I am a FullStack Engineer experienced in RUST, Typescript, Java and Python. I also have experience in Database management as well as REST and GraphQL.
I am interested in the power of logic. I believe that logic ,and as an extension technology, is necessary to keeping people and entities relevant. I could say that technology has and can change the world but come on. Hasn't it already. Not so say there is nothing to more to do in tech. On the contrary - most of the major advancements people will make will be through the medium of Tech. I aim to play some part in that.
I started of wanting to do purely Finance but had a change of heart about 2-3 years ago. Once I grasped how much could be done with the tools availible I became hooked learning about it .
I love sports with some of favorites being Muay Thai and Basketball and below are my two favorite movies. MoneyBall and Imitation Game.