Semantic search service for Janelia resources using OpenAI GPT models. This repository contains tools for indexing various Janelia resources (website, wiki, Slack) into a Weaviate vector database, and a simple web-UI built with Streamlit which allows users to query the indexed data set using a ChatGPT-style interface.
This service requires Docker to be installed. To run, simply clone this repo and start the Compose deployment:
docker compose up -d
This will start both the Weaviate vector database, and the Streamlit webapp. You can then access the webapp at http://localhost:8501.
Create a virtualenv and install the dependencies:
virtualenv env
source env/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
You can run just Weaviate as follows:
docker compose up weaviate -d
You can verify that Weaviate is running by opening http://localhost:8777 in your browser.
To index data or run a search, you must have an OPENAI_API_KEY
set in your environment. You can obtain one by logging into the OpenAI web app and navigating to API keys.
In order for the search webapp to generate links back to Slack messages, you must have a SLACK_TOKEN
set in your environment. You can generate one here.
For running the Wiki download, you must have a CONFLUENCE_TOKEN
in your environment. You can create one by logging into the wiki and selecting your profile in the upper right, then selecting "Personal Access Tokens". If you are at Janelia, click here.
If you are at Janelia you can get data sources from shared storage:
mkdir ./data
cp -R /nrs/scicompsoft/rokicki/semantic-search/data ./data
If you want to download the latest data from each source:
- Confluence Wiki - run the
script to download the latest wiki pages to./data/wiki
- Slack - export data from Slack using their export tool.
- - run the web crawling spider with
scrapy runspider
Index a Slack export to the Janelia class in Weaviate:
./ -i ./data/slack/slack_export_Janelia-Software_ALL -c Janelia
Add a wiki export:
./ -i ./data/wiki -c Janelia
Add the web site:
./ -i ./data/ -c Janelia
To run the webapp in dev mode, use streamlit:
streamlit run 1_🔍 -- -w
streamlit run -- -w
You need to install a Jupyter kernel that point to the virtualenv:
python3 -m ipykernel install --user --name=env
And then select the env as the Python Interpreter for the notebook.
Build from this directory (setting a version number instead of "latest"):
docker build --no-cache . -t
Then push:
docker push
Once the upload is done, remember to update the version number in docker-compose.yaml
To rebuild the Slack bot:
docker build --no-cache . -f Dockerfile_slack -t
To build the Slackbot container for both Linux and Mac:
export VERSION=0.1.3
docker buildx build --build-arg $VERSION --platform linux/arm64,linux/amd64 --tag$VERSION -f Dockerfile_slack .
Run this in the venv:
pip3 freeze > requirements.txt
- Run search when user presses the RETURN key
- Add option to decrease
for more deterministic responses - Ways to "correct" the model over time
- Ability to remove (i.e. block) incorrect sources from the database
- Weight more recent data more highly in the search results
- SlackBot
- Additional custom prompting
- Focus answers on Janelia employees
- Redirect to HughesHub if unable to answer a question