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Orden4 edited this page Mar 31, 2021 · 2 revisions

MomentumMissile adds the following properties:

Name Description
InitialAngle The initial angle in degrees. If left at null, will default to the angle towards the target.
Acceleration The acceleration in units per second.
MaximumSpeed The maximum speed in units per second.

The momentum missile is similar to the homing missile, but instead constantly attempts to accelerate towards the target. For example, if a unit blinks behind a momentum missile that is heading straight towards him, the missile will gradually slow down, and eventually turn to fly in the opposite direction. If the unit is fast enough/the missiles acceleration is slow enough, units can also sidestep the projectile, resulting in a similar outcome. Internally, it attempts to overcompensate its acceleration angle slightly to better adjust for changes in position by the target. This means that it will typically not accelerate/decelerate at the exact value defined by Acceleration, but makes it more reliable in tracking its target.

The below example is a missile that will explode upon either impacting the target or after 5 seconds, dealing 100 damage to all nearby units.

using WCSharp.Missiles;
using WCSharp.Util;
using static War3Api.Common;

public class Momentum : MomentumMissile
	public Momentum(unit caster, unit target) : base(caster, target)
		CasterZ = 50;
		TargetImpactZ = 50;
		Speed = 100;
		MaximumSpeed = 1000;
		Acceleration = 25;
		InitialAngle = GetRandomReal(0, 360);
		Roll = 90;
		EffectString = @"Abilities\Weapons\GlaiveMissile\GlaiveMissile.mdl";
		Interval = 5.0f;
	public override void OnImpact()

	public override void OnPeriodic()
	private void Explode()
		var group = CreateGroup();
		GroupEnumUnitsInRange(group, MissileX, MissileY, 300, null);
		foreach (var unit in group.Enumerate())
			UnitDamageTarget(Caster, unit, 100, true, false, ATTACK_TYPE_CHAOS, DAMAGE_TYPE_UNKNOWN, WEAPON_TYPE_WHOKNOWS);
		Active = false;
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