App that notifies users when key moments in games/fight cards are about to happen. Modern sport watchers have so many sports that they follow and simply don't have the time to follow the best games live. However, these sport fans want to watch their favorite players and teams in key moments. For instnce a fight card can have numerous fights, but a fan may only want to watch certain fights. This app notifies them when their favorite fight is about to start so they can tune in, watch their favorite fights live.
Each user will have a login and that contains a unique ID and password. They will then have two arrays associated with the account. The first is a vanilla array with a list of sports that they follow. They will also have an event list. This is an array of objects. The first field in the object is the corresponding sport object that specificies the type of sport object they want to watch. The point of the first array is so that users get a list of possible events that they can follow. For instance, if users want to follow MMA then on their "Home" page they will get to choose from a list of events that they can follow. The array of objects is the events. these have the name of the event and depending on the sport different data fields.
Types of sport objects and their functionalities: There will be one only sport on offer (will add others depending on the time taken to add these and negotiations with API's to get data). The first is mixed martial arts. There are two main orginsations that users can follow - Bellator and the UFC. If users choose to follow an MMA (mixed martial arts) event then the event object with contain a list of fights (in chronological time order) with boolean values associated with those fights. The program will check when the fight before a fight that is marked as true finishes. When this is satisfied it will push a notification to the user telling the user that their fight is about to start.
Note: still trying to contact a API that is willing to work with me... Ideal API data description.
An Example User:
username: "J_SUPHA",
hash: // a password hash,
SportList: // list of Sport events to show
EventList: //list of event objects that user has subscribed to
An example of universal API object after middleware has sifted through raw API Call : Raw API can be found at What we have is a total website object that contains all of the events data that is needed. This saves us from having to call the API mulitple times because calling the API mulitple times for different accounts is expensive. Instead API is refreshed every 2 minutes and is cascaded through the accounts. Updating the accounts accordingly.
WebSiteSports: //all the sports that are needed. this will initialize the API call when react clock live passes 3 minutes
SavedEvents: //aggragtes all the saved events so that all the saved events are filtered accordingly
/list/create - login and create account page
/list - General page for all users
Site map can be accessed here.
user stories and / or use cases)
- as non-registered user, I can register a new account with the site
- as a user, I can log in to the site
- as a user, I can select which sports I am interested in
- as a user, I can view all the events that related to that sport
- as a user, I can select an event that I am interested in
- as a user, I can select which fights I am interested in and will get notifications of when that fight starts
- as a user, I can select when I want Crunchtime to notify me during a game
- (5 points) Integrate user authentication
- I'm going to be using passport for user authentication
- And account has been made for testing; I'll email you the password
- (2 points) Web-Push
- used to push notifications into fights. Implementation will be complicated have assigned 3 points
- (5 points) Fetch and API
- used to call and get data from 3rd party API
13 points total out of 8 required points
(TODO: create a skeleton Express application with a package.json, app.mjs, views folder, etc. ... and link to your initial app.mjs)
- passport.js authentication docs - (add link to source code that was based on this)
Reasearch into push notifications:
npm install -save body-parser, web-push
Need to generate VAPID keys (Voluntary Application Server ID)-
allows us to send push messages without having to setup the entire
service. VAPID keys occur in pairs - private and public.
Tried and started to inegrate is
./node_modules/.bin/wed-push generate-vapid-keys
VAPID keys in variables and use webpush.setVapidDetails()
Creating subscribe:"/subscribe",(req,res)=>{
//get push subscription object from the request
const sub = req.body
const payload = JSON.stringify({fight: currentFight});
//finally pass object into sendnotification
That is the basics of the server -
now on the client side we need three components
frontend code/client and service worker
index is the html of the payload
service worker is script run by the browser separate from the web page
in set up VAPID key convert public key to a
Uint8Array to pass into the subscribe call
Then add event listener to follow.
Problem with WEb-push was that it messed with expresss in unexpected ways
especially with high volume of web-pushes needed during fight simulation
Still trying to figure out how to use website API efficiently - don't want to accidently
use too many calls cause that will be expensive
Had huge problems with the API. Firstly axios didn't work as well as expected to I switched to fetch instead. And then the original API that I intented to use gave inaccurate data. They left cancelled Fights on the API. Had to switch to It was tough to integrate and switch. Very time consuming hence the high rating in points. Needed to understadn how to call the API correctly. Anther issue with the API key is that it refused to work as an envirnment variable. It had to be passed in as a plain string for some reason
Passport JS passport.authenticate() is middle ware which will authenticate the request. when authentication sucess the req.user property is set to the authenicated user session is established, and the next function in the stack is called.
Strategies - are responsible for authenticating requests Mechanisms define how to encode a credential, password
USERNAME/PASSWORD passport-local package
passport.use(new LocalStrategy(function verify(username, password, cb) { db.get('SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = ?', [ username ], function(err, user) { if (err) { return cb(err); } if (!user) { return cb(null, false, { message: 'Incorrect username or password.' }); }
crypto.pbkdf2(password, user.salt, 310000, 32, 'sha256', function(err, hashedPassword) {
if (err) { return cb(err); }
if (!crypto.timingSafeEqual(user.hashed_password, hashedPassword)) {
return cb(null, false, { message: 'Incorrect username or password.' });
return cb(null, user);
}); });