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Orden4 edited this page Mar 31, 2021 · 2 revisions

TickingBuff adds the following properties:

Name Description
IntervalLeft The time, in seconds, remaining until the next tick.
Interval The time, in seconds, between each tick.

These properties are used to invoke the custom OnTick handler every interval. If the target dies from actions performed in OnTick, OnDeath will automatically be called with killingBlow = true.

A basic example of a TickingBuff that lasts 10 seconds and ticks each second for decreasing amounts (starting at 100):

using WCSharp.Buffs;
using static War3Api.Common;

public class MyTickingBuff : TickingBuff
	public MyTickingBuff(unit caster, unit target) : base(caster, target)
		Interval = 1.0f;
		Duration = 10.0f;
		EffectString = @"Abilities\Spells\Human\FlameStrike\FlameStrikeDamageTarget.mdl";

	public override void OnTick()
		UnitDamageTarget(Caster, Target, 10 + (Duration * 10), true, false, ATTACK_TYPE_CHAOS, DAMAGE_TYPE_UNKNOWN, WEAPON_TYPE_WHOKNOWS);

Note that AutoBuff will often be easier if you're only interested in performing damage or healing on the target.

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