as long as they do not delay the start of the higher priority job.
  • Scheduling is dynamic with job priorities and usage information being recalculated frequently.
  • The details of the Fair Share with Half-Life Decay algorithm are more complex than presented here. See the following document for detailed information:

Other Considerations:

  • Jobs may not start if they request node and/or and time resources which exceed queue limits:
    • How long a job may run
    • How many nodes a job may use
    • Number of jobs that may run simultaneously per user
    • Weekday? Weekend? Prime time? Non-prime time?
  • Competition with other users: If another user submits a job which calculates to a high priority, your job's position in the waiting (idle) queue can decrease instantly.
  • "Big job boost": on some systems (mostly BG/Q), larger jobs are given higher priority over smaller jobs.
  • Expedited jobs: System managers (and rarely, privileged users) can make specified jobs "top priority". In effect, the job jumps to the head of the scheduling queue.
  • Dedicated Application Time (DAT):
    • It is very common for "important" jobs to be scheduled to run in dedicated mode on several LC clusters.
    • Other running jobs may be killed, queued jobs put on hold, and new submissions disallowed until the scheduled job completes.
    • DAT runs are scheduled in advance and users are notified via the machine-status email lists.
    • DATs usually occur on weekends and holidays.

Basic Functions

Building a Job Script

The Basics:

  • Users submit jobs to the Workload Manager for scheduling by means of a job script.

  • A job script is a plain text file that you create with your favorite editor.

  • Job scripts can include any/all of the following:

    • Commands, directives and syntax specific to a given batch system
    • Shell scripting
    • References to environment variables
    • Names of executable(s) to run
    • Comment lines and white space
  • Simple Slurm and Moab job control scripts appear below:

    Slurm Moab
    ##### These lines are for Slurm
    #SBATCH -N 16
    #SBATCH -J parSolve34
    #SBATCH -t 2:00:00
    #SBATCH -p pbatch
    #SBATCH --mail-type=ALL
    #SBATCH -A myAccount
    #SBATCH -o /p/lscratche/joeuser/par_solve/myjob.out
    These are shell commands

    date cd /p/lscratche/joeuser/par_solve

    Launch parallel job using srun

    srun -n128 a.out echo 'Done'

    ##### These lines are for Moab
    #MSUB -l nodes=16
    #MSUB -N parSolve34
    #MSUB -l walltime=2:00:00
    #MSUB -q pbatch
    #MSUB -m be
    #MSUB -A myAccount
    #MSUB -o /p/lscratche/joeuser/par_solve/myjob.out
    These are shell commands

    date cd /p/lscratche/joeuser/par_solve

    Launch parallel job using srun

    srun -n128 a.out echo 'Done'


  • There are a wide variety of options that can be used in your job script. Some of the more common/useful options are shown below.

  • See the Workload Manager documentation or man pages for details.

    Slurm Moab Description/Notes
    #SBATCH -A account
    #MSUB -A account
    Defines the account (bank) associated with the job.
    #SBATCH --begin=time
    #MSUB -a time
    Declares the time after which the job is eligible for execution. See man page for syntax.
    #SBATCH -c #
    cpus/cores per task
    #SBATCH -d list
    #MSUB -l depend=list
    Specify job dependencies. See "Setting Up Dependent Jobs" for details.
    #SBATCH -D path
    #MSUB -d path
    Specifies the directory in which the job should begin executing.
    #SBATCH -e filename
    #MSUB -e filename
    Specifies the file name to be used for stderr.
    #SBATCH --export=list
    #MSUB -v list
    Specifically adds a list (comma separated) of environment variables that are exported to the job.
    #SBATCH --license=filesystem
    #MSUB -l gres=filesystem
    #MSUB -l gres=ignore
    Job requires the specified parallel Lustre file system(s). Valid labels are the names of LC Lustre parallel file systems, such as lscratchrza, lscratche, lscratch1 .... The purpose of this option is to prevent jobs from being scheduled if the specified file system is unavailable. The default is to require all mounted lscratch file systems. The ignore descriptor can be used for jobs that don't require a parallel file system, enabling them to be scheduled even if there are parallel file system problems. More information is available HERE.
    #SBATCH -H
    #MSUB -h
    Put a user hold on the job at submission time.
    #SBATCH -i filename
    Specifies the file name to be used for stdin.
    #SBATCH -J name
    #MSUB -N name
    Gives a user specified name to the job.
    #MSUB -j oe
    Combine stdout and stderr into the same output file. This is the default. If you want to give the combined stdout/stderr file a specific name, include the -o flag also.
    #SBATCH --mail-type=type
    #MSUB -m option(s)
    Defines when a mail message about the job will be sent to the user. See the man page for syntax.
    #SBATCH -N #
    #MSUB -l nodes=#
    Node count
    #SBATCH -n #
    #SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=#
    #SBATCH --tasks-per-node=#
    #MSUB -l procs=#
    #MSUB -l ttc=#
    Task count
    #SBATCH --nice=value
    #MSUB -p value
    Assigns a user priority value to a job.
    #SBATCH -o filename
    #MSUB -o filename
    Defines the file name to be used for stdout.
    #SBATCH -p partition
    #MSUB -q queue
    Run the job in the specified partition/queue (pdebug, pbatch, etc.).
    #SBATCH --qos=exempt
    #SBATCH --qos=expedite
    #SBATCH --qos=standby
    #MSUB -l qos=exempt
    #MSUB -l qos=expedite
    #MSUB -l qos=standby
    Defines the quality-of-service to be used for the job.
    #SBATCH --requeue
    #SBATCH --no-requeue
    #MSUB -r y
    #MSUB -l resfailpolicy=requeue
    #MSUB -r n
    #MSUB -l resfailpolicy=cancel
    Specifies whether or not to rerun the job is there is a system failure. The default behavior at LC is to NOT automatically rerun a job in such cases.
    #MSUB -S path
    Specifies the shell which interprets the job script. The default is your login shell.
    #SBATCH --signal=14@120
    #SBATCH --signal=SIGHUP@2:00
    #MSUB -l signal=14@120
    #MSUB -l signal=SIGHUP@2:00
    Signaling - specifies the pre-termination signal to be sent to a job at the desired time before expiration of the job's wall clock limit. Default time is 60 seconds.
    #SBATCH -t time
    #MSUB -l walltime= time
    Specifies the wall clock time limit for the job. See the man page for syntax.
    #SBATCH --export=ALL
    #MSUB -V
    Declares that all environment variables in the job submission environment are exported to the batch job.

Usage Notes:

  • All #SBATCH / #MSUB lines must come before shell script commands.

  • Uppercase vs. lowercase:

    • #SBATCH token is case sensitive. Using anything else will result in getting default settings.
    • #MSUB token is not case sensitive
    • The parameters specified by both tokens are case sensitive
  • Batch scheduler syntax is parsed upon job submission. Shell scripting is parsed at runtime. Therefore, it is entirely possible to successfully submit a job that has shell script errors which won't cause problems until later when the job actually runs.

  • Do not submit binary executables directly (without a script) as they will fail.

  • The srun command is required to launch parallel jobs. Discussed later in the Parallel Jobs section.

  • Include your preferred shell as the first line in your batch script. Otherwise, you may inherit the default /bin/sh shell. For example:

  • dos2unix: This handy utility can be used to "fix" broken batch scripts containing invisible characters that cause the scripts to fail for no apparent reason. See the man page for details.

Basic Functions

Submitting Jobs

Job Submission Commands

  • The sbatch and msub commands are used to submit your job script to the Workload Manager. Upon successful submission, the job's ID is returned and it is spooled for execution.

  • These commands accept the same options as the #SBATCH / #MSUB tokens in a batch script.

  • Examples:

    Slurm Moab
    % sbatch myjobscript

    Submitted batch job 645133

    % sbatch -p pdebug -A physics myjobscript

    Submitted batch job 645134

    % msub myjobscript


    % msub -q pdebug -A physics myjobscript


Usage Notes:

The sbatch command has been disabled on TOSS 2 clusters that run Moab. The msub command must be used to submit jobs. This will change when Moab is decommissioned @ Oct 2017.
  • Both sbatch and msub are available on other LC clusters, and can be used interchangeably with either #SBATCH or #MSUB job scripts.
  • After you submit your job script, changes to the contents of the script file will have no effect on your job because it has already been spooled to system file space.
  • Users may submit and queue as many jobs as they like, up to a reasonable configuration defined limit. The actual number of running jobs per user is usually a lower limit, however. These limits can vary between machines.
  • The default directory is where you submit your job from. If you need to be in another directory, then you will need to explicitly cd to, or set the working directory with an #SBATCH / #MSUB option.

Environment Variables:

  • Most of your usual login environment variables are exported to your job's runtime environment.
  • There are #SBATCH / #MSUB options that allow you to explicitly specify environment variables to export, in case they are not exported by default.
  • Slurm provides a number of environment variables that allow you to specify/query #SBATCH options and other job behavior. See the sbatch man page for details.

Passing Arguments to Your Job:

  • Workload Managers do not provide a convenient way to pass arguments to your job.

  • However....there are "tricks" you can use to accomplish something similar. Your shell, and your mileage may vary. For example:

    This works
    % setenv MYNODES 4
    % msub -V -l nodes=$MYNODES myscript

    % cat myscript #!/bin/tcsh

    These lines are for Moab

    #MSUB -l partition=quartz #MSUB -l walltime=60 #MSUB -q pReserved

    These are shell commands

    srun -N $MYNODES hostname

    Sample output:
    This doesn't
    % setenv MYNODES 4
    % msub -V myscript

    % cat myscript #!/bin/tcsh

    These lines are for Moab

    #MSUB -l nodes=$MYNODES #MSUB -l partition=quartz #MSUB -l walltime=60 #MSUB -q pReserved

    These are shell commands

    srun -N $MYNODES hostname

    Sample output:


    • #SBATCH / #MSUB options are static in a job script; variables and shell expressions are not interpreted.
    • In this example, using the msub -V option (import all environment variables) is essential.
Basic Functions

Monitoring Jobs

Multiple Choices:

  • There are several different job monitoring commands. Some are based on Moab, some on Slurm, and some on other sources.

  • The more commonly used job monitoring commands are summarized in the table below, with example output following.

  • Note: true Moab commands will be replaced with wrappers scripts for Slurm @ Oct 2017. Only the Slurm wrapper output for these commands is shown here. In most cases, it is very similar.

    Command Description
    squeue Displays one line of information per job by default. Numerous options.
    showq Displays one line of information per job. Similar to squeue. Several options.
    mdiag -j Displays one line of information per job. Similar to squeue.
    mjstat Summarizes queue usage and displays one line of information for active jobs.
    checkjob jobid Provides detailed information about a specific job.
    sprio -l mdiag -p -v Displays a list of queued jobs, their priority, and the primary factors used to calculate job priority.
    sview Provides a graphical view of a cluster and all job information.
    sinfo Displays state information about a cluster's queues and nodes


  • Shows one line of information per job, both running and queued.

  • Numerous options for additional/customized output

  • Common/useful options:

    • -j shows information for a specific job only
    • -l shows additional job information
    • -o provides customized output - see man page
  • Man page HERE

  • Examples below (some output omitted to fit screen):

    % squeue -j 683525
     648634    pbatch    ntmp1   tr2erg2  R       8:31      6 quartz[28-33]

    % squeue JOBID PARTITION NAME USER ST TIME NODES NODELIST(REASON) 641412 pbatch job.msub ko33ru2 PD 0:00 160 (Priority) 621487 pbatch psub_34. va556ey2 PD 0:00 12 (Priority) 648530 pbatch psub_26. var556y2 PD 0:00 3 (Dependency) 648627 pbatch restart tiwwar PD 0:00 2 (Dependency) ... 648483 pbatch GEOS.x rryhao R 1:18:04 38 quartz[306-320,1562-1569,2388-2402] 648215 pbatch run_half eerrkawa R 4:28:20 16 quartz[434-437,719,753,778,787,789,834,840... 645278 pbatch DPFMJ link6 R 23:28:01 64 quartz[1088-1107,1976-2001,2127-2144] 648324 pbatch run_half eerrkawa R 2:22:12 32 quartz[516-524,2038-2060] 648636 pbatch rev2 hoewd1 R 9:12 20 quartz[118-130,194-200] 648103 pbatch mxterm thu4r5r3 R 6:32:15 4 quartz[357,881,2061,2089] 648617 pdebug sh labayyn1 R 19:21 2 quartz[14-15]

    % squeue -o "%8i %8u %4t %10P %6D %10l %10M %N" JOBID USER ST PARTITION NODES TIMELIMIT TIME NODELIST 647971 pitrrka1 PD pbatch 1000 16:00:00 0:00 647795 ben88on1 PD pbatch 1 1-00:00:00 0:00 624062 dphhhgin R pbatch 48 1-00:00:00 15:33:05 quartz[875-878,1254-1257,1279-1282,1631... 621517 varmmy2 R pbatch 12 14:00:00 13:27:02 quartz[424,488,602,838,1017,1025... ... 621558 varmmy2 R pbatch 3 20:00:00 12:43:08 quartz[2226,2374,2553] 638751 varmmy2 R pbatch 3 12:00:00 50:48 quartz[1846,2264,2435] 648201 dpt6tgin R pbatch 1 4:00:00 50:48 quartz1267 648126 osbiin9 R pbatch 64 3:00:00 40:04 quartz[242,261-262,332,344,354,399,404,408... 648617 labtyan1 R pdebug 2 30:00 23:41 quartz[14-15] 648640 bbergpp2 R pdebug 6 30:00 4:04 quartz[1-6]


  • Shows one line of information per job, both running and queued by default.

  • Common/useful options:

    • -r shows only running jobs
    • -i shows only idle jobs
    • -b shows only blocked jobs
    • -c shows recently completed jobs
    • -u shows jobs for a specified user only
  • Man page HERE

  • Examples below (some output omitted to fit screen):

    % showq
    active jobs------------------------

    621638 lap345te Running 4 00:11:08 Wed May 10 00:05:57 621640 lap345te Running 4 00:12:25 Wed May 10 00:07:14 648527 ji33a1 Running 6 00:15:11 Wed May 10 15:39:00 ... 648587 abe662 Running 6 00:24:55 Wed May 10 15:48:44 647757 beyyyon1 Running 1 23:58:33 Wed May 10 15:52:22 647758 beyyyon1 Running 1 23:59:51 Wed May 10 15:53:40

    113 active jobs 83844 of 93744 processors in use by local jobs (89.44%)

    eligible jobs------------------------ JOBID USERNAME STATE NODES WCLIMIT QUEUETIME

    647971 piuyuka1 Idle 1000 16:00:00 Wed May 10 07:11:53 647770 beuuuon1 Idle 1 1:00:00:00 Wed May 10 05:33:25 648135 bo3pion1 Idle 1 1:00:00:00 Wed May 10 10:12:14 ... 625439 dphi54in Idle 576 1:00:00:00 Fri May 5 11:26:49 622091 kha99r1 Idle 400 1:00:00:00 Thu May 4 16:05:50 648314 trenion1 Idle 1 1:00:00:00 Wed May 10 13:10:31

    618 eligible jobs

    blocked jobs------------------------ JOBID USERNAME STATE NODES WCLIMIT QUEUETIME

    359561 pha5516 Idle 12 14:00:00 Fri Mar 31 09:36:08 607661 artqww5 Idle 24 1:00:00:00 Mon May 1 07:29:56 626621 z33g30 Idle 320 1:00:00:00 Fri May 5 21:22:34 ... 641361 to77lusr Idle 16 16:00:00 Mon May 8 16:01:09 648339 quabbie1 Idle 300 16:00:00 Wed May 10 13:39:09 648530 vwerey2 Idle 3 12:00:00 Wed May 10 15:27:56

    54 blocked jobs

    Total jobs: 785

mdiag -j:

  • Shows one line of information per job, both running and queued.

  • Identical to the squeue command (without options)

  • Common/useful options:

    • -v shows additional job information
  • Man page HERE

  • Examples below (some output omitted to fit screen):

    % mdiag -j 75025
     648336    pbatch Ni-0.01- quwwwie1  PD       0:00    300 (Dependency)

    % mdiag -j JOBID PARTITION NAME USER ST TIME NODES NODELIST(REASON) 641412 pbatch job.msub ko33ru2 PD 0:00 160 (Priority) 621487 pbatch psub_34. va556ey2 PD 0:00 12 (Priority) 648530 pbatch psub_26. var556y2 PD 0:00 3 (Dependency) 648627 pbatch restart tiwwar PD 0:00 2 (Dependency) ... 648483 pbatch GEOS.x rryhao R 1:18:04 38 quartz[306-320,1562-1569,2388-2402] 648215 pbatch run_half eerrkawa R 4:28:20 16 quartz[434-437,719,753,778,787,789,834,840... 645278 pbatch DPFMJ link6 R 23:28:01 64 quartz[1088-1107,1976-2001,2127-2144] 648324 pbatch run_half eerrkawa R 2:22:12 32 quartz[516-524,2038-2060] 648636 pbatch rev2 hoewd1 R 9:12 20 quartz[118-130,194-200] 648103 pbatch mxterm thu4r5r3 R 6:32:15 4 quartz[357,881,2061,2089] 648617 pdebug sh labayyn1 R 19:21 2 quartz[14-15]


  • Summarizes queue usage and displays one line of information for active jobs.

  • Common/useful options:

    • -r shows only running jobs
    • -v shows additional job information
  • Man page HERE

  • Example below (some output omitted to fit screen):

    % mjstat
    Pool        Memory  Cpus  Total Usable   Free  Other Traits
    pdebug         1Mb    36     16     16      5
    pbatch*        1Mb    36   2588   2584      3

    Running job data:

    JobID User Nodes Pool Status Used Master/Other

    650644 gghod1 30 pbatch PD 0:00 (Resources) 641412 k454ru2 160 pbatch PD 0:00 (Priority) 626626 yggg30 200 pbatch PD 0:00 (Dependency) 650178 biiuion1 1 pbatch PD 0:00 (Priority) 649155 d98uggin 4 pbatch R 12:00:25 quartz111 650459 trerar 2 pbatch R 1:12:38 quartz100 ... 650458 co44rer5 9 pbatch R 1:15:16 quartz1992 650494 c44rier5 9 pbatch R 41:10 quartz714 644450 frjjhel5 25 pbatch R 23:21:25 quartz43 647971 p88urka1 1000 pbatch R 4:21:39 quartz21 625439 yytrggin 576 pbatch R 1:25:47 quartz18 650159 bpeaion9 1 pbatch R 36:14 quartz2312


  • Displays detailed job state information and diagnostic output for a selected job.

  • Detailed information is available for queued, blocked, active, and recently completed jobs.

  • The checkjob command is probably the most useful user command for troubleshooting your job, especially if used with the -v and -v -v flags.

  • Common/useful options:

    • -v shows additional information
    • -v -v shows additional information plus job script (if available)
  • Man page HERE

  • Examples below:

    % checkjob 650263
    job 650263

    AName: vasp_NEB_inter_midbot_t2 State: Running Creds: user:vuiuey2 group:vuiuey2 account:ioncond class:pbatch qos:normal WallTime: 01:53:43 of 06:00:00 SubmitTime: Thu May 11 06:50:30 (Time Queued Total: 1:49:46 Eligible: 1:49:46)

    StartTime: Thu May 11 08:40:16 Total Requested Tasks: 1 Total Requested Nodes: 10 Partition: pbatch Dedicated Resources Per Task: lscratchh Node Access: SINGLEJOB NodeCount: 10

    Allocated Nodes: quartz[52,362-363,398-399,444-445,2648-2650]

    SystemID: quartz SystemJID: 650263 IWD: /p/lscratchh/vuiuey2/calculations/radiation/V_Br/NEB_inter_midbot_t2 Executable: /p/lscratchh/vuiuey2/calculations/radiation/V_Br/NEB_inter_midbot_t2/psub.vasp

    User Specified Partition List: quartz System Available Partition List: quartz Partition List: quartz StartPriority: 1000031

    % checkjob 648336 (shows a job with diagnostic information) job 648336

    AName: Ni-0.01-0.04.f_0.04_res2 State: Idle Creds: user:uuushie1 group:uuushie1 account:nonadiab class:pbatch qos:normal WallTime: 00:00:00 of 16:00:00 SubmitTime: Wed May 10 13:38:30 (Time Queued Total: 21:04:25 Eligible: 00:00:00)

    StartTime: 0 Total Requested Tasks: 1 Total Requested Nodes: 300 Depend: afterany:648335

    Partition: pbatch Dedicated Resources Per Task: lscratchh Node Access: SINGLEJOB NodeCount: 300

    SystemID: quartz SystemJID: 648336 IWD: /p/lscratchh/uuushie1/bigfiles/alpha_in_nickel/velocities/0.04.ff-redo Executable: /p/lscratchh/uuushie1/bigfiles/alpha_in_nickel/velocities/0.04.ff-redo/

    User Specified Partition List: quartz System Available Partition List: quartz Partition List: quartz StartPriority: 1

    NOTE: job can not run because it's dependency has not been met. (afterany:648335)

sprio -l & mdiag -p -v:

  • Displays a list of queued jobs, their priority, and the primary factors used to calculate job priority.

  • These commands show identical output.

  • To sort the job list by priority use the command:

    sprio -l | sort -r -k 3,3
 Useful for determining where your jobs are queued relative to other jobs. Highest priority jobs are at the top of the list.
  • Man pages:

  • Example below (some output omitted to fit screen):

    % sprio -l
     626621   yyyg30    1001015        324        692          0          0    1000000      0
     669823  vuuuey2    1000526        524          2          0          0    1000000      0
     669836  vuuuey2    1000496        494          2          0          0    1000000      0
     670732 m998eson    1000903        870         34          0          0    1000000      0
     671723   couoni    1000824        278        547          0          0    1000000      0
     671842   p66716    1000703        703          1          0          0    1000000      0
     674730   p667a1    1002698        201       2497          0          0    1000000      0
     675982   p998v2    1043716         15      43701          0          0    1000000      0
     675984 rl233sey    1145228         14     145214          0          0    1000000      0
     675985 ed444ton    1019905         14      19892          0          0    1000000      0
     675988 rl233sey    1145225         12     145214          0          0    1000000      0
     675993   a000hn    1064602          9      64593          0          0    1000000      0


    Graphically displays all user jobs on a cluster, nodes used, and detailed job information     for each job.

    Man page HERE



    Displays state information about a cluster's queues and nodes

    Numerous options for additional/customized output

    Common/useful options:

    -s summarizes queue information

    Man page HERE

    Examples below:

    % sinfo PARTITION AVAIL TIMELIMIT NODES STATE NODELIST pdebug up 30:00 3 alloc quartz[1-3] pdebug up 30:00 13 idle quartz[4-16] pbatch* up 1-00:00:00 3 drain* quartz[1321,2037,2593] pbatch* up 1-00:00:00 1 drain quartz2183 pbatch* up 1-00:00:00 2584 alloc quartz[17-186,193-378,391-762,775- 1146,1159-1320,1322-1530,1543-1914,1927-2036,2038-2182,2184-2298,2311-2496, 2503-2592,2594-2688]

    % sinfo -s PARTITION AVAIL TIMELIMIT NODES(A/I/O/T) NODELIST pdebug up 30:00 11/5/0/16 quartz[1-16] pbatch* up 1-00:00:00 2584/0/4/2588 quartz[17-186,193-378,391-762, 775-1146,1159-1530,1543-1914,1927-2298,2311-2496,2503-2688]

Basic Functions

Job States and Status Codes

  • Job state and status codes usually appear in the output of job monitoring commands. Most are self-explanatory.

  • For details, consult the man page for the relevant command.

  • The table below describes commonly observed job state and status codes.

    Job State/Status Description
    Job is idle and is not eligible to run due to a user, admin, or batch system hold.
    Job is cancelled or in the process of being cancelled.
    Job is in the process of, or has completed running.
    Deferred Job can not be run for one reason or another, however it will continue to evaluate the job periodically for run eligibility.
    Job can not run because it has a dependency.
    F  FAILED Job terminated with non-zero exit code or other failure condition.
    NF  NODE_FAIL Job terminated due to failure of one or more allocated nodes.
    Idle Job is queued and eligible to run but is not yet executing.
    Migrated This is a transitional state that indicates that the job is in being handed off to the native Slurm resource manager on a specific machine in preparation for running.
    NotQueued Indicates a system problem in most cases.
    PD  PENDING Job is awaiting resource allocation.
    Priority One or more higher priority jobs exist for this partition.
    Removed Job has run to its requested walltime successfully but has been canceled by the scheduler or resource manager due to exceeding its walltime or violating another policy; includes jobs canceled by users or administrators either before or after a job has started.
    Resources The job is waiting for resources to become available.
    Job is currently executing the user application.
    Staging The job has been submitted to the batch system for it to run but the batch system has not confirmed yet that the job is actually running.
    Starting The batch system has attempted to start the job and the job is currently performing pre-start tasks which may including provisioning resources, staging data,executing system pre-launch scripts, etc.
    Job was running but has been suspended by the scheduler or an admin. The user application is still in place on the allocated compute resources but it is not executing.
    Job terminated upon reaching its time limit.
    Vacated Job canceled after partial execution due to a system failure.

Moab Exercise 1

Getting Started

  • Login to an LC cluster using your workshop username and OTP token
  • Copy the exercise files to your home directory
  • Familiarize yourself with the cluster's batch configuration
  • Familiarize yourself with the cluster's bank allocations
  • Create a job batch script
  • Submit and monitor your batch job
  • Check your job's output


Basic Functions

Holding and Releasing Jobs

Holding Jobs:

  • Users can place their jobs in a "user hold" state several ways:

    Where/When Slurm Moab
    Job script
    #SBATCH -H
    #MSUB -h
    Command line
    (when submitted)
    sbatch -H jobscript
    msub -h jobscript
    Command line
    (queued job)
    scontrol hold jobid
    mjobctl -h jobid
  • Jobs placed in a user hold state will be shown as such in the output of the various job monitoring commands.

  • Running jobs cannot be placed on hold.

  • Note that jobs can be placed on system hold status by Moab or by system administrators. Not covered here.

  • Examples:

    Placing a job on hold at submission time:
    % sbatch -H myjob
    Submitted batch job 650974

    % squeue -j 650974 JOBID PARTITION NAME USER ST TIME NODES NODELIST(REASON) 650974 pbatch T4.CMD joeuser PD 0:00 2 (JobHeldUser)

    Placing a job on hold after it was submitted:
    % sbatch myjob
    Submitted batch job 651001

    % squeue -j 651001 JOBID PARTITION NAME USER ST TIME NODES NODELIST(REASON) 651001 pbatch T3.CMD joeuser PD 0:00 128 (Priority)

    % scontrol hold 651001

    % squeue -j 651001 JOBID PARTITION NAME USER ST TIME NODES NODELIST(REASON) 651001 pbatch T3.CMD joeuser PD 0:00 128 (JobHeldUser)

Releasing Jobs:

  • To release a queued job from a user hold state:

    Slurm Moab
    scontrol release jobid
    mjobctl -u jobid
  • Example:

    % squeue -j 651001
     651001    pbatch   T3.CMD  joeuser  PD       0:00    128 (JobHeldUser)

    % scontrol release 651001

    % squeue -j 651001 JOBID PARTITION NAME USER ST TIME NODES NODELIST(REASON) 651001 pbatch T3.CMD joeuser PD 0:00 128 (Priority)

Basic Functions

Canceling Jobs

  • To cancel either running or queued jobs:

    Slurm Moab
    scancel jobid 
    canceljob jobid
    mjobctl -c jobid
  • Both scancel and canceljob can be used to cancel multiple jobs at the same time.

  • The scancel command has a number of options to specify criteria for job cancellation. See the scancel man page for details.

  • Examples:

    % scancel 23692

    % scancel -i 651040 Cancel job_id=651040 name=T2.CMD partition=pbatch [y/n]? y

    % canceljob 23458 23459 23460

    job '23458' cancelled job '23459' cancelled job '23460' cancelled

Basic Functions

Changing Job Parameters

  • Only a few job parameters can be changed after after a job is submitted. These parameters include:

    • job dependency (change to "none")
    • queue
    • job name
    • number of nodes (decrease only)
    • user priority
    • wall clock limit
    • parallel file system dependency
    • account
    • qos
  • For the most part, these parameters can only be changed for queued (non-running) jobs.

  • Note: there is virtually no documentation for this feature.

  • Examples:

    Parameter Slurm Moab
    scontrol update job=jobid parameter=value
    mjobctl -m parameter=value jobid
    dependency (set to "none")
    scontrol update job=651070 depend=none
    mjobctl -m depend=none 651070
    scontrol update job=651070 partition=pdebug
    mjobctl -m queue=pdebug 651070
    job name
    scontrol update job=651070 name=alphaScan
    mjobctl -m jobname=alphaScan 651070
    nodes (decrease)
    scontrol update job=651070 numnodes=4
    mjobctl -m nodes=4 651070
    user priority
    scontrol update job=651070 prio=100
    mjobctl -m userprio=100 651070
    wall clock limit
    scontrol update job=651070 timelimit=2:00:00
    mjobctl -m wclimit=2:00:00 651070
    parallel file system
    scontrol update job=651070 gres=ignore
    mjobctl -m gres=ignore 651070
    scontrol update job=651070 account=physics
    mjobctl -m account=physics 651070
    scontrol update job=651070 qos=standby
    mjobctl -m qos=standby 651070
Basic Functions

Setting Up Dependent Jobs

  • If a job depends upon the completion of one or more other jobs, you can specify this several ways:

    Where Slurm Moab
    Command line
    sbatch -d 52628 jobscript
    sbatch -d after:52628:52629:52630 jobscript
    sbatch -d afterany:52628:52629:52630 jobscript
    msub -l depend=33523 jobscript
    msub -l depend="33523 33524 33525" jobscript
    Job script
    (for this job)
    #SBATCH -d 52628
    #SBATCH -d after:52628:52629:52630
    #SBATCH -d afterany:52628:52629:52630
    #MSUB -l depend=33523
    #MSUB -l depend="33523 33524 33525"
    Job script
    (for next job)
    # $SLURM_JOBID is current job's id
    # Submit next job dependent on this job
    sbatch jobscript -d $SLURM_JOBID
    # $SLURM_JOBID is current job's id
    # Submit next job dependent on this job
    msub jobscript -l depend=$SLURM_JOBID
  • See the sbatch man page for additional Slurm dependency options.

  • Checking/verifying job dependency - use the checkjob jobid command.

    % checkjob 652974
    job 652974

    AName: T3.CMD State: Idle Creds: user:joeuser group:joeuser account:lc class:pbatch qos:normal WallTime: 00:00:00 of 01:40:00 SubmitTime: Fri May 12 10:03:57 (Time Queued Total: 00:00:10 Eligible: 00:00:00)

    StartTime: 0 Total Requested Tasks: 1 Total Requested Nodes: 2 Depend: afterjob:652628:652973:652971

    Partition: pbatch Dedicated Resources Per Task: ignore Node Access: SINGLEJOB NodeCount: 2

    SystemID: quartz SystemJID: 652974 IWD: /g/g0/joeuser/moab Executable: /g/g0/joeuser/moab/t3.cmd

    User Specified Partition List: quartz System Available Partition List: quartz Partition List: quartz StartPriority: 1

    NOTE: job can not run because it's dependency has not been met. (after:652628:652973:652971)

Basic Functions

Banks and Usage Information


  • As discussed previously, in order to run on a cluster, you need to have two things:

    • Login account: your username appears in /etc/passwd
    • Bank: your username is associated with a valid bank
  • Banks are hierarchical and determine the percentage of machine resources (cycles) you are entitled to receive, as discussed in the Banks section of this tutorial.

  • Every cluster has its own unique bank structure. To view the entire bank hierarchy, use the command:

    mshare -t root
  • You may have an allocation in more than one bank.

  • If you belong to more than one bank, your banks are not necessarily shared across all of the clusters where you have a login account.

  • You have a default bank on each cluster, which may/may not be the same on other clusters.


  • Displays bank structure, allocations and usage information

  • If you want to see your available banks and usage stats for a cluster, this is the best command to use.

  • This is also the best command for viewing your place within the entire bank hierarchy.

  • Man page HERE

  • Examples below:

    % mshare
    Partition cab 

    USERNAME ACCOUNT --------SHARES-------- ---USAGE--- ALLOCATED NORMALIZED NORMALIZED joeuser bdivp 1.0 0.03318% 0.00000% joeuser ices 1.0 0.56895% 1.39241% joeuser tmi 1.0 0.26551% 0.00000% joeuser cms 1.0 0.32245% 1.03216%

    % mshare -t root (lots of output deleted) Partition cab

    U/A NAME A/P NAME --------SHARES-------- ---USAGE--- ALLOCATED NORMALIZED NORMALIZED root root 1.0 100.00000% 100.00000% root root 1.0 0.98039% 0.00000% ds root 60.0 58.82353% 61.09482% uqpline ds 17.0 10.00000% 0.00000% alliance ds 30.0 17.64706% 17.90455% caltech alliance 14.0 2.47059% 0.00000% user1 caltech 1.0 0.30882% 0.00000% user2 caltech 1.0 0.30882% 0.00000% user3 utah 1.0 0.08824% 0.00000% dnt ds 47.0 27.64706% 42.28668% a dnt 30.0 8.29412% 0.56933% adev a 5.0 4.14706% 0.31294% user1 adev 1.0 0.17279% 0.00000% axcode adivp 75.0 1.23180% 0.06002% user1 aprod 1.0 0.35546% 0.00000% user2 aprod 1.0 0.35546% 0.00000% b dnt 30.0 8.29412% 21.11694% bdev b 5.0 4.14706% 0.00000% user1 bdev 1.0 0.29622% 0.00000% lc overhead user1 lc 1.0 0.00302% 0.00000% user2 lc 1.0 0.00302% 0.00000% user3 lc 1.0 0.00302% 0.00000% none overhead 1.0 0.00980% 0.00000% sa overhead 74.0 0.72549% 0.00000% da sa 1.0 0.14510% 0.00000% user1 sa 1.0 0.14510% 0.00000% user2 sa 1.0 0.14510% 0.00000%

mdiag -u:

  • Shows which banks and qos are available.

  • If you do not specify a username, it will display all users.

  • Example below (some output deleted to fit screen):

    % mdiag -u joeuser
      User   Def Acct    Cluster    Account     Share   ...               QOS 

    joeuser quartz peml2 1 normal,standby joeuser quartz cbronze 1 normal,standby joeuser quartz pemwork 1 normal,standby joeuser quartz libqmd 1 normal,standby joeuser quartz dbllayer 1 normal,standby


  • Reports usage information for a cluster, bank, individual, date range, and more.

  • Man page HERE

  • Example: show usage by user (in hours) for the alliance bank on the cluster cab between the dates shown.

    % sreport -t hours cluster AccountUtilizationByUser accounts=alliance cluster=cab  start=2/1/12 end=3/1/12

    Cluster/Account/User Utilization 2012-02-01T00:00:00 - 2012-02-29T23:59:59 (2505600 secs) Time reported in CPU Hours

    Cluster Account Login Proper Name Used

     cab         alliance                              2739237 
     cab          caltech                               500080 
     cab          caltech   br4e33t        Joe User     500076 
     cab          caltech   sthhhd6       Bill User          4 
     cab         michigan                               844339 
     cab         michigan  dhat67s        Mary User       261 
     cab         michigan  hetyyr2         Sam User     38552 

    ... ...

Basic Functions

Output Files


  • The batch output file is named slurm-jobid.out
  • stdout and stderr are combined into the same batch output file.
  • Will be written to the directory where you issued the sbatch or msub command.
  • The name of a job has no effect on the name of the output file.
  • If an output file with the same name already exists, new output will append to it.

Assigning Unique Output File Names:

  • Use the -o and -e options to uniquely name your output files - either on the command line or within your job script.

  • Use %j to include the jobid, and %N to include the node name in the output file.

  • Examples:

    Slurm Moab
    #SBATCH -o /g/g11/joeuser/myjob.out
    #SBATCH -o myjob.out.%j
    #SBATCH -o myjob.out.%N
    #SBATCH -o myjob.out.%j.%N
    #MSUB -o /g/g11/joeuser/myjob.out
    #MSUB -o myjob.out.%j
    #MSUB -o myjob.out.%N
    #MSUB -o myjob.out.%j.%N
    sbatch -e /g/g11/joeuser/myjob.err jobscript
    sbatch -o $HOME/proj12/myjob.out jobscript
    sbatch -o myjob.out.%j jobscript
    msub -e /g/g11/joeuser/myjob.err jobscript
    msub -o $HOME/proj12/myjob.out jobscript
    msub -o myjob.out.%j jobscript


  • #SBATCH / #MSUB tokens in a job script do not interpret the ~ (tilde) character or $VARIABLE in file names. These will be interpreted however, by the command line sbatch and msub commands.
  • Erroneous file paths are not checked or reported upon.
Basic Functions

Determining When Your Job's Time is About to Expire

  • Determining when your job's time is about to expire is useful for cleaning up, writing checkpoint files or other data, and exiting gracefully.
  • One common way to accomplish this is to request the batch system to send your job a signal shortly before its time expires.
  • Another common way is to query/poll the batch system to determine how much time remains.

Signaling Method:

  • You can send a specific signal your job at a designated time before the job is scheduled to terminate.

  • Syntax:

  • Examples:

    Where/When Slurm Moab
    Job script
    #SBATCH --signal=1@120
    #SBATCH --signal=SIGHUP@120
    #MSUB -l signal=1@120
    #MSUB -l signal=SIGHUP@120
    Command line
    (when submitted)
    sbatch --signal=1@120 jobscript
    sbatch --signal=SIGHUP@120 jobscript
    msub -l signal=1@120 jobscript
    msub -l signal=SIGHUP@120 jobscript
    Command line
    (queued job)
    scancel --signal=1 24897
    scancel --signal=SIGHUP  24897
    mjobctl -N signal=1 24897
    mjobctl -N signal=SIGHUP  24897
  • In order to use this method, you will need to write a signal handler as part of your code.

  • You'll also need to know the valid signal numbers/names on the system you're using. These are usually included in a system header file, such as /usr/include/bits/signum.h on LC Linux systems.

  • Simple example:

    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <signal.h>

    void do_cleanup(){ printf("doing cleanup activities...\n"); }

    void user_handler(int sig){ do_cleanup(); printf("in user_handler, got signal=%d\n",sig); exit(1); }

    int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { signal(SIGHUP, user_handler); sleep(12000); }

Polling Method:

  • From within a running job, you can determine when its time will expire. This is accomplished by calling a routine from within your source code.
  • yogrt_remaining()
    • A locally developed library. Stands for "Your Only Get Remaining Time" routine.
  • slurm_get_rem_time()
    • Returns the number of seconds remaining before the expected termination time of a specified Slurm job id. See the man page for details.

More on yogrt_remaining:

  • Need to include yogrt.h

  • Need to link with -lyogrt. This may/may not be in your default LIBPATH. Currently, libyogrt is located in /usr/lib64 on LC machines. If you can't find it, try using the command: findentry yogrt_remaining.

  • See the man page for yogrt_remaining for additional information.

  • Simple example:

    #include <yogrt.h>

    main (int argc, char **argv) {

    long t; int i;

    for (i=0; i<10; i++) { t = yogrt_remaining(); printf("Remaining time= %li\n",t); sleep(5); } }

More Information:

Basic Functions

Running in Standby Mode

  • Jobs can have a Quality of Service (QOS) of:

    • normal - usual case; default
    • exempt - overrides normal policies, limits; requires LC authorization
    • expedite - highest priority, similar to exempt; requires LC authorization
    • standby - lowest priority
  • At LC, "standby" designates a quality of service (QOS) credential that permits jobs to be preempted/terminated if their resources are needed by non-standby jobs.

  • Typically employed by users who wish to take advantage of available cycles on a machine, but need to yield to other users with higher priority work. For example:

    • User A has low (or no) priority on a cluster, but wishes to take advantage of free cycles.
    • User B has higher priority for work on the cluster
    • User A submits jobs to the cluster with a QOS of standby
    • User A jobs will run to completion if User B doesn't submit jobs with a non-standby (normal) QOS
    • If User B submits jobs that need the nodes being used by User A jobs, then User A jobs will be automatically terminated, and User B jobs will acquire the needed nodes.
  • Job terminations are immediate and without a warning/signal being sent.

  • Running in standby QOS can be set upon job submission or after the job is queued, but before it actually begins to run:

    Where/When Slurm Moab
    Job script
    #SBATCH --qos=standby
    #MSUB -l qos=standby
    Command line
    (when submitted)
    sbatch --qos=standby
    msub -l qos=standby
    Command line
    (queued job)
    scontrol update job=jobid qos=standby
    mjobctl -m qos=standby jobid
Displaying Configuration and Accounting Information

What's Available?

  • Several commands can be used to display system configuration and user accounting information.

  • Most of this information is for system managers, though it can prove useful to users as well.

  • Note that some commands may not be available for all users and/or may be reserved for system managers.

  • The table below summarizes some of the more common/useful commands.

  • See the relevant man pages for details:

    Command Description
    mdiag -a
    Lists accounts
    mdiag -c
    Queue information
    mdiag -f
    Fair-share scheduler information
    mdiag -j
    mdiag -j -v
    Job information
    mdiag -n
    Node information
    mdiag -q
    Quality of service information
    mdiag -p
    mdiag -p -v
    Priority information
    mdiag -r
    Reservation information
    mdiag -u
    User information
    sacct -a
    Lists current jobs and their associated accounts
    scontrol show job
    scontrol show job jobid
    Detailed job information
    scontrol show node
    scontrol show node nodename
    Detailed node configuration information
    scontrol show partition
    scontrol show partition partitionname
    Detailed queue configuration information
    scontrol show config
    Detailed Slurm configuration information
    scontrol show version
    Display Slurm version
    sshare -l
    Displays shares, usage and fairshare information
Parallel Jobs and the srun Command

srun Command:

  • The Slurm srun command is required to launch parallel jobs - both batch and interactive.

  • It should also be used to launch serial jobs in the pdebug and other interactive queues.

  • Syntax:

    srun   [option list]   [executable]   [args]

    Note that srun options must precede your executable.

  • Interactive use example, from the login node command line. Specifies 2 nodes (-N), 16 tasks (-n) and the interactive pdebug partition (-p):

    % srun -N2 -n16 -ppdebug myexe
  • Batch use example requesting 16 nodes and 256 tasks (assumes nodes have 16 cores):



    First create a job script that requests nodes and uses srun to specify the number of tasks and launch the job:

    #SBATCH -N 16
    #SBATCH -t 2:00:00
    #SPATCH -p pbatch
    # Run info and srun job launch
    cd /p/lscratch3/joeuser/par_solve
    srun -n256 a.out
    echo 'Done'
    #MSUB -l nodes=16
    #MSUB -l walltime=2:00:00
    #MSUB -q pbatch
    # Run info and srun job launch
    cd /p/lscratch3/joeuser/par_solve
    srun -n256 a.out
    echo 'Done'

    Then submit the job script from the login node command line:

    % sbatch myjobscript
    % msub myjobscript
  • Primary differences between batch and interactive usage:

    Difference Interactive Batch
    Where used: From login node command line In batch script
    Partition: Requires specification of an interactive partition, such as pdebug with the -p flag pbatch is default
    Scheduling: If there are available interactive nodes, job will run immediately. Otherwise, it will queue up (fifo) and wait until there are enough free nodes to run it. The batch scheduler handles when to run your job regardless of the number of nodes available.
  • More Examples:

    srun -n64 -ppdebug my_app
    64 process job run interactively in pdebug partition
    srun -N64 -n512 my_threaded_app
    512 process job using 64 nodes. Assumes pbatch partition.
    srun -N4 -n16 -c4 my_threaded_app
    4 node, 16 process job with 4 cores (threads) per process. Assumes pbatch partition.
    srun -N8 my_app
    8 node job with a default value of one task per node (8 tasks). Assumes pbatch partition.
    srun -n128 -o my_app.out my_app
    128 process job that redirects stdout to file my_app.out. Assumes pbatch partition.
    srun -n32 -ppdebug -i my.inp my_app
    32 process interactive job; each process accepts input from a file called my.inp instead of stdin
  • Behavior of srun -N and -n flags - using 4 nodes in batch, each of which has 16 cores:

srun options:

  • srun is a powerful command with @100 options affecting a wide range of job parameters.
  • For example:
    • Accounting
    • Number and placement of processes/threads
    • Process/thread binding
    • Job resource requirements; dependencies
    • Mail notification options
    • Input, output options
    • Time limits
    • Checkpoint, restart options
    • and much more....
  • Some srun options may be set via @60 Slurm environment variables. For example, SLURM_NNODES behaves like the -N option.
  • See the srun man page for details.

Parallel Jobs on BG/Q Systems:

  • Similar to running on other Linux systems with some important differences beyond the scope of covering here.
  • Interested users will want to review the BG/Q Tutorial located at:

Running Multiple Jobs Simultaneously:

  • It is possible to submit a single job script that launches multiple jobs that run concurrently.
  • Typically, this is done for uncertainty quantification runs, though it can be used for anything.
  • For details, see the discussion located at:

Parallel Output:

  • It is not an uncommon occurrence that entire file systems experience "shutdown" because a user inadvertently directs output from a large parallel job to an NFS mounted file system.
  • NFS file systems include your home directory and anything named by LC that starts with /nfs
  • Please use a parallel file system for parallel I/O. Lustre parallel file systems are mounted under /p/lscratchX.
  • It's a good idea to launch parallel jobs from a parallel file system even if they aren't doing much I/O. A core dump on a parallel job can shut down a non-parallel file system easily. Core dumps are written to the directory where you launched your job.

Running on Serial Clusters

Different than Other Clusters: multi vs. single-node

  • Some of LC's clusters do not have an interconnect; they are designated as serial/single-node parallelism resources:
    • borax: OCF-CZ, 36 cores/node
    • rztrona - OCF-RZ, 36 cores/node
    • agate - SCF, 36 cores/node
  • Because of this, LC schedules jobs on these nodes very differently than the parallel clusters with interconnects:
    • Jobs are scheduled according to the number of processes/cores required - NOT the number of nodes.
    • All jobs, including parallel jobs are limited to one node - there is no internode communication.
    • If your job doesn't use all of the cores on a node, other jobs may be scheduled to run on the same node.
  • The default allocation for job scheduling is one core per job.
  • Since multiple user jobs can be scheduled on the same node, it is critical that users tell the scheduler how many cores their job actually requires.
  • Bad things can happen if you (or someone else) uses more than this without telling the scheduler:
    • More tasks than cores means jobs run longer than expected and can run out of time and be terminated prematurely
    • Memory can be exhausted and jobs die and/or the node crashes
  • Some examples of how this can happen:
    • A job that creates threads, either through OpenMP or Pthreads. Each thread uses a core. The default of 1 core will be inadequate.
    • A job that calls an application (that it doesn't own) that creates new MPI processes. Each process uses a core. The default of 1 core will be inadequate.

How to Specify the Right Number of Cores:

  • Simply include the appropriate Slurm / Moab option:

    Slurm Moab Notes
    -n #cores
    -l ttc=#cores
    Syntax: where #cores specifies the total number of cores for your job, including all spawned threads and MPI processes.
    #SBATCH -n 4
    #MSUB -l ttc=4
    In job script
    sbatch -n 4 jobscript
    msub -l ttc=4 jobscript
    From command line
  • Matching srun with your Slurm / Moab option - see the table below for examples of correct and incorrect settings. Note that the #SBATCH / #MSUB jobscript syntax is shown, but the same would also apply to the command line.

  • Note: Hyperthreading is turned on and will actually allow you to run 2X processes for the number of cores requested.

    Slurm Moab Comments
    #SBATCH -n 8
    srun -n8 a.out
    #MSUB -l ttc=8
    srun -n8 a.out
    Correct. Uses 8 processes on 8 cores.
    #SBATCH -n 4
    srun -n16 a.out
    #MSUB -l ttc=4
    srun -n16 a.out
    Incorrect. Uses more processes than 2X the requested cores.
    #SBATCH -n 4
    srun -n16 -O a.out
    #MSUB -l ttc=4
    srun -n16 -O a.out
    This will work because the -O option permits Slurm to oversubscribe (more than 2X) the requested number of cores. However, using more tasks than cores is not recommended and can degrade performance.
    srun -n4 a.out
    srun -n4 a.out
    Incorrect. The #SBATCH / #MSUB option isn't specified so the default of 1 core is less than required by the -n4 tasks specified with srun.
    #SBATCH -n 8
    srun -n2 a.out
    #MSUB -l ttc=8
    srun -n2 a.out
    This will work and might be used if each of 2 tasks spawns 4 threads. However, if the 2 tasks don't actually use all 8 cores, this would be wasteful.
    #SBATCH -n 48
    srun -n48 a.out
    #MSUB -l ttc=48
    srun -n48 a.out
    Incorrect. The #SBATCH / #MSUB option specifies more cores than are physically available (36) on agate, borax and rztrona nodes.
  • You can use the mjstat command to verify the number of cores being used for a job. Note that due to hyperthreading being turned on, it will appear as double the number of requested cores.

  • Example below (some output deleted to fit screen):

    % % mjstat

    Scheduling pool data:

    Pool Memory Cpus Total Usable Free Other Traits

    pdebug 1Mb 72 3 3 3
    pbatch* 1Mb 72 40 39 0

    Running job data:

    JobID User Procs Pool Status Used Master/Other

    1886921 aaanion1 36 pbatch PD 0:00 (Resources) 1886966 aaanion1 36 pbatch PD 0:00 (Priority) 1887122 aaanion1 36 pbatch PD 0:00 (Priority) ... 1886841 aaanion1 72 pbatch R 36:24 borax12 1887113 cahhhh 2 pbatch R 1:03:36 borax27 1887114 cahhhh 2 pbatch R 1:03:36 borax27 1887115 cahhhh 2 pbatch R 1:03:36 borax27 1887738 ooodsky3 2 pbatch R 1:00:36 borax28 1887739 ooodsky3 2 pbatch R 1:00:36 borax28 1247698 lyaeee 64 pdebug PD 0:00 (PartitionNodeLimit) 1880597 lyaeee 32 pdebug PD 0:00 (PartitionNodeLimit)

Batch Commands Summary
  • For convenience, the table below summarizes a number of useful batch system commands discussed in this tutorial.

  • Most commands have multiple options (not shown here)

  • Hyperlinked commands will take you to additional information. Most commands have man pages.

    Command Description
    canceljob Cancel a running or queued job
    checkjob Display detailed information about a single job
    mdiag -f Display usage and fair-share scheduler statistics
    mdiag -j Display running, idle and blocked jobs
    mdiag -p Display a list of queued jobs, their priority, and the primary factors used to calculate job priority
    mdiag -u Display a user's bank/account information
    mjobctl -c Cancel a running or queued job
    mjobctl -h Place a queued job on user hold
    mjobctl -m Change a job's parameters
    mjobctl -N -signal Signal a running job
    mjobctl -u Release a user held job
    mjstat Display queue summary and running jobs
    mshare Display bank/account allocations, usage statistics, and priorities
    msub Submit a job script to the batch system. Many options.
    news job.lim.machinename Display job limits and machine information
    sacct -j Display information about a running job, including multiple job steps
    sbatch Submit a job script to the batch system. Many options.
    scancel Cancel a running or queued job
    scancel --signal Signal a running job
    scontrol hold Place a queued job on user hold
    scontrol release Release a user held job
    scontrol show job Display detailed job information
    scontrol show partition Display detailed queue information
    scontrol update Change a job's parameters
    showq Display running, idle and blocked jobs
    sinfo Display a concise summary of queues and running jobs
    sprio Display a list of queued jobs, their priority, and the primary factors used to calculate job priority
    squeue Display running jobs
    sreport Report usage information for a cluster, bank, individual, date range, and more
    srun Launch a parallel job from within a job script or interactively
    sshare Display bank/account allocations, usage statistics, and fair-share information
    sview Graphically display a map of jobs, nodes they are running on, and additional detailed job information

Moab Exercise 2

More Moab Functions

  • Login to an LC workshop cluster, if you are not already logged in
  • Holding and releasing jobs
  • Canceling jobs
  • Running in standyby mode
  • Running parallel and hybrid parallel jobs
  • When will a job start?
  • Try sview

This completes the tutorial.

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