KNIME nodes for retrieving data from KLIFS ( KLIFS is a structural kinase-ligand interaction database. For more information regarding KLIFS see the website and the references at the bottom.
Steps to get KLIFS nodes inside KNIME:
- Goto Help > Install new software ... menu
- Press add button
- Fill text fields with
- Select --all sites-- in work with pulldown
- Select KLIFS knime nodes
- Install software & restart (for now an "Unsigned Content" warning can popup during the installation, you can safely ignore this)
See the example workflow in examples
mvn verify
Jar has been made in plugin/target
An Eclipse update site will be made in p2/target/repository
Steps to get development environment setup based on
- Install Java 17
- Install Eclipse for RCP and RAP developers
- Configure Java 17 inside Eclipse Window > Preferences > Java > Installed JREs
- Import this repo as an Existing Maven project
- Activate target platform by going to Window > Preferences > Plug-in Development > Target Platform and check the
KNIME Analytics Platform (5.1) - nl.esciencecenter.e3dchem.knime.sstea.targetplatform/
target definition.
During import the Tycho Eclipse providers must be installed.
- Update versions in pom files with
mvn org.eclipse.tycho:tycho-versions-plugin:set-version -DnewVersion=<version>-SNAPSHOT
command. - Commit and push changes
- Create package with
mvn package
, will create update site inp2/target/repository
- Append new release to 3D-e-Chem update site
- Make clone of repo
- Append release to 3D-e-Chem update site with
mvn install<3D-e-Chem repo/updates>
- Commit and push changes in this repo and repo
- Make nodes available to 3D-e-Chem KNIME feature by following steps at
- Create a GitHub release
- Update DOI in CITATION.cff
- Generate client
wget -O openapi-generator-cli.jar
java -jar openapi-generator-cli.jar generate -i -o net.klifs.client -g java
# in knime-klifs/net.klifs.client/pom.xml change version of build-helper-maven-plugin to 3.4.0
mvn package
- Compile client
cd net.klifs.client
mvn package
- Make client jar and it's dependencies available in plugin
cp -r target/lib/* target/*jar ../nl.vu_compmedchem.klifs/lib/
- Update
files to reflect contents of lib/
- Kooistra, A. J.; Kanev, G. K.; van Linden, O. P.; Leurs, R.; de Esch, I. J.; de Graaf, C. Klifs: A Structural Kinase-Ligand Interaction Database. Nucleic Acids Res. 2016, 44, D365-371. 10.1093/nar/gkv1082
- van Linden, O. P.; Kooistra, A. J.; Leurs, R.; de Esch, I. J.; de Graaf, C. Klifs: A Knowledge-Based Structural Database to Navigate Kinase–Ligand Interaction Space. J. Med. Chem. 2013, 57, 249-277. 10.1021/jm400378w