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Building an environment map using the realsence d435 camera

ITMO practice, second year robotics


This repo is a workspace with all needed packages, other dependencies you can instal via classic commands:

sudo rosdep init
rosdep update
rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src -r -y

You can run naive cartographer with:

roslaunch depth_gazebo diff_naive.launch

Also you can compare it with gmapping 'cartographer' with:

roslaunch depth_gazebo diff_gmapping.launch

Also you can compare it with google cartographer with:

roslaunch depth_gazebo diff_google.launch

You can do the same things but with omnidirectional wheeled platform, commands will be almost the same (still unstable):

roslaunch depth_gazebo omni_naive.launch
roslaunch depth_gazebo omni_gmapping.launch
roslaunch depth_gazebo omni_google.launch

Manual installation of packages & dependencies

  • Run it from your catkin workspace folder
sh src/depth_gazebo/

it provides you with

  • orb_slam2_ros that gives odom->base_link transform
  • depthimage_to_laserscan that turn poincloud without ground plane into laser scan msg format
  • realsense2_description+realsense_gazebo_plugin - obviously, for simulating d435, but i fitted real params, because in that repo was wrong FOV's and distances
  • pcl_ros - to work with pointcloud - filter it, rotating, some basic operations
  • amcl - estimate robot's localization (/amcl_pose)

You can test grid mapping in gazebo using depth_gazebo package. It provides you with omni wheel robot with depth camera on it, you can ride it throught teleop package:

rosrun teleop_twist_keyboard

Useful commands

  • don't forget to build && source it
catkin build && source ./devel/setup.bash
  • check if some topic is posting
rostopic hz /TOPIC_NAME
  • special flags for debugging big messages via rostopic echo: --noarr , --nostr
  • You can save map via cmd:
rosrun map_server map_saver --occ 90 --free 10 -f FILE_MAP_NAME map:=/map
  • See TF tree
rosrun rqt_tf_tree rqt_tf_tree


That's not 100% my code, i took some "references" from github repositories and im grateful to them:

But i don't recommend to took any parts of code from any of them - write yuor own code, becuase all mistakes and misunderstood will raise from stealing without understanding.


cartographer algorithm using prob robotics book






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