Releases: ErfanDL/ESP_OTA_Dashboard
Notice 1: Before you install the new version of the server, be sure to run this command to install the required packages:
npm install http path fs express body-parser multer express-session ws express-ws
Notice 2: Do not forget to update the ESPOTADASH arduino library. Arduino Library
- Introducing the option to Send Commands individually for each registered device directly from the WEB UI. Now, you can run specific functions within the Arduino sketch for each device.
(Be sure to install the latest version of the library, otherwise it will not work) - Arduino example sketch has been updated
Arduino sketch
#include "ESPOTADASH.h"
const char* ssid = "Your_SSID";
const char* password = "Your_WiFi_Password";
const char* hostName = "ESP Devices"; // You can modify this to your desired host name
const char* serverAddress = "http://Your_Server_IP:3000"; // Replace with your Node.js server address
unsigned long heartbeatInterval = 10000; // Modify the heartbeat interval (e.g., 10 seconds)
unsigned long registrationInterval = 30000; // Modify the registration interval (e.g., 30 seconds)
unsigned long commandCheckInterval = 10000; // Modify the commandCheck interval (e.g., 10 seconds)
unsigned long updateInterval = 10000; // Modify the Firmware check Update interval (e.g., 10 seconds)
const char* firmwareVersion = "1.0.0"; // Modify the firmware version
ESPOTADASH ota(ssid, password, hostName, serverAddress, heartbeatInterval, registrationInterval, commandCheckInterval, updateInterval, firmwareVersion);
void setup() {
void loop() {
// Implement the processReceivedCommand function here
void ESPOTADASH::processReceivedCommand(const String& command) {
if (command == "action1") {
// Perform action 1
} else if (command == "action2") {
// Perform action 2
// Add more conditions for other actions as needed.
Notice: Do not forget to update the ESPOTADASH arduino library. Arduino Library
- Improved WEB UI and Mobile View.
- Improved Firmware Update to support hostnames containing space characters by URL encoding them.
- Resolved an issue with the ESP Select menu, which previously failed to display the list of devices.
- Introduced an LED indicator for indicating the start of OTA updates (only for ESP8266 devices).
Notice 1: Before you install the new version of the server, be sure to run this command to install the required packages:
npm install http path fs express body-parser multer express-session ws
Notice 2: Do not forget to update the ESPOTADASH arduino library. Arduino Library
Fixed initiate firmware flashing message. Now ESP8266/ESP32 devices show verified message when it's received OTA Firmware by their. ( showing message under the Flash Firmware button for 5 seconds).
Added device update queue feature when devices are offline (when devices come online, they will automatically update in order).
Show the server version below the page.