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Matt Anderson edited this page Nov 16, 2015 · 4 revisions


OpenCV is a huge open source vision library with extensive documentation and amazing support. It will be used throughout this repository.

ROS has a robust library which helps to integrate with opencv called cv_bridge. This is documented on the ros wiki. To install this package run sudo apt-get install ros-indigo-cv-bridge.

Relevant Tutorials

Main Link to all tutorials

Core Functionality Title: Mat - The Basic Image Container

Title: How to scan images, lookup tables and time measurement with OpenCV

Title: Mask operations on matrices

Title: Adding (blending) two images using OpenCV

Title: Basic Drawing

Do all of the tutorials above the line, and at least 4 of the tutorials below

Image Processing Title: Making your own linear filters!

Title: Sobel Derivatives

Title: Laplace Operator

Title: Canny Edge Detector

Title: Hough Line Transform

Title: Histogram Equalization

Title: Histogram Calculation

Title: Back Projection

Title: Template Matching

calib3d module. Camera calibration and 3D reconstruction -choose one of the two

2d Features and frameworks Title: Feature Detection

Object Detection -one video only