All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. This project adheres to Semantic Versioning. Formatted as described on
- Endpoint URL changed to (includes new client)
- Requires KNIME 5.1
- Requires KNIME 4.0 #6
- Updated testflow
- Added PDB download option (test)
- Updated test settings for Mac OS X
- Updated the repository/update site
- Handling structures without IFPs by the Interaction Fingerprint Retriever node
- Time-out option (#1)
- Usual suspects for settings configuration (#2)
- Error messages handling KLIFS server
- Cleaned code
- Updated testflow
- Base URL option to specify the location the KLIFS web services (e.g. for proxy/forwarding settings)
- Updated testflows
- Type of SMILES columns from the "Ligands Overview Retriever" from StringCell to SmilesCell
- Added KNIME testflow
- Fixed handling of empty tables by the Interaction Fingerprint Retriever node
- Cleaned code based on Codacy flags
- Client is now based on okhttp/gson libraries to prevent conflicts within KNIME
- Project is linked to Codacy and Travis-CI
- When and empty input table is provided the nodes will now return an emtpy list instead of polling the KLIFS webservice.