Disambiguate DRep being a key or a script in certificate descriptions #1007
Garnix CI / check ghc965-aarch64-unknown-linux-musl:cardano-cli:test:cardano-cli-golden [x86_64-linux]
Jan 8, 2025 in 59m 3s
Run results
Build failed
Last 100 lines of logs:
432 ┃ , transactionFile
433 ┃ ]
434 ┃
435 ┃ -- View transaction body
436 ┃ result <-
437 ┃ execCardanoCLI
438 ┃ ["debug", "transaction", "view", "--tx-file", transactionFile, "--output-yaml"]
439 ┃
440 ┃ H.diffVsGoldenFile result (golden </> "signed-transaction-view.out")
This failure can be reproduced by running:
> recheckAt (Seed 7036496165369339822 2569335025588910527) "1:" Test.Golden.TxView.hprop_golden_view_alonzo_signed_yaml
Use "--pattern '$NF ~ /golden view alonzo signed yaml/' --hedgehog-replay '1: Seed 7036496165369339822 2569335025588910527'" to reproduce from the command-line.
Use -p '/golden view alonzo signed yaml/' to rerun this test only.
golden view conway three votes: FAIL (3.11s)
✗ Test.Golden.TxView.hprop_golden_view_conway_three_votes failed at test/cardano-cli-golden/Test/Golden/TxView.hs:451:7
after 1 test.
shrink path: 1:
┏━━ test/cardano-cli-golden/Test/Golden/TxView.hs ━━━
444 ┃ hprop_golden_view_conway_three_votes :: Property
445 ┃ hprop_golden_view_conway_three_votes =
446 ┃ propertyOnce $ do
447 ┃ let golden = goldenDir </> "conway"
448 ┃ input = inputDir </> "conway"
449 ┃
450 ┃ result <-
451 ┃ execCardanoCLI
┃ │ ━━━━ command ━━━━
┃ │ /nix/store/rjghf68xsiffbsrjb9fmjl6vryl74nxl-cardano-cli-exe-cardano-cli-aarch64-unknown-linux-musl- debug transaction view --tx-file test/cardano-cli-golden/files/input/conway/tx-three-votes.json --output-json
┃ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
┃ │ ━━━ Exception (IOException) ━━━
┃ │ /nix/store/rjghf68xsiffbsrjb9fmjl6vryl74nxl-cardano-cli-exe-cardano-cli-aarch64-unknown-linux-musl- readCreateProcessWithExitCode: execvp: invalid argument (Exec format error)
452 ┃ ["debug", "transaction", "view", "--tx-file", input </> "tx-three-votes.json", "--output-json"]
453 ┃
454 ┃ H.diffVsGoldenFile result (golden </> "tx-three-votes-view.out.json")
This failure can be reproduced by running:
> recheckAt (Seed 13677775280755583824 554733431123355899) "1:" Test.Golden.TxView.hprop_golden_view_conway_three_votes
Use "--pattern '$NF ~ /golden view conway three votes/' --hedgehog-replay '1: Seed 13677775280755583824 554733431123355899'" to reproduce from the command-line.
Use -p '/golden view conway three votes/' to rerun this test only.
golden view conway proposal: FAIL (3.16s)
✗ Test.Golden.TxView.hprop_golden_view_conway_proposal failed at test/cardano-cli-golden/Test/Golden/TxView.hs:465:7
after 1 test.
shrink path: 1:
┏━━ test/cardano-cli-golden/Test/Golden/TxView.hs ━━━
458 ┃ hprop_golden_view_conway_proposal :: Property
459 ┃ hprop_golden_view_conway_proposal =
460 ┃ propertyOnce $ do
461 ┃ let golden = goldenDir </> "conway"
462 ┃ input = inputDir </> "conway"
463 ┃
464 ┃ result <-
465 ┃ execCardanoCLI
┃ │ ━━━━ command ━━━━
┃ │ /nix/store/rjghf68xsiffbsrjb9fmjl6vryl74nxl-cardano-cli-exe-cardano-cli-aarch64-unknown-linux-musl- debug transaction view --tx-file test/cardano-cli-golden/files/input/conway/tx-proposal.json --output-json
┃ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
┃ │ ━━━ Exception (IOException) ━━━
┃ │ /nix/store/rjghf68xsiffbsrjb9fmjl6vryl74nxl-cardano-cli-exe-cardano-cli-aarch64-unknown-linux-musl- readCreateProcessWithExitCode: execvp: invalid argument (Exec format error)
466 ┃ ["debug", "transaction", "view", "--tx-file", input </> "tx-proposal.json", "--output-json"]
467 ┃
468 ┃ H.diffVsGoldenFile result (golden </> "tx-proposal.out.json")
This failure can be reproduced by running:
> recheckAt (Seed 6988568634412033195 5510887690255440155) "1:" Test.Golden.TxView.hprop_golden_view_conway_proposal
Use "--pattern '$NF ~ /golden view conway proposal/' --hedgehog-replay '1: Seed 6988568634412033195 5510887690255440155'" to reproduce from the command-line.
Use -p '/golden view conway proposal/' to rerun this test only.
golden version: FAIL (2.86s)
✗ Test.Golden.Version.hprop_golden_version failed at test/cardano-cli-golden/Test/Golden/Version.hs:19:5
after 1 test.
shrink path: 1:
┏━━ test/cardano-cli-golden/Test/Golden/Version.hs ━━━
16 ┃ hprop_golden_version :: Property
17 ┃ hprop_golden_version = propertyOnce $ do
18 ┃ void $
19 ┃ execCardanoCLI
┃ │ ━━━━ command ━━━━
┃ │ /nix/store/rjghf68xsiffbsrjb9fmjl6vryl74nxl-cardano-cli-exe-cardano-cli-aarch64-unknown-linux-musl- version
┃ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
┃ │ ━━━ Exception (IOException) ━━━
┃ │ /nix/store/rjghf68xsiffbsrjb9fmjl6vryl74nxl-cardano-cli-exe-cardano-cli-aarch64-unknown-linux-musl- readCreateProcessWithExitCode: execvp: invalid argument (Exec format error)
20 ┃ [ "version"
21 ┃ ]
This failure can be reproduced by running:
> recheckAt (Seed 4823735943003552253 1698219998703514917) "1:" Test.Golden.Version.hprop_golden_version
Use "--pattern '$NF ~ /golden version/' --hedgehog-replay '1: Seed 4823735943003552253 1698219998703514917'" to reproduce from the command-line.
Use -p '/golden version/' to rerun this test only.
164 out of 232 tests failed (13.27s)